Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1739: , Penglai medicine!

Two hours later, inside the eternal pavilion that collapsed one third. Look at ‘hair, thread, Chinese, text, net

Zhang Xiang and Bayi Yonglin sat on each side of the table separately.

But at this moment, the sliding door of the room was suddenly opened, and a girl with long bunny ears walked in.

She was holding the tray in both hands, and she was smiling.

"Master, tea and snacks are already ready." Ling Xian said while squatting down on his side, placing the plate he held with both hands on the table.

On the plate is black tea, there are two more...cakes?

Zhang Xiang was a little surprised when he saw cakes appearing on the plate on the first day.

However, after Hachii Eirin explained that Gensokyo is not closed, all kinds of people will come in every once in a while and bring things from outside, and then let Gensokyo hang another trend.

Zhang Xiang already understands that, even if he sees pistols, machine guns, etc., he doesn't need to be surprised.

Fortunately, there is no such thing as ruining the Three Views in Gensokyo. (Next, enter tongue twister mode)

And I heard that in Gensokyo, there are no pistols and machine guns.

It's just that no new outsiders have entered Gensokyo recently.

And there is no reason for outsiders to enter Gensokyo, but it is rumored to be related to the game where a certain big monster gets tired of bringing outsiders from the outside ‘carelessly’.

In addition, whether people outside want to come in, or people inside want to go out, they all have to pass through the great barrier that covers the entire Gensokyo. Look at ‘hair, thread, Chinese, text, net

And most of the control of this enchantment is in the hands of Hakuri Miko, and the other part is in the hands of Yakumozi.

Therefore, it is self-evident whether that rumor is true or not.

Okay, let's turn the topic back to the main topic.

After Ling Xian put the contents of the plate on the table, she withdrew.

And the topic is finally talking about the key point.

"This is what we agreed upon." Bayi Yonglin stretched out her hand from under the table, not knowing where she took it out, and placed the two bottles on the table.

"Two?" Zhang Xiang was slightly surprised, and looked at each other with some doubts.

"Yes, two. I don't know how far things will develop. Even the Dragon God has also shot. Moreover, in the fight, you not only completed the transaction content to stop Yakumo Zi, even You stopped Kazami Yuka. Then, the transaction is undoubtedly overcompleted. And I, as a person, have always been unwilling to owe others something. Therefore, other medicines are used as compensation." With a smile on his face, he pushed the medicine bottle on the table in front of Zhang Xiang.

"Oh, is that so?" Zhang Xiang's face also showed a sudden expression.

However, his expression was mostly pretended.

Because Zhang Xiang only believed in less than 20% of the other party's words to compensate for himself.

He would never forget that she had threatened himself when he was fighting before.

If it weren't for him to show such a strong strength, then even if he was seriously injured, whether there will be additional compensation, it is still unknown.

However, he also knew.

If you want to get more things, you can only show more value.

Therefore, it doesn't matter if he doesn't get extra compensation.

Of course, if the other party really didn't say anything, then the impression that the other party gave him will undoubtedly drop by a level.

"Thank you, then!" Zhang Xiang thanked the other side as he took the two bottles.

However, after taking over.

Zhang Xiang discovered that the words written on the two bottles were from the capital of the moon.

He...he doesn't recognize any of them.

And as if seeing Zhang Xiang's embarrassment, Bayi Yonglin also spoke.

"The bottle on the left in your hand contains the life-prolonging medicine you want. According to the strength of that medicine, even humans or animals on the verge of death can eat without worrying about being supported by the medicine. It takes about twenty years to explode the body. As for the bottle on your right, there is not much Penglai medicine left." Bayi Yonglin smiled and introduced Zhang Xiang to her gift Two medicines out.

When talking about the Penglai medicine behind, her tone remained unchanged, as if she was talking about something like cold medicine.

However, the other party did not react at all, but Zhang Xiang was slightly surprised.

Because, he didn't expect that the other party would take out Penglai medicine, an obviously contraindicated medicine.

However, although Zhang Xiang was surprised, he had not yet reached the point of shock.

Because, if it is only about being immortal, he now, no, it should be said that he has already achieved it.

However, he also deeply knew that apart from the few immortal existences in this world, no one would be immortal.

The reason for not dying now is just because the length of time is not long enough.

For some monsters like Yakumo Zi, who have lived for thousands or tens of thousands of years, one year or ten years is just a blink of an eye.

However, in the eyes of those immortals, Hundred Million Years and even Yu Huiyuan were just a blink of an eye.

Because they have witnessed the existence of various universes from birth to extinction since the birth of the multidimensional universe to the present.

It can be said that their existence is a kind of rule.

It's just a thoughtful rule!

The'he' in that life had survived the existence of the age calculated in the unit of guild yuan, but in the end he did not fall on the path of immortality, and finally ended up with such a trace of remnants who survived the catastrophe. Transformed into Zhang Xiang's past life, and this life?

However, it is precisely because of this.

He was just a little curious, what is it that makes ordinary people not old and dead.

"Penglai medicine, is it a medicine that can make people immortal and immortal in the legend?" Zhang Xiang asked knowingly.

While talking, he opened the lid of the bottle on his right and sniffed slightly.

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