Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1738: , The deceased Su Sheng!

And this time, the Chakra bursting out of Zhang Xiang's body was not consumed at the same level as the previous tree world. Look. Wool. Line. Chinese. Text. Net

But to a higher level, as if to absorb the power of Chakra in his body.

It was just a moment, the Chakra in his body was already consumed.

You know, the Chakra in his body is taller than Yao.

But at the next moment, a Hell that only Zhang Xiang could see, and others could not see, but could feel it, suddenly emerged from behind him.

It was a Hades who was about a hundred meters high and filled with a strange feeling.

"Could he really do these things?" Reimu's face showed a shocked look.

"No, it should be impossible. Didn't he just say the premise? It is to have a healthy and intact body. The humans and monsters that have just died are all covered in bruises!" Hui Ye's face revealed. With an expression of disbelief, he cast his gaze on the corpses that were raised by the trunk in the distance.

But what shocked her was that as far as she could see, all the corpses that were supposed to be tattered, but at the same time that the trunk that rolled them up gave out a burst of green light, the body began to recover quickly. come.

Even the heart and blood circulation have restarted, and only the out-of-body soul has not returned.

"This, when did he do it?" A shocked expression appeared on Hui Ye's face.

At the same time, Yakumo Zi and Yakuchi Eirin sighed after looking at each other.

"This is when he is talking to us, he is already done." Bayi Yonglin looked at Zhang Xiang with a slightly complicated look.

Zhang Xiang used the methods again and again, which really shocked her again and again!

Every time she felt that this was the limit of Zhang Xiang, Zhang Xiang would come up with another method. Look. Yarn, Chinese website

Moreover, each of them was enough to shock her.

"Okay, so powerful!" Hui Ye's eyes were shocked.

However, Zhang Xiang's consumption was not as huge as they thought.

After the success of the Arrival of the Tree Realm, since he only needs to pay a little chakra to allow the Arrival of the Tree Realm to maintain the growth of absorbing natural energy, he did not spend it with half of Gensokyo in their imagination. , The power of repairing the corpses of humans and monsters calculated in tens of thousands is so great.

Otherwise, even Zhang Xiang's current Chakra is not enough.

And it was at this moment that Zhang Xiang finally repaired the last corpse that died.

"Resurrection, all the dead who died innocently because of this battle!" Zhang Xiang's reincarnation eyes suddenly widened, and the nine Gouyu in his pupils continued to spin.

At the same time, the Yan Wang who appeared behind Zhang Xiang, and if he uttered a roar that ordinary people could not hear.

It opened its mouth greatly, and spit out a huge amount of soul from its mouth.

As the saying goes, hundreds of people, thousands of people, thousands of people, into a sea, boundless!

There are tens of thousands of souls, even if the souls are relatively small compared to humans, it is enough to evolve an ocean of souls like a heavenly river.

Of course, after this soul Tianhe hits for a certain distance, it will spread out and hit his own body.

However, at the same time, a crazy force began to swallow Zhang Xiang's vitality.

Although every time a human being resurrected, or a monster, he just consumes a negligible life force.

However, the combined vitality of tens of thousands of humans and monsters is already enough to absorb all the vitality in his body.

However, after seeing Nagado in Hokage's life exhaustion due to this trick, he had already figured out a countermeasure.

Remember the dragon soul he brought out from the small world?

The purpose of his coming out with the dragon soul was not to frighten people, but as a substitute for this situation.

"Now, it's time for you to pay for your guilt!" Zhang Xiang whispered.

At the same time, under Zhang Xiang's feet, a tall tree emerged from the ground, lifting him from below the ground into the air.

From that big tree, countless branches began to spread, climbed to the dragon soul not far away, and began to absorb its soul and vitality.

Don't think that the dragon souls of the Dragon God are all composed of souls.

In fact, the dragon soul of the Dragon God can have such a solid body because its vitality is filled to the extreme, and it is fed back from the body to the soul, so that its soul becomes so solid.

Otherwise, wouldn't the human soul after death be the same as before, instead of an illusory state that can be seen at a glance?

And while the dragon soul continued to diminish, an extremely abundant life spirit and essence of the soul power also submerged into Zhang Xiang's body, supplying his body to recover, and allowing his soul to absorb it.

That kind of feeling is really countless times more refreshing than XI poison.

However, Zhang Xiang did not finish absorbing the entire dragon soul.

But after the Hades released the souls of humans and monsters, he stopped absorbing.

After all, if you indulge in that kind of pleasure, you will absorb too much, and may even cause you to be "struck" to death because of too much absorption.

"Solve!" Zhang Xiang made a seal on both hands and unlocked the two ninjutsu at the same time.

At the same time, with the disappearance of the Hades, the branch slowly put the repaired corpse on the ground.

Those ‘corpses’ placed on the ground had their eyelashes trembling slightly, and the eyeballs under their eyelids turned.

Then, amidst a groan, he stood up while covering the injured place.

Then, after they were confused and wondering why their wounds were missing, and how they didn't die, they began to cheer.

Half of Gensokyo was plunged into joy, celebrating the rest of his life.

And looking at the scene where the forest has been re-covered, neither humans nor monsters have lost, the Yakumo Zi and others floating in the air really feel a sense of time and space shift.

It makes them feel as if nothing has happened, everything is an illusion.

But the dragon soul, who was floating behind Zhang Xiang, was just a little smaller and insignificant, but it reminded them that this is in reality, and everything is not fake.

But anyway, everything is over.

Gensokyo, it's already raining and clearing...!

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