Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1826: , The luck of the world!

And when the fleeting web of rules disappeared. Look. Wool. Line. Chinese. Text. Net

In that dazzling light, the sky, the earth, the ocean, everything began to appear in front of everyone.

Moreover, this is more than that!

Perhaps the data contained the power of the eight selected children, and the re-evolved world was actually somewhat similar to the original Digimon world.

And, as the light flickered, everything began to progress in the original direction.

Every time the selected children have visited, they are perfectly copied in the light.

And in the center of the new world of data exchange, a large amount of data began to reintegrate into a data egg between data interactions.

Then, among the sudden cracks in space, the Digits were swallowed out of thin air.

Then, those Digimon eggs appeared in the village of the beginning, fell into the area of ​​the newly born Digimon, fell onto the soft cotton ground, bounced gently, and then fell.

Moreover, many Digimons that were originally nurturing the birth of Digimon, as well as the healthy growth of juvenile Digimon, were also created out of thin air.

This is the origin of the world, a gift to the selected children who have contributed their own strength to accelerate the birth of this new world.

Moreover, this world's gift to these selected children is much more than that.

The Digimon world that reappeared according to their wishes, as well as those Digimon and Digimon, are just gifts from the bright side to these selected children.

The true gift of World Origin to these selected children is not something above the surface, but the illusion that has vaguely shrouded them since the composition of the world, but It is a real thing. Look. Wool. Line. Chinese. Text. Net

"Qi Luck!" Zhang Xiang's eyes were glowing with golden light, and from the selected children, he saw a power that enveloped them and connected to the new world in the distance. He couldn't help but said with some envy.

For the selected children who let themselves be born, the origin of the world is unreservedly attached to these selected children.

From this moment on, they are the people that this new world takes care of.

In layman's terms, they will become similar to the protagonist. (Although they are the protagonists of the animation...)

Unless it is the strength that can differ to the extreme, and even then encounter a force that can resist this new world.

Otherwise, the selected children will be the safest and luckiest existence in this new digital world.

Let me give you some examples.

Even if the flash flood broke out, if they stood in place, the flash flood would rush along their side dangerously and dangerously.

Even if they took the initiative to jump off the cliff, they would definitely not hang.

On the contrary, it is also possible to get something like a God-level Digimon.

In short, even if they want to die, it is difficult to die.

"Really good luck..." Zhang Xiang said with some sigh.

From the moment he became a god, he has already begun to notice this kind of luck.

The so-called luck is the world's nostalgia for the people it cares about.

However, it is extremely difficult to obtain luck.

Generally speaking, the luck of a world will favor certain people. It is already destined when certain people are born or even before they are born.

Just like the world he has experienced, when Ma, Naruto, Conan...every existence was born when they were born, they were already blessed by luck!

As for the role of air transport, what specific examples are there to describe?

Why did the Dangma in the Academy City die so many times to resist magicians and superpowers with the bodies of ordinary people, but they did not die?

Why can Naruto just use his mouth to make people who have the fundamentally unchangeable belief in the power of destroying the world as their goal, eventually change their beliefs?

This is the best example.

The reason is that the luck of the world is taking care of them.

However, the blessing of world luck is not necessarily good.

Usually the blessing of the world's luck is to allow the blessed person to complete some things that the world itself cannot accomplish.

For example, to harmonize certain guys who intend to destroy the world, or to promote the progress of the world.

And these things are usually extremely dangerous things.

Although in the end due to the blessing of luck, most of the time there will be surprises and no dangers, and finally the goal has been achieved.

But in the process, how much you will lose and gain depends on the choice of personal IQ and the degree of world luck.

Of course, this does not mean that being favored by luck is a bad thing.

This is definitely a very good thing.

This can be seen from Zhang Xiang's envious expression.

People who are favored by luck, as long as they want to do, although the process is tortuous, it can usually be done.

However, people who are not favored by luck, even if you work hard, it is usually rare to have a good end.

It's like Xiao Li in Naruto World.

Throughout the entire Hokage World, how many people's efforts can match him.

But no matter how hard he tried, it was not the end of a soy sauce in the end. Compared with Naruto and Sasuke, the two people who were blessed by luck, the fighting power was nothing but scum.

Moreover, Xiao Li can become one of the twelve Xiaoqiang, which proves that he still has a certain amount of luck.

What about those who are silent and work hard from the beginning to the end, but are fruitless?

——No one pays attention!

The so-called luck is such an important existence!

And Zhang Xiang, if it weren't for his own'previous life', he was a mighty existence, the trace of reincarnation soul that escaped was stained with a trace of'immortality', and thus possessed a stronger air luck than the people the world loved.

So, whether he will still have this luck, re-cultivating to this level, grabbing things from the protagonists who are favored by the world, that is another matter!

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