Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1780: , Surrounded by fierce ghosts!

After being brought up by Zhang Xiang, the children who were selected at the beginning were still a little nervous.

But immediately, they felt that they would have nothing to do, and they gradually calmed down.

This made Zhang Xiang a little bit lamented, and he was really brave enough to be the protagonist.

Because, in the gradual contact, he has already recovered a trace of the memory of the scene in front of him from the memory that has been almost completely forgotten.

However, because the time is too long, he can't remember the plot clearly.

I just vaguely remember that after this battle, the battle still seemed to be incomplete.

And at this moment, a huge figure flew not far away.

That was the photon Lang who was riding on the Bidomon.

And when he saw Zhang Xiang and Taiyi and others floating in the air on the first day of the new year, Guangzi Lang was really taken aback.

But then, after he learned about the relevant things, he gradually calmed down.

And just after they exchanged information, Zhang Xiang also led them forward.

After a while, the TV building not far away also appeared in front of everyone.

Judging from this place, we can even vaguely see the figure of the vampire beast.

He seemed to be holding a figure in his hand, as if he was questioning something.

As for those adults and children who were arrested because they wanted to find the eighth selected child, they were in a square building farther away.

It's just that they are all in sleep now.

However, at this moment, a series of noisy sounds rang.

"Invaders...Invaders..." A group of fierce ghost beasts on patrol began to pounce from below to above.

"Oops, I was found!" Guangzi Lang's face changed.

At the same time, the Vampire Beast was also attracted by the movement on this side.

And it's more than that.

After spotting Zhang Xiang and others, a large number of fierce ghost beasts were encircling in this direction from all directions.

That number is probably close to one hundred.

Moreover, there are not only fierce ghost beasts, but also other Digimon, such as bully bear cub beast, poisonous spider beast, and even the complete death flame beast.

Both up and down, left and right, or front and back.

To describe it in one sentence, you are surrounded!

"Taiyi!" Yamato looked in Taiyi's direction.

"I see, everyone is ready to break through!" Yamato shouted to everyone.

However, Zhang Xiang was splicing at this moment.

"No, let me solve it." Zhang Xiang said calmly.


"Is that possible?"

"There are hundreds of Digimon!"

The selected children couldn't help but start exclaiming.

Although they saw Zhang Xiang and solved the death beast and its subordinates in an instant, they did not think that Zhang Xiang could solve so many Digimon.

Especially, among these Digimon, there is still a complete body.

However, facing the doubts of the selected children, Zhang Xiang shook his head slightly.

"No matter how many miscellaneous fish, it's just that." Zhang Xiang looked at the many Digimon that rushed and said flatly.

"Jiejie, dare to say that we are miscellaneous fish. Brothers, teach them a little lesson!" The bully bear cub rushing in the front roared angrily.

"Kill them!" The Death Flame Beast shouted in a low voice with a heavy metal voice.

In the next moment, the battle has already begun.

"NastyStep!" The bully bear cub danced a strange dance, shooting a creepy dark blue light from its stomach.

"Very poisonous jet!" The poisonous spider beast suddenly opened its mouth, spitting out thick black venom from it.

The familiar Death Flame Beast once again displayed its triumphant tricks.

——Heavy Metal Fire (HeavyMetalFireヘヴィメタルファイアー)

As for the large number of monsters, they used their trick together: ‘Nightmare Wave! ’.

Dozens of faint gray waves attacked Zhang Xiang and everyone.

Suddenly, Zhang Xiang and the selected children were all surrounded.

However, facing the shocking attacks, Zhang Xiang just raised his right hand.

"Don't worry, guard!" Zhang Xiang said calmly.

In the next moment, a pale golden barrier appeared in front of Zhang Xiang.

However, in front of those attacks, the selected children panicked.

"Everyone, get away quickly!" Taiyi's face showed a panic expression, and his hands were in front of him, trying to dodge as much as possible.

But it was a pity that he relied on Zhang Xiang's power to float in the air. He could only hug the Iori Kaer in his arms.

"Awu!" Yamato quickly blocked his younger brother behind him.

As for the Badamon, Beetlemon, and Bhikkhu who have the ability to fly, they are blocking their respective partners.

"Ah, help!"

"Dad, mom..."

In the next moment, the successive attacks finally came to Zhang Xiang and others.


The huge explosion sounded instantly, causing the selected children to close their eyes tightly.

But in the next moment, they found that they didn't seem to be injured.

"I, am I okay?" Taiyi looked at his hands.

"Yes, I'm fine." Meimei looked at her hands.

"Badamon, are you okay?" And Wu, who was in Yamato's arms, looked at the Badamon who stood in front of him.

"Well, I'm fine. It seems that the attack was blocked." Badamon looked at the pale golden barrier in front of him.

Those attacks fell on the pale golden barrier, like a pebble thrown into the sea, at most it was a little wave of waves, and it didn't affect the whole sea at all.

Well, continue five more changes!

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