Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1763: , Little evil beast!

"Not found?" Zhang Xiang frowned slightly. See 1 Mao 2 Line 3 Chinese Net

Because, although he had already used his mental power to scan about one-third of the neon, he still couldn't find the trace of the other party.

This means that the other party is either hidden deeply or not within Zhang Xiang's scanning range.

However, Zhang Xiang did not perform another enlarged scan.

After all, during the scan just now, he was already shocked by many hidden existences in the dark.

If you scan it again, I'm afraid it will cause a lot of problems.

Although it has no effect on him, it is not good to excessively affect public safety, right?

However, although he did not find the culprit of Vampire Beast.

However, he unexpectedly found another Digimon in Agumon's mind, very profound, belonging to the blood-sucking monster.

——Little evil monster.

"Hope, you can find the vampire beast through it!" Zhang Xiang whispered.

But at the next moment, his mental power locked in the place where the little evil beast was, activated an instant movement and disappeared in place.

When he appeared again, he was already in a small alley in Shibuya district.

This is a slightly messy alley, and there is still overflowing garbage beside the trash can not far away. It seems that it has not been processed for a long time.

And just in front of this small alley, is a Digimon with a pair of bat wings, a spherical body, black feathers on the upper body, and a pair of Digimon with claws similar to an eagle on the lower body. Look. Yarn, Chinese website

"Little evil demon?" Zhang Xiang said directly.

At the same time, the little evil beast seemed to be frightened. The whole body suddenly ducked to the side of the trash can, and then turned to look towards Zhang Xiang's direction.

However, at the next moment.

The fright on its face had completely disappeared, and it was replaced by a look of disdain.

"What? It turned out to be a mere human!" The Little Evil Beast spit on one side with some disdain, staring at Zhang Xiang carelessly.

"Oh, in your eyes, I'm just a human being? You are just a grown-up little evil monster!" Zhang Xiang's mouth showed a sneer.

However, listening to Zhang Xiang's sneer, the little evil monster started to laugh.

Then, a fierce flash suddenly flashed across its face.

"Little evil demon beast, can you also call it? Call me the little evil demon master, little devil dart!" The little evil demon flapped its wings one by one, but three flew out of it. The large syringe came and pierced towards Zhang Xiang's body.

If ordinary people are stabbed, and if the internal organs are still vital, then people will die in pain in a while!

However, to Zhang Xiang, such an attack is nothing less than a tickle offensive.

However, Zhang Xiang was deeply offended by the other party's move to kill if he didn't agree.

And a growing Digimon, even if facing the attack of a Digimon, Zhang Xiang, who is completely stress-free, what can be the result!

At the moment when the three huge syringes hit.

Zhang Xiang's right hand was slowly raised in front of him, as if he wanted to resist those syringes.

And watching this scene, the little evil demon began to mock again.

"It's useless, do the mere humans still want to take my attack? You know, I'm the little evil beast!" The little evil beast began to laugh.

In the next moment, a phantom flashed past Zhang Xiang's right hand.

At the same time, the three huge direct shots bounced back at a faster speed, and they nailed the little evil beast to the wall at once.

" is it possible, how could my attack be bounced back by that." The little evil demon's face showed a panic expression and began to struggle violently.

But unfortunately, its wings have been firmly nailed to the wall.

And if it has hands or not, if it wants to struggle down, at least its wings need to be abolished.

At the same time, Zhang Xiang's figure suddenly appeared in front of the little evil demon like a star changing shadow.

"I didn't want to use this method, I just wanted to ask you a few questions. But now, it seems that I am too kind to think that way. So, I will ask myself now. Don't resist, the harder you resist, the deeper your pain will be!" Zhang Xiang approached the little evil demon with a sneer on his face.

His eyes, I don't know when, they have transformed into reincarnation eyes again.

"The human world is deep in the heart!" Zhang Xiang's right hand slammed onto the opponent's head.

Looking at Zhang Xiang's posture, the little evil demon knew that Zhang Xiang was about to make a ruthless move, and quickly begged for mercy.

"No, no, please let me go..." The little evil demon's face showed a cowardly begging face.

However, the eyes of its eyes were spinning round and round, thinking about how it would counterattack if Zhang Xiang forgave it.

Fight back, yes, fight back.

You know, the nature of the little evil beast is evil, how could it succumb so quickly.

However, it did not expect that its begging for mercy could not even be obtained for a moment.

Zhang Xiang's right hand was pressed on the opponent's head, and the arrogant mental power rushed in unreasonably, instantly breaking through the defense in the opponent's head.

And, using arrogant means, the other party's memory was extracted all at once.

Of course, this time Zhang Xiang focused on finding traces of blood-sucking monsters.

But it is a pity that the traces of the blood-sucking beasts have disappeared without a trace after they arrived in the real world.

Every time you want to do something, the other party first contacts and summons them to go.

Therefore, it will not know the traces of Vampire Beasts now.

Thinking of this, Zhang Xiang couldn't help feeling a little frustrated.

Because, the last clue is broken after all!

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