Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1764: , Evolution emblem

"Then, since you don't have any use value anymore. See, wool, thread, Chinese, text, and net goodbye!" Zhang Xiang looked at the little evil beast in front of him, with a sudden force with his right hand, he was already giving the opponent Crushed.

However, this time Zhang Xiang focused his mental power on the opponent's body and turned it into a data link, disappearing into the space in front of him.

Through that fleeting moment, taking away the space gap of the data link, Zhang Xiang seemed to perceive the existence of the digital world.

But it is a pity that the existence that resembles a gap in space, disappears too fast, and Zhang Xiang has no time to put the space coordinates made by mental power into the past.

But in that fleeting moment, Zhang Xiang still saw a lot of things.

On the other side, countless intertwined data began to fuse together, giving birth to something like a Digimon, which was then quietly swallowed by the existence of a space crack, and cast into the birth of the Digimon world. Division.

In the same way, there are countless data links, wandering out of the countless invisible gaps in the space, and beginning to entangle and merge with some other data links inside.

In the end, it merged into a digital egg.

This is like a reincarnation. Countless Digimons are thrown into the outside world, but in the outside world, there are countless Digimon who died, and their data returned to the place of birth, accepting the birth again. .

Seeing this scene similar to the cycle of life and death, Zhang Xiang's eyes flashed thoughtful.

However, there is one more thing that makes Zhang Xiang thoughtful.

That is, he saw so many things in the crevices of that fleeting space. It was not that Zhang Xiang’s spiritual power covered that world in an instant, but when his spiritual power was touching On the other side of the space, I suddenly felt that time seemed to be accelerated. Look at ‘hair, thread, Chinese, text, net

If the lapse of time in his real world is the standard, then on the other side of the space, the lapse of time has greatly increased, reaching an incredible level.

It's like, just one minute has passed on this side, and the other side has already spent the day.

The reason why Zhang Xiang can record so many things is also related to the flow of time on the opposite side.

"Forget it, soldiers will come to block, water will come to cover!" Zhang Xiang looked at the space crack that quietly disappeared, and was about to leave.

However, at this moment.

In front of the little evil beast who was pinched to death by Zhang Xiang, a necklace suddenly fell.

"Is this?" Zhang Xiang grabbed the glass pendant with a small card in his palm.

He had already read this little card before.

That was on that mud beast.

Well, after seeing the memories of Agumon, Flame Beast, and Little Evil Monster, Zhang Xiang has already remembered most of the Digimon in the Digimon World.

Therefore, he knew that the stinking monster that was all over his body was like a monster made of sludge. It was a sludge beast.

The other party was a mature Digimon, a Digimon who wanted to use a machine to replenish his rotting body, but died because of failure.

Oh, let me introduce it here.

The ranks of Digimon World are arranged like this: primitive stage-juvenile stage-growth stage-mature stage-perfect body-ultimate body armor body combination hybrid biochemical body...

(Original period: Digimon is just born, very weak and incompetent.

Infancy: Digimon evolved from infancy, with extremely weak combat effectiveness.

Growth period: A type evolved from childhood, usually with a cute appearance, but not high in combat effectiveness.

Maturity period: The form evolved from the growth period, and the combat effectiveness begins to improve.

Complete body: A form that has evolved from a mature stage, and has a high combat effectiveness.

Ultimate body: A form that has evolved from a complete body, with extremely strong combat effectiveness.

As for the armored body combination, the hybrid biochemical body, it is similar to the ultra-polar body, and it will not be explained here due to the limitation of the number of words. )

Well, let us return to the subject.

Looking at the small necklace in front of him, Zhang Xiang suddenly remembered something in the memory of Agumon and other Digimon.

"Is it the evolution badge that represents the light?" Zhang Xiang looked at the badge that looked like a star, looked like a snowflake, and the glass pendant outside, and said its name.

As for what the so-called evolution badge is.

That is the key to the ultimate evolution of the selected Digimon, and to the ultimate body.

Of course, because of the use of external forces.

This kind of evolution can be said to be short-lived.

"There is also an eighth selected child..." Zhang Xiang muttered to himself without knowing what he was thinking.

However, looking at the sky is already the sun starting to set.

Zhang Xiang decided to talk about it tomorrow.

After all, looking for the eighth selected child's Digimon, almost all of them were killed by Zhang Xiang.

Coupled with the combat effectiveness of those selected children, he didn't think the opponent would find the eighth selected child before them.

And as long as one appears, Zhang Xiang will be slapped to death.

He doesn't allow this kind of messy guy to continue to live in Tokyo.

What if there is a crisis that hurts Sora and Kaoro?

And just after making the decision, Zhang Xiang walked forward and sank into the void.

At the same time, Zhang Xiang's avatar also arrived in an alley in Ikebukuro, avoided the sight of the residents who might exist in the street, and suddenly turned into a white mist and disappeared.

And Zhang Xiang himself appeared in the alley from the void, walked out again, and walked towards the home in Ikebukuro.

However, before Zhang Xiang had walked far away, there was a sudden voice calling him from behind him.

"Zhang Xiangjun..."

A familiar female voice sounded from behind Zhang Xiang.

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