Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1779: , Are you afraid of death?

"But, isn't the evidence just in front of you? Since even a string of data can evolve into physical digital life and come to the real world. then, this world has magicians and superpowers, It's not unacceptable, right? This world is not as simple as you imagined!" Zhang Xiang finally said pointedly.

As for how much they can understand, it is their understanding.

"But..." Ishida Yamato wanted to say something.

But it is a pity that he is a bit poor.

However, at this moment, Tai Yi asked another sharp question.

"So, what is your purpose here? Is it to help us defeat the Vampire Monster?" Taiyi asked with a look of doubt and alert on his face.

However, Zhang Xiang gave him an unexpected answer again.

"No, it's not" Zhang Xiang shook his head.

"No?!" Taiyi showed a disappointed expression on his face.

Although he was a little confused and wary about Zhang Xiang, he had a little expectation for Zhang Xiang, who possessed such a powerful force, if he could help them fight against Vampire Beasts.

And listening to Zhang Xiang's words, other people's faces showed a trace of regret.

Only after asking Zhang Xiang's purpose, did the city owner look at Zhang Xiang in surprise.

But immediately, he showed the expression of thinking of something.

However, before he spoke, Zhang Xiang had already spoken.

"I'm not here to help you defeat the blood-sucking beasts, but rather, I am here to kill the blood-sucking beasts." Zhang Xiang emphasized the latter point.

However, listening to Zhang Xiang's words, some people are still a little unclear.

"But, helping us defeat the Vampire Monster, isn't it the same for you to defeat the Vampire Monster? It's all about defeating the Vampire Monster!" Xiao Wu's face showed a puzzled expression.

Obviously, when he was only seven years old, he couldn't understand such convoluted things.

At the same time, among the selected children, except for Mr. Shiroto understand some, the others are also a little confused.

However, perhaps Zhang Xiang saw their doubts, and he explained again.

"I mean, I am not here to help you kill the Vampire Beasts, but I plan to kill the Vampire Beasts alone. Such a dangerous thing shouldn't be done by such young children like you." Zhang Xiang shook his head slightly and said.

However, listening to Zhang Xiang's words, Tai Yi became a little unconvinced.

"What, look down on us?" Taiyi said unconvincedly.

"Yes, and in the language, it is up to us to defeat the Vampire Beast!" Ishida Yamato also showed a trace of dissatisfaction on his face.

Although he was somewhat grateful that Zhang Xiang had just rescued them, he did not intend to be looked down upon by others in this way.

But listening to his companion's some extreme words, Mr. Shiroto's face showed an anxious expression.

"Taiyi, Yamato, you say less. Also, that, they don't mean this. They want to say that if there are more selected children like us, the chances of success will be higher." Zhang was playing Tai Chi on both sides, intending to get together with the mud.

And looking at Mr. Shiroto's mature expression, Zhang Xiang couldn't help but look at him more.

However, Zhang Xiang still does not intend to take a step back.

"Since you have said that, then I only ask one point. Do you fight with the idea of ​​dying and killing the enemy? Or, are you afraid of death?!" Zhang Xiang looked at the group of beers The selected child asked in a rare tone and harshly.

And listening to Zhang Xiang's words, they originally planned to agree firmly.

However, listening to Zhang Xiang's stern words, everyone hesitated.

Because, as Zhang Xiang said.

They are not determined to die.

However, this is also normal. How many adults can fight the enemy with the determination to die?

Let alone such a child.

However, at the next moment, this group of children said something that surprised Zhang Xiang a little.

"Fear, but we still have to fight! Because our father and mother are still in the hands of Vampire Beasts!" Tai Yi gritted his teeth and said his inner thoughts.

And listening to Taiyi's words, everyone remembered now, most of the parents in the audience were in the hands of Vampire Beasts.

Even if they were not there, they were mostly trapped in this enchantment created by Vampire Beasts.

If they don't defeat Vampire Beasts, it is impossible for them to rush out.

"Yes, we are afraid, but I still have to fight!" Yamato said, clasping his brother's hand.

"By the way, we have to fight!"

"We want to rescue Mom and Dad!"

Su Nai and Mimi said at the same time.

Although others didn't say it, their determined eyes revealed the same meaning.

Seeing their performance, Zhang Xiang's originally somewhat stern expression gradually loosened.

"Well, since you think so, I will take you to find your last companion. Then, let's go to deal with vampire beasts together!" Zhang Xiang's mouth curled up with a smile and said to them.

At the same time, Iori Kaer, who had been nervous because of the tension in the atmosphere, all smiled again.

The atmosphere on the scene greatly eased.

Then, Zhang Xiang began to treat Meimei's Flower Fairy Beast.

Of course, what Zhang Xiang used was not Palm Xianju, a medical ninjutsu that is only useful for the body, but other methods.

He borrowed Meimei's digital machine and evolution badge, directly used his mental power, invaded into it, and found the original data that made up the flower fairy.

Then, as if using a silver USB flash drive, he directly invaded the body of the Flower Fairy Beast with mental power, deleting the abnormal data.

Then, the gray color on the surface of the Huaxian Beast suddenly shattered and returned to normal.

At the same time, Taiyi also took out the wizard beast he encountered on the road, gave him the digital machine and the evolution badge about Iori Kaer, and gave it to Kaer.

In the end, Zhang Xiang flew directly with them and flew in the direction of Mount Fuji TV.

Whether it is Photon Lang or Vampire Beast, they are all in that direction...

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