Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1985: , Beast intuition!

After thinking about it, Zhang Xiang quietly ranked to the end of the team. Look at ‘hair, thread, Chinese, text, net

The wrench competition is usually very fast, even if Xiaojie always pretends to be evenly matched, even if it is pretending, it cannot be too much.

Therefore, when it was Zhang Xiang's turn, it was only about ten minutes later.

Of course, Zhang Xiang had already quietly changed his appearance when he was waiting in line.

In addition, the "Baby Bird" Doudou has become what it is now.

Naturally, Leoli and others, who had only spent a short time with Zhang Xiang, didn't notice it at all.

Even when Zhang Xiang paid the registration fee of 10,000 jinni, Leoli enthusiastically said cheer for Zhang Xiang.

Although, Zhang Xiang clearly saw Leoli's eyes with the look of "another fat sheep sent to the door" that kind of money fan.

However, Zhang Xiang has already planned to teach them a little bit. It's not good for a money fan!

But when Zhang Xiang sat down, someone still almost saw Zhang Xiang's identity.

And the guy who almost saw Zhang Xiang's identity naturally possessed the intuition of a beast.

"It's strange, why do I really want to think I have seen you?" Xiaojie glanced at Zhang Xiang with a trace of doubt on his face, and muttered in his mouth.

And listening to Xiaojie's judgment, Zhang Xiang was indeed slightly surprised.

‘You deserve to be Kim’s child! Intuition is really comparable to beasts! Zhang Xiang exclaimed in his heart, but the expression on his face remained unchanged.

"Oh, is it? But, I remember I haven't seen you. Okay, let's not talk about anything else, let's start the wrench competition soon!" Zhang Xiang pretended to be a little impatient young man and said.

And listening to Zhang Xiang's words, Xiaojie finally stopped staring at Zhang Xiang.

However, he was still muttering as he stretched out his hand to prepare for the game.

"It can't be wrong, familiar taste..." Xiaojie continued to mutter.

However, when Zhang Xiang listened to Xiaojie's words, he had a desire to complain.

‘Familiar taste, the taste of my hometown! Also, Xiaojie, how smart is your nose? It’s almost better than a dog. Last time you could hear the sound of a tsunami in the wind on the Gunship Island a few kilometers away, in Glasses Island. He could smell the blood of Hisuo through the barrier of the forest. Now you can tell whether the smell you smell is familiar or not, and how good you are! But why didn't I feel this in Jin's body! Zhang Xiang complained in his heart.

However, Zhang Xiang also knew that Jin's abilities were probably inherited from his mother's abilities who had never appeared in the original work.

And Zhang Xiang also learned that in addition to the archaeological remains, Jin spent the past few years in the Dark Continent, but also had the idea of ​​finding someone.

And that person is probably Xiaojie's mother.

However, Zhang Xiang hadn't asked if it was right, so it's right if he doesn't know.

However, Zhang Xiang was still certain that the person Jin looked for in the Dark Continent was nearly two-thirds likely to be Xiaojie's mother.

However, it is unclear whether Xiaojie's mother voluntarily entered the Dark Continent, or was originally a resident of the Dark Continent.

But at this moment, a voice called Zhang Xiang back to reality.

"ready, go!"

Leoli placed the hands of Zhang Xiang and Xiaojie, and wrapped his hands outside of the two clenched hands, ensuring that they did not use their strength in advance.

Then, with an order, his hands were immediately separated and the game was announced.

At the same time, Zhang Xiang also felt a wave of not weak power from Xiaojie's side.

However, the strength that is not weak is relative to ordinary people.

For Zhang Xiang, that powerful force is just the breeze.

This made the opposite Xiaojie slightly surprised and looked in Zhang Xiang's direction.

However, Zhang Xiang just smiled at him.

And Xiaojie also seemed to feel the ease revealed in Zhang Xiang's smile, and she couldn't help but add a bit of strength to the right hand that she held.

However, it did not work.

Even if Xiaojie increased his strength, even several times the strength he showed at the beginning, he still couldn't shake Zhang Xiang's right hand.

‘I met a master! A thought suddenly flashed through Xiaojie's mind.

Thinking of this, Xiaojie didn't dare to keep any more.

His power began to burst out gradually.

And how powerful is Xiaojie, especially after training in the sky arena for several months, and after learning to read, his strength has increased dramatically.

Now, he has at least four meals with one hand.

However, for ordinary people, the power of four meals is an existence that will be severely damaged by touching it.

But for Zhang Xiang, it was still drizzle.

Zhang Xiang's face is still relaxed and freehand.

Although, the table top where the two played against each other had already begun to shake violently, and squeaked overwhelmedly.

However, this is not that the quality of this table is not good, but that it is too good.

It's not any table that can withstand the strength of four meals for so long without falling apart.

Zhang Xiang even wondered if this was a solid table made of some precious tree species.

But at this moment, Zhang Xiang suddenly spoke.

"Okay, don't play!" Zhang Xiang's right hand suddenly withdrew, and then suddenly exploded with more power than just before.

There was a ‘bang’.

Xiaojie just pressed Zhang Xiang’s right hand down a little bit. He had not had time to be happy, but because he suddenly lost the strength to fight, the muscles were unable to react. Zhang Xiang immediately countered him, and his right hand was overwhelmed on the table. There was a loud noise.

Even the table broke apart with a ‘bang’ and fell to the ground.

There is no doubt that Xiaojie lost and Zhang Xiang won!

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