Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1833: , Lock the missile!

"Destroyed, is it finished..." Zhang Xiang turned around. Look. Wool. Line. Chinese. Text. Net

A strong blast of hot wind blew over, shaking his collar slightly.

And behind him, there was already a lava hell.

A huge meteorite stands in the most central position, surrounded by an ocean of magma, dark red magma bubbles rise from time to time, accompanied by dark red tributaries, flowing slowly towards the sea. Falling into the sea, a cloud of smoke was raised around the island.

"Then, it's time to go to the next place!" Zhang Xiang's gaze rolled, and he looked towards the boundless sea.

On the other side of the sea, there is this place he is waiting to solve.

But at the next moment, his right foot slammed on the ground, and the whole figure turned into an afterimage and rushed into the air, rushing directly towards the other side of the ocean.

The strong sea breeze is blowing on the face, and the distant sun has just risen, and the warm sunlight is falling, not counting the dazzling light descending on this world from the distant sky.

But Zhang Xiang's speed is getting faster and faster.

Beneath the azure sea where he had flown, there appeared a strip of white waves scoring towards the surroundings.

In a short while, his speed has already reached a level beyond the speed of sound.

Even if he was ten meters above the surface of the sea, he still made a long scratch on the surface, like a speedboat swiftly passing through the sea.

However, at the next moment, Zhang Xiang looked towards the sky with a little notice.

"Are you locking me?! The action is so fast!" Zhang Xiang's mouth showed a sneer.

He can feel the traces of no less than a dozen satellites, and is urgently locking his figure, intending to lock him.

Then, Zhang Xiang looked at the scratches beneath him and above the ocean with some awareness.

"Is it based on this one locked me? Then, what about this?!" Zhang Xiang's mouth showed a sneer, and the whole body suddenly soared into the sky.

A scratch left by the super high speed remained in the air.

And Zhang Xiang's figure has already leapt into the air with a height of several thousand meters.

To be precise, Zhang Xiang flew into some thick clouds and was using the cover of these clouds to avoid the other party's detection.

After all, with a body the size of Zhang Xiang, although his speed reached several times the speed of sound, whether it was radar or ultrasonic, it was somewhat difficult to lock Zhang Xiang.

However, this is only the technology exposed on the bright side of this world.

That country is above high and new technology and has not left one hand, or even two hands, in secret.

But after Zhang Xiang rushed to this suitable hiding area, as expected, the observations of dozens of satellites originally locked on him all lost their accuracy.

However, Zhang Xiang was slightly surprised.

There was still a satellite locked, but he didn't break free!

"So, in this case, can you continue to lock me in!" Zhang Xiang's eyes flashed with a sharp light, and the speed of his figure suddenly skyrocketed.

He turned out to have accelerated to a speed close to ten times the speed of sound in just two seconds.

At this speed, Zhang Xiang's figure is no longer something that the naked eye can easily capture.

No, it's not just the naked eye, even the satellite suspended in low earth orbit temporarily lost Zhang Xiang's figure.

But at this moment, Zhang Xiang's eyes suddenly widened.

"This is?!" Zhang Xiang exclaimed.

In the front of the mist, two missiles suddenly appeared, directly rushing towards Zhang Xiang.

However, it's a matter of fact.

Zhang Xiang's figure suddenly turned sideways, passing between the two missiles.

But at the moment he succeeded in a flash.

The two missiles suddenly burst open.


Behind him, a fierce flame and strong impact suddenly spread.

However, under the condition of ten times the speed of sound, whether it was the violent flame or the strong shock wave, they were left behind without reservation.

‘Has it been discovered? This thought flashed through Zhang Xiang's mind.

But at the next moment, his idea became reality.

At the moment he rushed out of the white cloud where he was, above the sea in front of him, an aircraft carrier that was two kilometers long appeared in front of him.

And around this aircraft carrier, there are dozens of fully equipped frigates around.

And the moment he appeared, the attack had already arrived.

A torrent of metal like raindrops blasted from the frigate. It was a special bullet aimed at helicopters, each of which could penetrate two centimeters of steel.

However, there are dozens of such metal torrents, forming a metal torrent that blocks the sky.

And it's not just that!

As with the previous missiles, it was as if they were free of money. At least hundreds of them were shot from the frigates in an instant, trying to surround Zhang Xiang's figure from all directions.

And this has not included aircraft carriers that have not launched any weapons.

If it also burst out with a barrage, I am afraid that the sky within a few thousand meters will be completely sealed off!

Among the dozens of metal torrents that constantly changed directions and formed an encirclement.

Zhang Xiang's figure is constantly turning and turning, and at a speed exceeding several times the speed of sound, it quietly flashes between these metal torrents.

The biggest impact on Zhang Xiang is not these regular metal torrents.

It was those missiles that were totally unreasonable. Once they passed a dozen meters around Zhang Xiang, or predicted that Zhang Xiang might be bombed, they unreasonably exploded.

And once it is affected by a missile, then there will be dozens or hundreds of missiles diving over, forming a large-scale explosion.

The opponent seems to be fighting, even if it uses a missile pile, it is the rhythm to blow Zhang Xiang to death.

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