Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1758: , Sister’s gift

And just after getting these things done, Zhang Xiang headed towards the school.

Although his time has come to the sophomore year, the courses have been reduced by a certain amount, but there are still a lot of classes to attend.

And the courses in class are about that.

After about two hours of classes, Zhang Xiang was already on his way home.

However, just when he was walking on a relatively remote campus road.

He suddenly felt something was wrong, as if someone was following behind.

However, when he turned his head and looked over, there was no one.

"Strange, is it an illusion?" Zhang Xiang muttered to himself somewhat curiously.

Then, he continued to walk.

Then, before his voice had lasted for long, Zhang Xiang turned his head again.

This time, he finally caught that figure.

However, the object of this figure was far beyond his expectations.

"Senior Sister Laixiang, why are you following me?" Zhang Xiang looked at the back with a little bit of laughter and tears. Lai was holding a branch covered with green leaves and hiding his figure behind a big tree. Xiang-senpai.

Well, hiding is hiding.

But, has anyone ever seen a big tree about ten meters high with branches growing in the lower part?

Anyone who sees this scene will feel that something is wrong.

Not to mention, Zhang Xiang's eyesight is still so strong. See 1 Mao 2 Line 3 Chinese Net

If he really can't find something wrong, then he can really die.

But after being broken by Zhang Xiang, Senior Sister Laixiang still didn't come out, and continued to hide behind the big tree like a real branch.

It wasn't until Zhang Xiang walked over with a bit of laughter and laughter and pulled Laixiang-senpai's body from behind the big tree, the other party started to make a noise.

"Mrs. shouldn't be able to find me, right?" Senior Sister Laixiang asked Zhang Xiang back seriously.

"But, I have already seen you. Not to mention, have you ever seen the branches grow under the trunk?" Zhang Xiang said helplessly to Senior Sister Laixiang.

"However, you should pretend that you can't see me, so disappointed, Yutai." Senior Sister Laixiang said flatly to Zhang Xiang in plain and straightforward words.

If it weren't for the slight disappointment that looked at Senior Sister Laixiang's face, and he was already used to Senior Sister Laixiang's not good at expression changes.

Then, he really wanted to doubt whether Senior Sister Laixiang was playing tricks on himself.

"Okay, let's not talk about this matter. So, Senior Sister Laixiang, what are you doing behind me? Is there something, can't you just come up?" Zhang Xiang asked curiously.

"This is for research, and Youtai is the research object" Laixiang-senpai said in a flat voice, looking at Zhang Xiang.

"Research?" Zhang Xiang suddenly seemed puzzled by some of his second-year-old monks.

"Yes, study, study what kind of creature Yuta is," Laixiang-senpai said in a flat voice, and a look of curiosity appeared in those burgundy eyes.

Of course, just like the previous one, the hint of curiosity is really small.

If Zhang Xiang hadn't been familiar with the other's expression, he would have been unable to capture it.

At this moment, Zhang Xiang finally remembered what the club that Senior Sister Laixiang had joined.

Laixiang-senpai, and the association he joined is called Lulu Research Society.

But the so-called Road Observation and Research Society is not really what it means to study roads and the like.

The things studied by the Observation and Research Society on the road are people.

But don't think about it, it's not doing something like biochemical transformation, or some research on harmony.

Its main activity is to do pranks, and then hide nearby to watch the reactions of others.

That's right, what a society with such a big name does is to do pranks...

The prank, in Laixiang-senpai's dictionary, obviously included the word trailing.

Therefore, everything is already clear.

The reason why Sister Laixiang wants to follow Zhang Xiang is for club activities.

And listening to Senior Sister Laixiang's words, Zhang Xiang suddenly became a little speechless.

"Well... But if you want to study me, you can ask me directly." Zhang Xiang said silently.

"That's not good, I can't observe the truest Yuta. Moreover, I still have important things today." Senior Sister Raixiang shook her head slightly.

However, when she said later, the voice of her words was a little quieter.

"What?" Zhang Xiang turned his head in some doubt.

But at the next moment, Zhang Xiang was blocked by a packing box.

"This is?" Zhang Xiang asked with some confusion.

"Gift!" Laixiang-senpai said blankly.

"Gift? A gift for me?" Zhang Xiang pointed to himself and said.

However, Laixiang-senpai's words are still the same as before, which makes people feel unexpected.

"No, this is not only a gift for you, but also a gift for Xiaoxiao and the others." Senior Sister Laixiang said flatly, pushing the gift box in front of Zhang Xiang.

And listening to Senior Sister Laixiang's words, although Zhang Xiang was inexplicably lost, he still took it.

After all, he had considered this situation.

"Can you open it?" Zhang Xiang pointed to the gift box in his hand and said.

"Yes." Senior Sister Lai Xiang nodded.

Then, Zhang Xiang started to unpack the box halfway.

"Ah, not bad, did you make it yourself? Liquor chocolate?" Zhang Xiang exclaimed.

Because ordinary people want to make bonbon chocolate, but it's a very difficult thing.

The skills required are not generally high.

"Well, try it!" Senior Sister Laixiang looked at Zhang Xiang with expectant eyes.

"Eat now?" Zhang Xiang was slightly surprised.

"Well, then, we can improve." Senior Sister Laixiang nodded and said.

And Zhang Xiang also understood that Senior Sister Laixiang seemed to be making improvements based on Zhang Xiang's judgment.

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