Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1795: , Space tunnel!

When Zhang Xiang appeared, his figure had already appeared in the place where the Digimon World opened and absorbed Taiichi Yagami and others.

In this place, due to the fact that the Digimon world was getting closer, the blizzard raged again.

There should have been a piece of green grass and trees around it, but at this time it was already covered by a piece of white snow.

Many trees have been broken under the raging snowstorm.

And the big lake that had originally rolled up huge waves and absorbed the selected children was already blocked by a layer of ice that was fifty centimeters thick.

Fifty centimeters of ice, what is the concept?

Even if a mammoth ran on it, the giant dinosaur reborn millions of years ago, there is no danger in dancing on it.

If the excavator is used to break the ice surface, the time it takes is probably much more difficult than breaking the cement layer of the same thickness.

Because the ice that is naturally formed, especially on the surface of lakes and rivers, is thicker and harder.

This one involves things related to molecular concepts and pressure.

I won't go into details here.

In general, this layer of ice is very solid. If an ordinary person is used to strike it with a hammer, I am afraid that he will not be able to pry the ice surface to death.

However, this is not a problem for Zhang Xiang.

"Well, based on the scene in their memory, it should be here!" Zhang Xiang's mental power spread out, swept the surrounding scenery to one side, and started to compare with the scene in his own memory.

Although, due to the weather.

The surrounding environment is white, not at all the same as the scene when Taiyi and the others came back.

However, Zhang Xiang didn't use such a scene to compare, but calculated based on the shape of the surrounding valleys and the dimensions of the surrounding mountains. See 1 Yarn 3 Chinese Net

Such a comparison can better ensure the accuracy of the results.

After all, the surroundings are changing all the time.

Moreover, the same scenery is not difficult to find.

"So, let's start, find that connection point." Zhang Xiang's mental power did not spread out, but contracted back, wrapped in this valley.

Because Taiyi's place where they went to Digimon World and the place they came back were all in this valley.

Therefore, the most likely place where the connection point between the two worlds exists is here.

"First of all, it's the sky!" Zhang Xiang's mental power swept across the sky, sweeping every inch of the place.

Even the trajectory of each snowflake drifted by, whether affected by external forces, has been considered.

Because the connection between the two worlds must cause the reaction of certain physical phenomena, either gravity or temperature.

Unfortunately, he didn't look for anything suspicious.

"Is it under this lake?" Zhang Xiang said with some confusion.

However, it is impossible for him to let go of any possibility.

You know, he wants to use the moment of cutting through the space connection to connect to the necklace he gave Jiaer, so as to travel through the world to the Digimon world.

It is best to penetrate from the connection of space, or the weak point.

As for the use of the ‘wheel of the sky’ to obliterate the space, instead of passing through this weak space, it directly penetrates through the space coordinates of that necklace.

Zhang Xiang said that the consumption is too great.

Because that necklace is just an introduction, and it does not contain the spatial coordinates of that world.

If you want to traverse the past by using that necklace as the origin of the coordinates, then you must first bring Zhang Xiang out of the world, and then use another ability of the'wheel of the sky' to find the necklace. Location, lock it and then cross.

In this case, even Zhang Xiang would be too tired.

With such a more relaxed way in front of him, why would he not be happy?

In the next instant, Zhang Xiang made a decision.

"Then go down and take a look!" Zhang Xiang took a step forward, stepped onto the ice, and lightly stepped on it.

"It's still very thick. However, it's still easy to solve." As soon as Zhang Xiang's voice fell, his right foot lightly touched the ice surface.

However, this time, a huge fire magic power was along his point and suddenly poured into the ice.

And, it spread out instantly, spread over the entire ice surface.

"Mel it!" Zhang Xiang said softly.

In the next moment, the ice under his feet melted into water silently, without even a trace of smoke.

From this, we can see his precise control of the fire magic power.

At the same time, Zhang Xiang's figure was also wrapped in a protective cover and sank under the water.

However, he hadn't waited until he scanned all the places once before he saw the connection of that space.

Yes, I saw it directly.

Because the scene there is too conspicuous.

This is a space in Odaiba than before, but about 30 spaces are merged, and the space is more deeply integrated, or the two spaces are completely merged.

In the bottom of the lake under his feet, in the cracked canyon, it turned out to be a piece of sea connected.

Moreover, it is the ocean of Digimon world.

As for why he knew that it was a sea, it could be seen from the blue sky and the Digimon that jumped out of the sea from time to time like a fast movie.

"Then, let's start! Lest Ye Changmeng have more dreams!" Zhang Xiang whispered.

But at the next moment, he raised the "Shadow Demon Blade" in his hand, and the golden divine power was flowing on it.

"Be broken by me, space!" Zhang Xiang swung down the'Shadow Demon Blade' in his hand abruptly.

And at the next moment, under the blessing of Zhang Xiang's supernatural power, a huge space crack measuring tens of meters in size and about three meters in diameter appeared in front of him.

A crazy suction was passed in, absorbing a lot of lake water frantically.

Under the flood of lake water, and the golden light on the edge of the crack, the crack in the dark space that should have been fleeting, but stayed in the air.

At the same time, Zhang Xiang also perceives the looming spatial coordinates on the necklace from the crack in that space.

"Capture the target node... Perform spatial verification... Bring in the formula calculation... Build it, the space tunnel!" Zhang Xiang suddenly widened his eyes, and the powerful divine power instantly surged out, sinking into the crack in the dark space. One point, "stretched" it open, forming a golden crack.

And at that moment, Zhang Xiang also rushed in.

And in the next instant, the space cracks that Zhang Xiang's power support was lost, whether it was the correct golden space channel or the dark space cracks, disappeared without a trace in an instant.

Although this is the weak point of the space, the resilience of the space is still super strong.

The only thing that can witness what happened here is the melted water of the lake, and the water that disappeared by about one-fifth...

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