Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1828: , A member of the Special Peacekeeping Department? !

However, just after returning from the emptiness between the real world and the digital world, Zhang Xiang's mental power once again spread out.

Ten meters, 100 meters, kilometers, ten thousand meters...

About the entire Ikebukuro, as well as the surrounding area, were all monitored by Zhang Xiang's mental power.

Moreover, Zhang Xiang did much more than this!

The moment his mental power spread to this range, his mental power also changed into silk threads, invaded into the surrounding network, and began to retrieve whether he was traveling with himself and the bird again. Even the relevant information of people you have contacted.

Data like the ocean flowed through his brain.

However, it hasn't waited until all the data in him has been retrieved.

Zhang Xiang has already discovered the two guys who invaded.

As for the place of discovery, it was naturally Zhang Xiang's place in the world of Xiaoniaoyoujia.

Although Xiaoniaoyoujia looked at it from the outside, nothing changed at all.

However, if someone walks over in person.

Then, he will find that no matter how he walks towards the door of Xiaoniaoyou's house, or enters other places, he will always return to the original place.

If it is violent, it will even directly rush into the isolation area specially opened by Zhang Xiang.

However, beyond Zhang Xiang's expectation, the two guys turned out to be humans in digital armor.

"Interesting!" Zhang Xiang said funny, but snapped his fingers. Look. Yarn, Chinese website

Around Xiaoniaoyoujia's home, it was like a black hole appeared. A chaotic orb flew out of the void and fell into Zhang Xiang's hands and disappeared.

At the same time, two people wearing digital armors, no, it should be said that they were humans who had equipped Digimon on their bodies. They also suddenly appeared out of the air and fell to the ground.

However, before the two of them fell to the ground, Zhang Xiang's figure had already appeared in front of them.

His hands were quietly pinched toward the necks of the two of them.

It's just that he deserves to be a subordinate of Xuan Nei, or is equipped with a digital armor, the degree of perception has expanded.

As Zhang Xiang squeezed his hands, the two people also reacted at the same time.

A man wearing a fire-red armor suddenly fought together with his fists, and a strong flame emerged from his body.

"Flame revolving kick!"

Along with the sound of this sound, his entire figure suddenly turned upside down, and a whip leg burning with scarlet flames slammed toward Zhang Xiang's waist.

That speed, that angle, can be said to be impeccable, comparable to the strength of an advanced fighting master.

The crimson flames were burning, and there was a tendency to raging, turning the surrounding area into charred ground.

And the other was wearing aquamarine armor. If it weren’t for mental scans that couldn’t recognize the giant robot inside, the aquamarine wings suddenly unfolded, bursting out a strong flame, pushing His body suddenly disappeared.

By the time the opponent appeared, the opponent had already come behind Zhang Xiang.

"Giant Missile!"

He snorted, and the warm yellow missile that looked like a bear cheek on his shoulders suddenly shot.

The other party even ignored that this is a residential area, and immediately used missiles.

At the same time, the man in the fire-red armor was filled with flames that rose with the storm, giving people a feeling of overwhelming, spreading to within a radius of two meters.

Furthermore, the whole one will become a sea of ​​flames.

But at the next moment.

Zhang Xiang stretched out his hands, squeezing in the direction of the two of them.

"Playing this kind of drama in front of me! Come back to me!" Zhang Xiang yelled coldly.

At the same time, whether it was the two large-capacity missiles blasted out or the flames that swept across, it suddenly seemed to have encountered a black hole in the middle, and was suddenly kneaded to a point and turned into The ashes disappeared.

Immediately afterwards, whether it was the man with the crimson armor in the mid-air, or the man with a heavy turquoise armor that was covered in machinery, both of them were suddenly drawn in by Zhang Xiang's hands. Hold on tightly.

"Is it a subordinate of Xuan Nei?" A sharp light flashed in Zhang Xiang's eyes.

At the same time, Zhang Xiang's hands were also exerting force, and a burst of special force emerged.

There was a sound of "crack", but all the armors of the two people who were pinched by Zhang Xiang's necks suddenly cracked one by one.

Accompanied by the sound of two screams, the armor covering the two of them suddenly shattered, turned into data, and disappeared in place.


"Big Eared Beast!"

Two angry voices rang at the same time.

Then, four extremely angry eyes stared in Zhang Xiang's direction, wishing to divide Zhang Xiang's body.

However, if the eyes can kill people, then the entire world of human beings may already be dead.

Hearing the screams of the two men, Zhang Xiang's face did not change at all.

The kindness to the enemy is the cruelty to oneself.

"You make me very curious! Originally, I thought that Xuan Nei's subordinates should be just ordinary people. At most, they should only be some dead houses or anti-human elements. But what surprised me was that you One of them is a member of the special peacekeeping section, and one is a foreigner!" Zhang Xiang showed a cold smile on his face, staring at the guy pinched by his hands.

That's right, the one who was pinched by Zhang Xiang's throat was a neon man who was about 30 years old and had a strong body.

The other is a foreign woman with blond hair and blue eyes, about 27 or 8 years old.

As for why Zhang Xiang could recognize that man, he was a member of the Neon Special Peacekeeping Force.

Then there are some coincidences. Do you remember the last time Zhang Xiang borrowed the identity of a member of the special peacekeeping force to successfully walk out of the police station?

Earlier, he had read all the information about members of the special peacekeeping force.

However, he did not expect that he would see each other at this time.

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