Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1760: ,Digimon!

Next, in the excited voice of the male reporter. Look. Wool. Line. Chinese. Text. Net

The three beast-shaped monsters were suddenly defeated by the human-shaped monster.

And, in the next moment, the humanoid monster stared at the monster that was standing against the upper part of the Tokyo Tower, similar to a beetle.

However, after seeing this point.

Zhang Xiang frowned suddenly.

‘No way, there are too many monsters appearing, I have to investigate what happened! Zhang Xiang thought secretly.

But at the next moment, there was a wave of illusion skills permeating his body, hypnotizing everyone around him.

Then, in the next instant, his body suddenly disappeared.

Appearing in the same place, only the shadow clone that he quickly cloned was left.

It goes without saying that only the place where his figure appeared.

You know, he just visited the Tokyo area in the morning!

Because he encountered the mud monster in the middle of the journey, he subconsciously performed a flying thunder **** technique in the Tokyo area.

And that place is not far from the Tokyo Tower, only a mere 1,000 meters away.

In Zhang Xiang's situation for an instant, he appeared in the center of the battle.

Of course, he appeared in the battle center, but he changed an image.

Because of the use of special magical illusions, unless it is observed with the naked eye, as long as it is taken with any machine, even the photo will appear blurred and full of black mist.

However, the place he chose to appear was not quite right.

At the moment he appeared, the monster that resembled a dinosaur had already changed. The right forelimb became more than mechanical, and even the chest and part of the head became metallic. Of it. Look at ‘hair, thread, Chinese, text, net

And behind it, a pair of metal wings grew out.

At the moment Zhang Xiang appeared, the other party was shooting the chain of his right hand as a medium, pulling down the humanoid monster floating in the air and filled with blue flames.

At the same time, on its chest, a missile launch shell popped up.

"Giga Destroyer!" The roaring voice roared from the monster that looked like a mechanical Tyrannosaurus.

At the same time, two missiles with the head of a shark and the power of a million-ton nuclear bomb were launched from the missile launch shell on its chest.

And another humanoid monster roared at the same time.

"Heavy Metal Fire (HeavyMetalFireヘヴィメタルファイアー)!"

A blue flame bomb full of a person hugged, spit out from its metal mouth, and attacked Zhang Xiang who was standing in the middle.

Suddenly, there are two nuclear warheads with the power of nuclear bombs on one side, and on the other side are enough to melt any steel in an instant. The existence of it has already caused the temperature around Tokyo Railway to rise by tens of degrees, and its core temperature is tens of thousands. The degree of blue flame bombs all attacked Zhang Xiang.

That’s why Zhang Xiang’s position is not quite right.

Because the place where he appeared was exactly at the center of the two parties' attacks.

However, there was no fear on his face.

As far as I can go, Zhang Xiang used his eyes to look at the funny toy and looked at the two attacks that came towards him.

"It's incredible...The data can be realized to this level, with power comparable to real objects..." Zhang Xiang whispered.

At the same time, he stretched out his right hand and held the dark cross long sword'Shadow Demon Blade' which he had carried on his back for some unknown time.

However, at this moment, someone yelled to Zhang Xiang.

"Be careful!"

"Get out of the way!"


But there was a boy with windshield glasses on his forehead, and another girl was yelling at Zhang Xiang anxiously. As for the other girl, she didn't dare to look anymore. She blocked her hands in front of her and squatted down. Screamed.

And looking at them, the pitch-black "Shadow Demon Blade" Zhang Xiang had planned to pull out was temporarily slowed down.

"Even if you are lucky!" Zhang Xiang looked at the two monsters attacking him.

In the next instant, the'Shadow Demon Blade' held by Zhang Xiang's right hand was already unsheathed.

It was just a blink of an eye, and everyone could only see Zhang Xiang pulling out the'Shadow Demon Blade' a little bit in the retina of the crowd, and then put it back.

However, just in the next moment.

Whether it was the two nuclear warheads with the power of a nuclear bomb that flew in front of Zhang Xiang, or the heavy metal flame bomb that was hugged by one person, they were all divided into several pieces in an instant, then divided into dozens of pieces, and finally even exploded. If it doesn't come out, it directly becomes the data link and disappears.

This was in the past, but it has never happened.

"How, how could this be..."

"It didn't even explode!!!"

"Yeah, how could the skills sent out become the data link and disappear!"

"This, this is not scientific..."

Taichi Iori, Mimi Tachikawa, Suna Takenouchi, and Izumi Mitsukoro who was sitting on top of the Bidomon, all opened their mouths with disbelief.

However, what they don't know is.

The reason why they haven't seen the skill directly cut into data is just because they have not attacked the data core that builds this skill.

Yes, the data core.

In Zhang Xiang's eyes, the skills launched by the opponent are nothing more than superpowers or magical things. They are all constructed through a fixed model, and they are just something that bursts out by instilling power.

This kind of energy attacked by a fixed model, with his strength, as long as he can see where the core is.

In particular, he had encountered a similar monster attack before, and he had a similar silver USB flash drive to give him reference data, which allowed him to analyze more things.

Therefore, he was able to chop the opponent's skills into raw power with a knife.

Needless to say what the original power of the opponent's skills is.

The original power of a monster made up of data is naturally data.

Therefore, it is not unacceptable that the opponent's skills are chopped into data links.

However, Zhang Xiang's attack was far more than that!

Just as the "Shadow Demon Blade" in his hand was sheathed, and the attack in front of him turned into a data chain, the mechanical Tyrannosaurus monsters that were tens of meters away from Zhang Xiang and the humanoid flame chain monsters were all in Several slashes appeared on his body in an instant.

Then, in the case of a large amount of data overflow, the degradation began separately.

In the midair, they turned into a small yellow dinosaur, and a humanoid monster with yellow flames all over it...

In short, just ask for everything...

If the monthly ticket is nine, you can re-enter the list... However, it is probably unlikely...

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