Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1832: , An obliterated island!

And at the next moment, the crimson flames, which are as viscous as magma, but higher than the temperature of magma, sprayed out from the mouth of the "Fire Qilin", turning into a stream from the center of the island, pouring toward the surroundings. The torrent is gone.

The crimson flames, like an erupting mountain torrent and erupting magma, turned into a torrent that eliminated everything, flowing in all directions.

The vegetation meets the crimson flame and is instantly destroyed; the steel fortress and the machine gun meet the crimson flame and instantly melt; the missile meets the crimson flame and explodes instantly; the buildings and houses encounter the crimson flame and are instantly destroyed Submerged; and the human beings on the surface of the island are also natural.

Only on the basis of that principle, it can prevent the intrusion of flames. It is manufactured with anti-nuclear standards. The thickness of steel is three meters, the thickness of concrete is five meters, and the base camp is half buried under the ground. Persevere reluctantly.

However, the continuously rising temperature has already caused the entire base camp to continue to heat up.

Even if all the means to control the temperature in the base camp are exhausted, it is just that the temperature inside does not exceed forty degrees.

Things seem to be deadlocked in this way.

But at this moment, a reconnaissance plane that was the first to be deployed around the island flew up.

A panic and visceral shout also rang from the reconnaissance plane.

"Who are you? Do you know the crime of attacking the neon special department? I advise you, you'd better surrender obediently, otherwise..."

The voice of persuading surrender rang from the sound of the reconnaissance plane.

But the other party's words were only general, and they couldn't continue. Look. Yarn, Chinese website

Because the strong gravitational force and wind force ‘pulled’ that reconnaissance plane.

And that thing with strong gravitational force and wind power is naturally a big guy.

"Heaven is shaking the stars!" Zhang Xiang finished the third seal with both hands, his lips lightly opened, and he said the name of this ninjutsu.

His scarlet eyes were full of killing intent.

A huge meteorite with a length of thousands of meters and a width of nearly 400 meters, suddenly emerged from the sky, penetrated the heavy clouds, and hit the ground with the might of the meteorite. go with.

And the reconnaissance plane blocked in front of it was naturally swept over by the meteorite's own gravity and the complicated wind that it carried during its landing.

We seem to be able to hear a scream of "no" from the reconnaissance plane that was swept over the meteorite and exploded.

In the next moment, the meteorite weighing hundreds of millions of tons penetrated the clouds and landed on the ground.

Suddenly, the world seemed to lose its color.

That huge meteorite weighing hundreds of millions of tons hit the base camp in the center of the island head-on.

The defense composed of concrete and steel in the base camp that could have withstood the impact of the billion-ton equivalent level, in front of this super huge meteorite that could not resist inertia, was just like the most crisp biscuit, directly penetrated.

That super-giant meteorite directly penetrated the entire base camp covering an area of ​​hundreds of thousands of square meters, squashed everything it encountered into the highest density existence, and even carried the remaining inertia. It penetrated above the ground and smashed part of the ground.

The turbulent magma, which was originally under the ground and was compressed by the ultra-high-intensity pressure, was like encountering a rare sloping opening. It emerged from the crashed ground, but sprayed onto the ground. After going out, it turned into a lava fountain, splashing the dark red magma in all directions.

And the sprayed magma turned into the best nourishment for the crimson flames that raged on the island, submerging the entire island in a sea of ​​fire, and even the rocks began to melt. The side scene is like being in a real lava hell.

At the same time, the seismological bureaus of various countries all received a 34-level shock, centered on this small island, and moved towards the surroundings.

But what shocked the special military departments of various countries even more.

They are arranged in the high altitude, constantly monitoring the satellites of most countries in the world, but they have taken a special picture.

A super-giant meteorite quietly appeared in the low-Earth orbit, directly penetrating the thick atmosphere, smashing all the clouds above it along the way, and hitting a small block of neon. On the island.

Such an incredible picture really makes many people who believe in science feel unbelievable.

Because the approach of such a massive meteorite cannot but be detected.

And this piece of information was quickly delivered to the hands of the heads of state.

The Celestial Chao, the nearest to Neon, was the first to deliver the news to the head of state.

However, facing the information presented, there was also the general of the special military intelligence bureau.

The head of the celestial dynasty tapped his finger on the table top, and after his face changed and changed with his solemn expression, he made a decision.

"Are the generals going against the generals... order to go down... secret military guards in coastal areas! In addition, the original plan was cancelled...!" The head of the celestial dynasty finally made this order.

"Yes!" The general of the Special Military Intelligence Bureau saluted.

However, he sighed inwardly.

He knew that next, it was about to enter the eventful season.

He did not expect that among the supernatural powers, there would be such a powerful person.

But at the same time he was a little lucky, because they had not had time to implement certain plans...

And the second one to receive news is the United States, which has the most advanced technology in this world.

It's just that after they received those messages.

Because of its special system, a debate arose among high-level personnel who had gathered long ago, waiting for the results of a certain plan.

However, the final result of the debate is.

The United States must not lose its dominance, whether it is realistic or supernatural!

At the same time, in response to Zhang Xiang's possible offensive route, the deployment in the Asia-Pacific region, as well as nearby aircraft carriers, also began to move.

As for those countries that have not received any information about the United States and Neon's operation, they are caught in tension.

Because every time an American aircraft carrier starts to take action, it represents a **** storm on the territory of another country.

But this time, perhaps a **** storm will fall on their own land...

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