Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1827: , Return to reality!

But at this moment, the Digimon world in the distance flashed again.

An invisible diaphragm envelops the world and obscures everything.

If you look from this direction, you can no longer see the specific content.

Moreover, this layer of diaphragm will gradually hide the whole world from this layer of void.

In layman's terms, after the Digimon world was reborn, the original distortion began to be corrected, and the two worlds were moving away from each other, returning everything to a normal state.

Therefore, Zhang Xiang and others in the gap between the real world and the digital world will naturally see that the digital world is gradually disappearing.

In the next moment, Zhang Xiang's figure was already in the middle.

The selected children around, as well as the Digimon felt a burst of suction, and came to Zhang Xiang's body.

"Well, the Digimon world has returned to normal. The distortion has been corrected. What is your choice? I can send you to the new Digimon world and let you continue to get along for a while. But Remember, although the time of the two worlds is different, when the new Digimon world is completely separated from the real world, it will be very difficult for you to return to the real world. So, although you have a while You can get along, but it can't be too long."

"Of course, you can also say goodbye here. I can send you each to the Digimon world and back in the real world." Zhang Xiang looked at the selected children in front of him and told them about his intend.

After listening to Zhang Xiang's words, their faces showed a trace of reluctance. Look at ‘hair, thread, Chinese, text, net

Especially after listening to Zhang Xiang's words and knowing that maybe after this separation, it would take a long time for each other to see each other, the expressions on their faces became even stronger.

Therefore, even though they struggled for a while, they finally chose to go to the new Digimon world to take a look.

They want to see what the new world is like.

"Well, well, since you choose this, I also support your decision. Take this one!" Zhang Xiang waved his right hand, and eight golden keys emerged from the void.

"This is?" There was a puzzled expression on the face of Taiyi and others.

"This is the key for you to return to the real world. I have already set the coordinates. They are on the place where you came to the Digimon." Zhang Xiang delivered the eight golden coordinate keys to the eight In front of the selected child.

However, at this moment, Zhang Xiang's expression became serious.

"However, I still need to remind you at the end. When the shadow of the sun in the sky has completely faded, and the digital world and the real world are completely separated. If you have not squeezed the key in your hand and let yourself transmit it back, You may have to stay in the Digimon world for a long time. You should know the difference between the Digimon world and the real world, even if I go back and bring you back. The time lost will be enough for years Calculated...The result, you will understand!" Zhang Xiang told them a little serious.

Although he did not say the consequences in his mouth.

But if you think about it, you will know that if Zhang Xiang was delayed for two minutes, they would have spent two years.

And two years is a very long time for a child.

Even if you can successfully return to the real world, the changes in appearance, lack of knowledge, and various changes can't be hidden from others.

Moreover, if it is delayed for more than ten minutes, or even an hour.

Needless to say the result.

I am afraid that when they return to the real world, they are already the same age as their parents, and they can even serve as the generations of grandparents.

Thinking of this, they couldn't help but shudder, and nodded one after another.

"So, that's it. Time is running out, let's go quickly!" Zhang Xiang's right hand was a little in the void, and a golden light suddenly bloomed, turning into a golden door.

And behind the door, there is naturally nothingness.

Although the selected children were very curious, they also knew a lot of time, and they rushed towards the door with their Digimon partners.

In a moment, they appeared in the Digimon world with blue sky and white clouds.

Unfortunately, they are in the middle of the digital world and the real world, and they are not greatly affected by the time of the two worlds.

Otherwise, they are waiting for the appearance of their companions, I am afraid it will take a long time.

"Ah! I'm back!" Taiyi, the first to return to the Digimon world, looked at the familiar Infinite Mountain, and not only jumped.

"Yeah, we are back in the Digimon world!"

On Fayilu Island, the selected children have started their last journey in a short time.

The selected children are excited about returning to the Digimon world. Let us turn our attention back to Zhang Xiang's side.

When the figure of the last selected child disappeared behind the door, Zhang Xiang also turned his body.

"It's time for me to solve the rest!" A sharp light flashed in Zhang Xiang's eyes.

He hasn't forgotten that Xuan Nei's subordinates are still in the real world and are looking for his family's figure!

And at the next moment, his figure also disappeared in this twisted void.

But what he didn't know was that a digital egg that came into the void because of his doomsday judging technique of "blue washing", and had also experienced the re-opening of the digital world, was twisted in the void. Suddenly it seemed to hit something and disappeared into the void...

At this time, in the real world.

The phantom of the Digimon world that originally covered the entire sky is gradually dissipating, and the deepest darkness is descending on this world again.

In the distance, a ray of light was gradually climbing up.

After a whole night of tossing, time has come to dawn.

At the same time, Zhang Xiang's figure also appeared above Xiaoniaoyoujia...

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