Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1762: , Digimon World!

At the moment when Zhang Xiang's voice fell, his mental power turned into an invisible existence, and instantly entered the other's mental ocean through the other's eyes.

And, in the next moment.

He broke through the self-defense system in the opponent's brain and came to the opponent's memory area in the time when the opponent did not even resist.

Then, his mental power began to receive the huge data of the other party since its birth.

What Zhang Xiang did not expect was that the memory data in the opponent's brain was very much.

However, this level of data torrent has no effect on Zhang Xiang.

He began to quickly browse the other side's memory like watching a movie that had doubled hundreds of times, or even thousands of times the speed.

Of course, because of the huge amount of data, he adopted the method of shielding all useless memories.

In an instant, the speed at which he rummaged through the memory of the other party increased more than ten times.

And, after two seconds, he successfully found what he was looking for.

"Digimon World...the chosen child...Agumon...Tyrannosaurus...Garurumon...Dark Gear...Dark Digimon...Wrong Evolution...Little Evil Monster...Old Man Gennai... …Back to reality... Mud Beast... Mechanical Tyrannosaurus Beast... Death Flame Beast... and now Flame Beast?"

"Vampire Monster... Badge... The eighth child... Offensive reality..."

Zhang Xiang was reading the memory of Agu Beast and Flame Beast separately, and read the information he had obtained.

"That's it. Some time ago, strange weather conditions appeared all over the world. Is it because the Digimon world and the real world overlap? However, what is the origin of the Digimon world? Is it natural, or the silver U? Where did the plate originate?" Zhang Xiang touched his chin, thinking silently. See 1 Yarn 3 Chinese Net

But helplessly, the information he got was not sound, and it was almost impossible to analyze something.

Therefore, in the next moment, he gave up and continued thinking.

What he wanted to care about now was the information he got in the mind of the Flame Beast, the former Death Flame Beast.

That is, the dark forces in the Digimon world have already spread to the real world, and they are also planning to launch a major counterattack against the real world, with the intention to control the real world.

However, Zhang Xiang was really speechless when faced with this thought of the other party.

Because he deeply knew that this idea of ​​the other party could not be successful.

Not to mention, the existence of Digimon World is made up of data.

Their existence, like a mirrored flower, or a shadow of the real world, even if they come to reality, they cannot cause much damage to reality.

At best, it's just launching an attack on the place where reality and illusion overlap, and then gradually devouring the real world.

In other words, the hidden existence in the real world is fine.

Not to mention that one thought, can evolve many parallel worlds, which is countless times more powerful than the illusory world of Digimon.

Not to mention, the spring **** who can destroy a world and reopen the world with a single thought.

That is to say, those other hidden powers that he vaguely knew were good, the one that came out was not the existence of the vampire beast that was attacking.

Unless it is Digimon World that is fully attacking real time, don't want to have a chance to succeed.

And, just like what I said before.

After all, the illusion is only illusion, even if it can come to the real world and transform into a real state.

But you must know that the laws of different worlds are different.

Even in the Digimon world and the real world, it can be regarded as a reality and a shadowy existence.

But adapting to different laws is not a joke.

Don’t talk about anything else, that is, Zhang Xiang blocked it before. In Agumon’s mind, it is comparable to a nuclear bomb attack, and the Death Flame Beast’s memory is comparable to the internal temperature of the sun. All right.

In Zhang Xiang's perception, the opponent's attack was completely different from the power in their memory.

In Zhang Xiang's feelings, the two missiles launched by the Tyrannosaurus mechanically claimed to have the power of nuclear bombs, but they were just equivalent to the power of ordinary missiles.

And the death flame bomb, which claims to have a high temperature of tens of thousands of degrees, is only a few thousand degrees.

Moreover, the scope of influence has also been reduced to a radius of tens of meters.

If there is a high temperature of thousands of degrees, if it presents a flame state, the range of influence is at least tens of meters.

However, even so good.

If the opponent's attack is aimed at the army or even ordinary people, the threat will be greatly increased, and it is not surprising that it will cause tragic casualties.

Therefore, after Zhang Xiang knew about this, he settled down.

If possible, swept the opponent at once.

It would be no good if the opponent's attack on the real world hurts the people he cares about.

At the moment he made up his mind, Zhang Xiang's right hand squeezed suddenly.

Accompanied by a ‘click’, the flame beast’s body suddenly shattered, turned into pure data and disappeared in place.

As for the Yagumon, Zhang Xiang casually threw it forward, and threw it beside the children in the upper half of the Tokyo Railway.

"Next, let's explore the whole Tokyo!" Zhang Xiang whispered.

At the same time, a silver light flashed in his eyes.

A spirit wave that could be called horror instantly swept the entire Tokyo city centered on Zhang Xiang.

Katsushika District, Edogawa District, Itabashi District, Shibuya District, Shinjuku District... the entire 23 areas of Tokyo area were swept away by Zhang Xiang.

Countless existences hidden in the dark felt this terrifying spiritual fluctuation in horror, sweeping across Tokyo, even Hachioji and Ikebukuro, as well as some surrounding cities.

Even the city of Kobe was swept over, and a few hidden magicians were shocked.

"Does the realm of gods exist?" An extremely thin, but hideous old man, a look of greed flashed across his face.

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