Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1984: , Youkexin City Wrench Competition!

Walking into Youkexin City, the lights feasting and high-rise buildings appeared one after another in sight.

The red of the setting sun was scattered from the sky in the distance, giving the whole city that was about to fall into the dark with the last bit of light.

Because, with the hunter mainland gangs gathered in Youkexin City for several years, the night is a paradise for criminals.

When night falls, no ordinary people dare to stay on the street, and even going out is an extremely dangerous thing.

In this chaotic night, even walking out of the door may be hit by stray bullets from the gang.

As the last glimmer of the setting sun disappeared in the sky, a strong wind blew, bringing up a lot of dust and garbage.

Among them, a kind of flyer flew in front of Zhang Xiang.

In front of him, he was intercepted.

"September 1st? A very familiar day." Zhang Xiang brought the flyer that flew in front of him to his eyes. He looked at the big characters September 1st on the flyer and said with some emotion. .

However, in the previous life, September 1st was the day when the heavenly dynasty unified school began.

However, in Youkexin City, September 1st was the first day of the underground auction held by the gangs gathered in Youkexin City.

And Zhang Xiang clearly remembered what happened on the first day of this underground auction.

"It seems that there will be a **** storm that will be born soon." Zhang Xiang sighed with literary style.

However, there was a smile on his face.

Anyway, he is just watching the show.

As long as others don't provoke him, he won't get involved in anything. See 1 Mao 2 Line 3 Chinese Net

Well, probably, as long as it doesn't make him interesting.

Of course, in this process, he will also take care of some guys that he looks pleasing to the eye.

As for the unpleasant guys, of course they were just destroyed.

Strong and headstrong!

However, this time.

However, Zhang Xiang noticed what was promoted on this flyer.

"Wrench competition?" Zhang Xiang looked at the promotion on the flyer with some surprise.

The above text probably describes that as long as you pay a small amount of money, then you can participate in the wrench competition with a strongman sent by the contestant. If you can win the strongman sent by the contestant in the wrench competition.

Then, he can get prizes equal to at least one hundred times the small amount of money paid.

This is a very attractive flyer.

However, what attracted Zhang Xiang was not the content of the flyer.

But what he thinks of in this period of time in Youkexin City, the people who would make such a thing, it seems that there will only be a group of chaotic little guys.

And who else would there be in that group of little guys, naturally it was the group of hunters' protagonists Xiaojie and Qi Ya.

As for why Zhang Xiang referred to Xiaojie and Qi Ya, and even Leo Li as little guys, it was because Zhang Xiang completely crushed them in terms of strength, experience, or age.

Well, even if Zhang Xiang's age is only included in the world of "Listen to Dad", he is still older than them.

Not to mention, Zhang Xiang's actual age is to count the time he has spent in so many worlds.

Counting it all up, Zhang Xiang's age is more than a lap older than them.

If you count the chronicles of his great power, then Zhang Xiang's age will be calculated by the epoch.

However, what made Zhang Xiang hesitate.

Is he going to hang out with Xiaojie and the others now, and it would be better to spend the plot with them, or go to the underground auction to see the gang banquet?

"Forget it, go to both places!" Zhang Xiang made a decision instantly.

After making the decision, Zhang Xiang stopped hesitating anymore, but walked directly in the direction of Xiaojie and others.

But being able to be picked up by the wind and rolled up the flyers in front of Zhang Xiang, the place where the flyers were distributed is naturally not far from here.

Therefore, Zhang Xiang didn't take many steps before he arrived at the simple scene of the temporary wrench competition built by Xiaojie and Leo Li and others.

It is said that it is a temporary site, because it is just on the sidewalk of the street.

Moreover, there are only two things in the venue.

That is a wooden table for wrenches, and two chairs, oh no, and a cloth on the wooden table.

There is nothing else.

It is simple, not other words, it is already a good description.

However, maybe Leoli's propaganda is very powerful, or maybe those guys think that Xiaojie sitting in front of the chair is very bullied.

In front of the table where the wrench was used, there were a lot of people in line.

There are fierce guys, fat guys, gangsters, anyway.

They are all guys who dare to think that they can protect themselves in the night when the gang gathers.

In fact, they do have the ability to protect themselves.

Because, in this row, there are close to two-thirds of the guys, they are all gangsters.

Although, most of them are just incompetent guys.

However, in the night where the gangs gather, they are rare protagonists.

When Zhang Xiang walked to the front, he saw a muscular man who was about 1.8 meters tall and sat down to compete with Xiaojie. However, after Xiaojie pretended to be stalemate for a while, a forceful general The scene where the opponent's right hand was knocked down.

It is hard to imagine that a muscular fierce man of about 1.8 meters will be defeated by a child of about 1.6 meters in a wrench competition.

However, in the queue, although someone still showed a surprised expression, there was not much shock and surprise.

Obviously, Xiaojie did not do this kind of thing once or twice.

But what Zhang Xiang noticed was that as the more people Xiaojie defeated, the onlookers who were originally interested in paying the money showed an expression of lack of interest on their faces.

Obviously, they have realized that even if they participate, they cannot win.

After all, in this world, no one is a real fool.

Yes, they are just guys who are inspired by profits!

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