Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1798: , Kill the Iron Sea Dragon Beast!

At this moment, the crowd recognized Zhang Xiang's identity. Look at ‘hair, thread, Chinese, text, net

After all, it was a bit dazzling under the direct sunlight in the high altitude before.

Zhang Xiang's whole body was soaked in sea water again, and his hair was messed up, so it was naturally difficult to recognize.

"It's you?" A look of surprise appeared on Mr. Shiroto's face.

"Yes, it's me" Zhang Xiang continued to evaporate the lake water outside his body while using the fire magic power to make sure that Jiaer in his arms would not be contaminated by the lake water.

When he answered, the clothes on his body were almost restored.

It's also a pity that the place he entered was lake water, and the clothes that were soaked were also soaked by lake water instead of sea water. The opening was also on the surface of the Digimon World.

Otherwise, even if he evaporates the seawater on his body, it should be sticky or full of shiny sea salt.

However, after the seawater in Digimon World evaporates, he doesn't know if sea salt is returned to sea salt.

"You, can't you come to the Digimon world through the beam of light?" Yamato had already recovered from the shock at this time, and looked in Zhang Xiang's direction with some surprise.

"Yes, aren't you unable to come to the Digimon world because you don't have a digital machine?" Su Na also looked in Zhang Xiang's direction with some confusion.

"No, you are only half right." Zhang Xiang stretched out his right finger and shook it towards them.

"Half right?" A puzzled expression appeared on the face of the tech-savvy Guangzi Lang.

"Yes, you are only half right. I don't have a digital machine, nor can I come to the Digimon world through the light emitted by your digital machine. However, this does not mean that I cannot come to the Digimon world. "Zhang Xiang explained to them with some patience.

After all, if nothing else, they will be together for the next one or two days.

It is better to figure out some things.

"But, you still haven't made it clear, in what way did you come to the Digimon world!" The puzzled expression on Guangzilang's face became deeper.

However, listen to his words.

Zhang Xiang did not answer directly, but looked in the direction of Jia'er in his arms.

"Jia'er, tell them." Zhang Xiang looked in Jia'er's direction.

After Jia Er was slightly confused, she suddenly showed an expression of excitement, and took out a necklace that was similar to her evolution badge hanging in front of her.

"Big brother, I can come here because my big brother gave me this one before. Big brother said, as long as I wear this one, he will have a way to come to the Digimon world." Jia Er's face With an expression of excitement and joy, he took out the necklace in his hand and showed it to everyone.

However, listening to Jia'er's words and looking at the tiny badge, everyone was really unacceptable.

"Necklace, relying on this one?" Taiyi asked with some acceptance.

Because they also asked Jia'er before, asking what exactly Zhang Xiang said to her.

Moreover, this statement has already been known.

However, any one of them is just holding a dubious idea.

No, it should be said that they didn't believe it, they didn't say it just to prevent Jia'er from being unhappy.

After all, in order to be able to return from the Digimon world, they spent a lot of effort to finally succeed.

Therefore, they did not believe that Zhang Xiang could travel to the Digimon world with this small necklace similar to the evolution badge.

However, Zhang Xiang gave them a completely different answer and slapped them in the face.

"Yes, relying on this one thing as the origin of the coordinates. When I successfully break through the space in the overlapping zone of the two worlds, I can perceive the specific spatial coordinates of this world and achieve the method of fixed-point transmission." Zhang Xiang explained to them.

But now listening to Zhang Xiang's explanation, they realized that they were the bottom of the well, and they were a little embarrassed.

However, they are not just embarrassed about this matter.

Some are embarrassed because they are too arrogant, while others are embarrassed because of the previous words.

For example, it was like Taiyi. He had said before that he would defeat the four dark kings before Zhang Xiang came, but now they were beaten to the ground, which naturally embarrassed him.

Of course, not all people are like this.

Jia'er and Ahe are still too young to understand the current situation.

And Guangzhilang was thinking of the space coordinates Zhang Xiang had mentioned, and sending these unclear things at fixed points.

However, at this moment, Suna suddenly exclaimed.

"Look!" Suna pointed to the sea suddenly.

This made everyone suddenly nervous.

After all, they were avoiding the chase of the steel sea dragon beast, and they were always in a state of tension.

However, although it was indeed a steel sea dragon beast that appeared in front of them, it was already dead, and its body was turning into a steel sea dragon beast whose data was gradually disappearing.

At the same time, a rumbling sound came from a distance.

"The iron sea dragon beast has been knocked down, and the sea is about to return to normal, which is great..." The sea whale beast said for the first time after Zhang Xiang spoke.

"Thank you, unknown powerhouse." Sea Whale Beast thanked Zhang Xiang.

However, Zhang Xiang shook his head.

"Don't thank you, it's just going well" Zhang Xiang said he didn't care at all.

After all, he wants to get the origin of the Digimon world, and he is going to the top of the dark rotating mountain.

After thanking Zhang Xiang, Sea Whale Beast also began to bid farewell to the selected children.

"Also, the selected children, goodbye." Sea Whale Beast bid farewell to the selected children.

"Sea Whale Beast..."

There were expressions of reluctance on everyone's faces.

"There is no way, I can only survive in the sea. The sea is about to recede from the dark rotating mountain, and I can't wear it on the spot. If it is destined, we will see you again." The sea whale beast reluctantly said goodbye.

And at this moment, the area of ​​the sea that had faded from the top of the dark revolving mountain had already arrived in front of everyone.

At the same time, Zhang Xiang also flew with the selected children.

In the eyes of the selected children, the sea whale beast accompanied the sea in everyone’s field of vision...

In short, just ask for everything

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