Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1796: , The metal sea dragon beast!

At this time, in the Digimon world. Look at ‘hair, thread, Chinese, text, net

In the sea area of ​​one of the four major areas of the dark rotating mountain, two behemoths are chasing and fighting.

The steel sea dragon beast's body full of metallic luster is constantly swimming in the sea and rushing forward, chasing the giant whale beast carrying the selected children in front.

However, due to the perception of strength, although the sea whale beast has tried its best, it is still being constantly shortened.

" can't escape. But, continue to escape as much as you want. When I catch you, it's time to be crushed to death by me!" The metal sea dragon beast made a confident joking voice behind. Shouting, the threatening voice full of metal resounded throughout the sea.

At the same time, it also displayed its own ability.

"Poseidon Divide!" The steel sea dragon beast constantly began to wave his body, and waves after waves were carried by it to surging upward.

At the end of the day, the soaring waves were about thirty meters high.

At this height, it was enough to drain the sea whale and the selected children on its back into the deep ocean.

However, it seems that the sea whale beast knew that he would continue to escape and would definitely be shot by the waves.

Therefore, it will start to fight back.

"Tsunami!" The huge body of the sea whale beast began to circle in the sea, spinning at a super fast speed.

Waves after wave were swept up, forming a super tsunami that continuously rolled up countless waves around it, surging in all directions.

The surging sea even submerged a nearby island.

But at this moment, the two huge waves suddenly met.

Each of the two waves had huge waves nearly forty meters high, and they collided with each other, making loud and deafening noises.

A curtain of water tens of meters high appeared in the mid-air. Numerous drops of water splashed around, and a large amount of sea water poured backwards.

But at the same time, the proud voice of the Iron Sea Dragon Beast rang. Look. Yarn, Chinese website

"Haha...Catch up, you can die for me!" The steel body of the steel sea dragon beast suddenly penetrated the curtain of water, and suddenly came to the sea whale beast.

Its steel nose is condensing powerful energy, and the blue energy gradually brightens up.

"You can go to **** with the sea whale beast. The Digimon who dare to disobey my order will end!" The iron sea dragon beast's arrogant laughter spread throughout the sea.

And the selected children who clung to the sea whale beast's body also suddenly changed their complexion and turned pale.

Because their partner Digimon had been completely defeated by the Iron Sea Dragon Beast with a few tricks before.

After all, they had evolved to the ultimate body only because of Zhang Xiang's help.

Although they have gone through a lot of efforts afterwards, they have not achieved the slightest result.

And the eight complete Digimons are not rivals of the Iron Sea Dragon Beast at all.

The opponent just used a few tricks, and defeated all the Digimon.

Even if Taiyi and Yamato found the means to evolve Agumon and Gabumon to the ultimate body, it was of no use at all.

Among the ultimate body, between the ultimate body and the ultimate body, there is also a sense of strength.

Among them, there is a gap between innate and acquired training and skills.

It's just a trick. The two Ultimate Digimon, Fighting Tyrannosaurus and Steel Garuru, are already degraded, and they are completely different from the previous one facing the Ultimate Vampire Beast. The beating felt refreshed. (Eight encircle and beat one, among them are three sacred Digimon that specifically restrains the ultimate blood-sucking beast. The power is also overflowing because of Zhang Xiang's sufficient data. Of course he will win...)

This made them truly feel how small their own strength really is.

Also let them know that the reason why they were able to defeat the Ultimate Vampire Beast before relied only on luck and the power Zhang Xiang provided them.

Once they lost Zhang Xiang’s help, they were just a group of arrogant children who wanted to save the world.

This made them feel deeply regretful.

Why was it so arrogant in the first place, rather than being cautious.

They were even expecting that Zhang Xiang could suddenly appear and save them.

"There is no way, Taiyi, go on!" Yamato gritted his teeth abruptly and said to Taiyi.

"But?!" Taiyi looked at the scarred Agumon and Gabumon hesitantly.

It seemed that Taiyi's hesitation was felt, and Agumon raised his paw.

"Taiyi, I can do it!" Yagumon looked firmly in Taiyi's direction.

And listening to the words of Agumon, Taiyi also gritted his teeth abruptly.

"Okay, let's go, Yagumon!" Taiyi squeezed the digital machine and gritted his teeth.

"Go on, Gabumon!" Yamato also shouted sharply.

"Agumon is the ultimate evolution...Fighting Tyrannosaurus beast!"

"Gabmon has evolved to the extreme... Steel Garurumon!"

"Haha, have you evolved to the ultimate body? But, do you think you can beat me like this? It's so naive! The Ultimatestream!" The Iron Sea Dragon Beast laughed, sending it out and still charging Skills to come.

A beam of blue energy containing strong energy fluctuations directly attacked the sea whale beast's back and in the direction of the selected children.

At the same time, the battle tyrannosaurus beast and the steel garuru beast also launched their own attacks against the blue beam of light.

"Gaia Energy Cannon!"

"Absolute freezing gas (CocytusBreath)!"

The golden-yellow Gaia energy cannon and the deep blue absolute freezing gas directly hit the ultimate wave cannon with the blue beam of light.

But in the next moment.

The golden Gaia energy cannon and the deep blue absolute freezing gas were broken, turning into countless golden and deep blue light spots.

The blue beam of light continued to penetrate unstoppably, hitting the body of the fighting tyrannosaurus, and then hit the body of the steel Garuru beast, degrading them directly attackingly, turning them into Yagu The beast and the Gabumon fell downward.

"Damn it, it's the same again!" With a sharp punch, it hit the sea whale beast's back, with an expression of unwillingness on its face.

"Haha...Then, let's just do it, I've had enough of it. Go and die!" The Iron Sea Dragon Beast laughed, and the dull sound full of jokes suddenly turned into killing intent.

"Ultimate Wave Cannon!" The Iron Sea Dragon Beast displayed his skills once again.

The blue energy gathered above its steel nose again.

"No, I don't want to die..." Meimei hugged the body of Barumon and burst into tears.

"Is there no other way..." Suna sat on the back of the sea whale beast in despair, holding the body of the bhikkhu that was also scarred.

"Damn it, Gomamon, can you continue to fight?" Shiroto gritted his teeth abruptly and looked at the Gomamon next to him.

And Gemamon nodded firmly.

However, sometimes firm conviction cannot replace its already exhausted body.

"The evolution of the Goma Beast... the Goma Beast..."

Not only was the Goma Beast unable to evolve, it also fell on the back of the Sea Whale Beast again because of his little physical strength.

As for Agumon and Gabumon, it was because they were degraded just now, and at this time they didn't even have the strength to stand up, let alone fight.

Looking at the scene at the scene, Jia'er couldn't help but clenched his hands, and felt a panic in her heart.

However, at this moment, she suddenly fumbled for the necklace that was different from the evolution badge on her chest.

At the same time, she also remembered what Zhang Xiang had said before.

"Big brother, come and save us!" Jiaer shouted out suddenly with all his strength.

I don’t know if it’s a coincidence or something else.

A light invisible to the naked eye flashed past the necklace.

Then, a golden crack appeared quietly in the air...

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