Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1799: , The forest of puppets!

"Sea whale beast, goodbye..." In Zhang Xiang's arms, Jia'er waved her little hand reluctantly, bidding farewell to the sea whale beast. See 1 Yarn 3 Chinese Net

In the previous getting along, this sea whale beast that didn't know how long had lived gave her a very quiet feeling.

Taking care of her like her grandfather made her feel a little bit sad.

"Don't worry, as long as the four dark kings are defeated and this world returns to normal, this world will definitely return to normal." Zhang Xiang comforted Jia'er in a soft voice.

And the words he said are also facts.

In his vague memory, although after defeating the Four Dark Kings, there is still the last big boss behind the scenes.

However, the selected children finally brought this world back to normal.

However, in the original book, the selected children finally did it after going through numerous difficulties.

With Zhang Xiang's help this time, I am afraid things will become much easier.

And Zhang Xiang's goal is naturally the big boss behind the scenes who doesn't know when it will appear or where to hide.

The place where the other party is is undoubtedly the closest to the origin of Digimon.

Therefore, he planned to accompany the selected children to fight one after another.

And listening to Zhang Xiang's words, Jia Er also reluctantly cheered up.

"Okay, let's go to the next area!" Zhang Xiang said to the people who were also a little reluctant.

Then, he took the selected children and set off in any direction.

Fortunately, the dark rotating mountain is a spiral structure, although when entering each of the four zones, you will feel a lot of space.

But that is just an illusion in space.

After the big sea zone subsided, everyone quickly saw the next zone appear in front of everyone.

Looking around, it was a dense green forest, exuding a unique fragrance, without the unique smell of the sea.

This makes the selected children can't help but get a little excited.

However, Zhang Xiang raised his brow slightly.

"Is it still like the original? Is it a puppet beast? However, I don't know if your puppet line is good at manipulating people, or the kakla line is good at puppetry!" Zhang Xiang showed a smile on his face.

Then, Zhang Xiang took the selected children and fell into the forest.

However, when he landed, Zhang Xiang suddenly felt something.

"Here, is it a place surrounded by an enchantment? But, I remember, the puppet beast doesn't seem to have such power? Is it made with the power of other Digimon, or is it a dark rotating mountain? Unique power?" Zhang Xiang whispered.

"I don't know, what exactly is its function" Zhang Xiang said, touching his chin.

However, at this moment, a voice made Zhang Xiang turn around.

"Big brother, what are you thinking? There are so many fruits here" Jia Er's somewhat excited voice passed over.

After all, in order to avoid hunting down and still in the sea, most of what they ate before was sashimi.

Plus, they ate for three full days without any condiments to match.

Therefore, they are so happy when they see fruit.

And listening to Jia'er's voice, Zhang Xiang also came back to his senses.

"Oh, fruit?" Zhang Xiang showed a smile on his face and looked in the direction of the fruit they found.

However, what makes Zhang Xiang's face a little weird is that the fruit that the selected children are eating wildly is a very strange-shaped fruit.

How do you describe it, is it an apple with the shape of a banana, or an apple-flavored banana?

Always, Zhang Xiang tried it. It was a bit complicated, but it was quite delicious.

As for whether there is poison or not, there is no need to worry.

If it is the selected children, if Tai Yi they go picking, Zhang Xiang may still be a little worried.

However, these fruits were picked by Dilumon and several other treasures.

If you can grow up from infancy to maturity by yourself, and there are other Digimon that grow up in the wild, it is impossible to mistake whether the fruit is edible.

Therefore, Zhang Xiang did not worry at all.

However, at this moment, the accident happened suddenly.

The figure of Ishida Yamato who was eating apple bananas suddenly disappeared.

In addition, the figures of Joto Takeshi and Mimi were missing.

But Tai Yi's body was suddenly upside down and fell to the ground.

"Brother!" Jiaer exclaimed.

And Zhang Xiang's figure also disappeared in place, suddenly grabbing Taiyi's ankle that had fallen downside down, so that he would not be seriously injured by just touching his head on the ground.

"Is it an enchantment of space manipulation? Interesting!" Zhang Xiang showed an interesting expression on his face.

At the same time, in a house in the middle of the forest, the puppet beast is holding a puppet similar to the figure of Taiyi in his hand, and some of the puppet's figures can not hold it down but hit the ground.

"Allele, what's the matter?" A look of confusion appeared on the face of the puppet beast.

But then, through the TV with surveillance cameras scattered throughout the forest, it already knew what was going on.

"Is Aler so? However, I don't believe you can play better than me. If you can pick it up once, how many times can you pick it up?" There was a prank on the face of the puppet beast. Emoji come.

At the same time, he also picked up Taiyi's puppet, and suddenly teleported to another position.

"In this case, I see what you do" Puppet Beast showed a malicious expression on his face.

But what made it's expression stunned was that the image transmitted from the TV was Taiyi's figure being caught again.

"Impossible. Didn't I make him teleport more than ten meters away? How did he catch it. Then, let's change to one hundred meters away this time!" Puppet Beast didn't mind his previous Mistakes, continue to say wickedly.

However, at this moment.

'boom! The sound rang suddenly.

The doll with Taiyi's figure suddenly exploded, and it was also affected...

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