Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1759: , Live news!

And listening to Laixiang-senpai's undisguised words, Zhang Xiang also stretched out his right hand helplessly, picked up a bonbon chocolate, and put it in his mouth. See 1 Mao 2 Line 3 Chinese Net

As soon as the bonbon chocolate entered the mouth, it immediately melted.

There was a sweet smell in the slight astringency, and the nose burst up in a moment, and then the wine heart wrapped in the melted chocolate flowed out, making Zhang Xiang feel a different kind of feeling.

"Well, yes, very good." Zhang Xiang nodded in agreement.

Because the taste of this bonbon chocolate is comparable to the chocolate made by some pastry chefs that he has tasted.

With her cleverness, she must have gone through a lot of practice if she wanted to do this.

At least, if you want the chocolate to melt in your mouth, you must be able to control the temperature required for the initial setting as you wish.

An extra portion of temperature won't work, and one minute less will have no such effect.

And this kind of temperature, usually cannot be calculated by a thermometer, but by the feeling.

Because the melting point and condensation point of different chocolates are different.

To do this is by no means easy.

However, although it is delicious, this chocolate has a big disadvantage.

That is……

"Laixiang-senpai, the chocolate you made is delicious, but you forgot a very important point. Xiaohina and the others, even the biggest Xiaokong, can't drink. So, wine heart Chocolate is not suitable for them. Ordinary chocolates are better. Look. Wool, Chinese website." Zhang Xiang offered his opinion to Laixiang-senpai.

And listening to Zhang Xiang's words, Laixiang-senpai's face also showed an expression of'sudden realization'.

Okay, it suddenly dawned on Zhang Xiangnao to make up this word.

Laixiang-senpai's reaction was very simple, she responded with one: ‘oh’.

"Then, let You Taijun eat these chocolates." Senior Sister Laixiang pushed the whole box of bonbon chocolates into Zhang Xiang's arms.

"Give it all to me?" Zhang Xiang was a little surprised.

However, Senior Sister Laixiang didn't give Zhang Xiang the opportunity to continue inquiring.

"I'm leaving, I'm going to class." Senior Sister Laixiang walked away from Zhang Xiang with a reason that was not a reason, and there was no reason for Zhang Xiang to stay behind.

However, what makes Zhang Xiang feel strange is.

"Huh? No, isn't Senior Sister Laixiang supposed to be studying in the third year of university at the campus close to Ikebukuro? Why are there still classes here?" Zhang Xiang's monks were confused and looked at Lai. Xiang-senpai's figure disappeared on the path.

But when he couldn't understand it, Zhang Xiang didn't continue thinking about it, but continued on his way home.

However, what he didn't see was.

After Senior Sister Laixiang turned the corner and stepped out of Zhang Xiang's sight, Senior Sister Laixiang stopped suddenly and put her hands on her chest.

"Is this the feeling of being in love?" Laixiang-senpai's face showed a blush, and a dazed look appeared in her eyes.

Then, she...suddenly took out her notebook.

"Well, the feeling of being in love is like this...then, let's record it!" Laixiang-senpai said in a flat voice, and while she said it, she recorded it in her notebook.

However, what she didn't notice was.

While she was recording these things, a happy smile appeared quietly at the corner of her mouth.

If Zhang Xiang were here, then he would have gone home smoothly, took the camera back, and recorded this rare scene.

Because, since Zhang Xiang and Laixiang-senpai met, the number of times that each other laughed can basically be counted with one palm.

However, the strange things that Zhang Xiang encountered today are more than just these.

Just as he was riding the tram on the way home, news suddenly appeared on the on-board TV.

"Hello everyone, I am a special correspondent of BBC TV. I will broadcast this urgent special news for you. As you have often heard recently, within the Tokyo area, people often encounter Rumors of monsters. However, these monsters actually appeared in our vision today."

"Just at 5 o'clock this afternoon, three minutes ago, someone suddenly called the police to see a monster on top of the Tokyo Tower and attacked humans. Then, another monster appeared and stalemate with it. Woke up, causing a great chaos. And later on, another unknown monster, together with the second monster, launched an attack on the first monster. Just like what everyone sees on TV now ..."

The male anchor who was not afraid of death stretched out his right hand and pointed in the direction of Tokyo Tower.

At the same time, the photographer is also manipulating the camera at the same time, magnifying the scene above the Tokyo Tower.

On the TV, we can vaguely see three monsters appearing on the screen.

Those were a huge yellow dinosaur with blue stripes, a big flame-billed bird soaring in the sky, and another floating in the air, burning blue flames all over, suddenly surrounded by chains. Humanoid monster.

And the two beast-shaped monsters were besieging the human-shaped monster.

But at this moment, the situation suddenly changed.

"Oh my God, what's that? A cactus-like monster?" The male reporter showed a shocked expression on his face, and the camera simultaneously captured the monster that looked like a cactus magnified several times.

Looking at these on the screen, Zhang Xiang couldn't help but narrowed his eyes slightly.

‘How come these monsters look like the monster I just defeated this morning? Could it be that they are also what kind of data life...? This thought flashed through Zhang Xiang's heart.

"However, how did these data lives appear in the real world?" Zhang Xiang whispered.

However, just as Zhang Xiang whispered, something new appeared in Tokyo Tower.

The two beast-type and the other plant-type monster were defeated in an instant.

Even the top of Tokyo Tower interrupted one of the supporting columns, and the top of Tokyo Tower was leaning to one side.

But at this moment, another monster with flapping wings appeared and caught the top of the Tokyo Tower that was about to collapse.

"Wh, what? This new monster actually supported the top of the Tokyo Tower to prevent it from falling down. Is it a monster on the human side?" The male reporter exclaimed again. stand up.

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