Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 2004: , The uncle tracks Kim!

Seeing Catwoman disappear in front of her, Zhang Xiang put down her waving right hand and turned her body around.

At this moment, Xiaojie and Qi Ya could be regarded as reacting.

"Uncle, why are you here... Ah, it hurts!" Qi Ya said first.

However, before he finished speaking, a steel fist had already arrived on his head.

"Either call my big brother or my name directly, don't call my uncle, I am still 18 years old!" Zhang Xiang retracted the fist that fell on the head of a certain unlucky guy, and the veins on his forehead came to the ground. Said.

"Obviously it's big...cough cough, just say it, why bother to do it!" Qi Ya muttered to the side, looking at the fist that was about to be sent out again, he chose to give in.

At this moment, Xiaojie also intervened.

"Big Brother Zhang Xiang, why are you here?" Xiaojie asked with doubts on his face, without the joy and fear that he should have in the rest of his life.

"Ask! If you didn't just run to these dangerous places, I promised Jin to take care of you before, how could I run to this kind of place?" Zhang Xiang said helplessly.

Of course, promise gold is just an interface.

He came here, just wanting to participate in the next plot he didn't know about.

However, he didn't expect that after he finished saying this sentence, Xiaojie's eyes started to light up.

"Do you know where my father is?" Xiaojie rushed to Zhang Xiang's face, staring at Zhang Xiang with his expectant eyes.

Being held back by his **** eyes, Zhang Xiang is really uncomfortable.

Hearing Xiaojie's voice, everyone turned their eyes to Zhang Xiang's direction.

Because the people here are more or less related to Jin. Look. Yarn, Chinese website

And listening to Xiaojie's voice, Zhang Xiang already whispered awful and missed his mouth.

But immediately, he reacted. Didn't he want to take a look at Jin's expression when he saw his son?

Now is the best opportunity!

Thinking of this, Zhang Xiang immediately betrayed the gold.

"Yes, I explored the dark continent with him a few months ago and found something amazing. Therefore, he already came back two or three months ago. Well, it seems that I am still with him. When I arrived in Youkexin City, I invited him to find you together. However, he seemed to be shy and used to report his harvest in Chalkboard Mainland as an excuse, so he left..." Zhang Xiang quickly transferred these The traces of Jin in the past few months are revealed.

"So, where is he now?" Xiaojie asked expectantly.

"Oh, let me think about it... Well, if he is not accidental now, he should be near the headquarters of the Hunter Association." Zhang Xiang quickly connected the root of the World Tree, and immediately positioned Jin's position. Out.

After taking control, he now wants to find anyone from any corner of this planet. It is an extremely simple matter.

"It's near the headquarters of the Hunter Association?!" Xiaojie asked excitedly.

"Yes." Zhang Xiang said with a nod.

"Great, I'm going to find him now!" Xiaojie showed an expression of excitement on his face, and ran directly toward the forest and the others.

However, he hadn't waited long before he ran out before he was already caught.

"What are you running around alone! If you meet the enemy just now, can you stand it alone?" Qi Ya grabbed Xiaojie by the collar with a bit of hatred and said to him.

"Ah, this one is true." Xiaojie touched his head and said with some embarrassment.

However, his face still showed excitement.

And at this time, Zhang Xiang was also splicing.

"Also, I guess if you go to him now, you may not be able to find it. He is busy with some things now. Moreover, with his shy personality, if you go to him specifically, he might even hide. !" Zhang Xiang also persuaded Xiaojie to say.

"Yes, the character of the master is really possible." Kate released the sword summoned in his hand and nodded to Xiaojie.

And listening to everyone's words, Xiaojie's excitement can't help being reduced a bit.

However, he finally decided that he wanted to go back and look for it.

Moreover, this time his mind is still moving quickly, and he has found a good excuse.

That is, we can't handle this situation anymore. Only when we go back and report the information to the Hunter Association headquarters can we hope to solve it.

And listening to Xiaojie's rare and clear words, everyone was somewhat persuaded.

"Okay, let's go back together. Moreover, if I want to pick up my hand, I have to go back and find someone to pick it up." Kay nodded, walked over, and picked up his broken right arm.

In this way, under Xiaojie's persuasion, after making relevant records and rest, everyone set off towards the headquarters of the Hunter Association.

In order to be able to see what might happen in the next half, the embarrassment that Jin had when he met Xiaojie, Zhang Xiang also followed them.

However, coming is a simple matter.

However, going back is not a simple matter.

Because the chimeric ants have already begun to act, the whole country has begun to be a little confused.

However, the hunter is the one who can not.

In addition, Kate is the kind of person who runs around and quickly found a way to leave.

And, after a week, he successfully returned to the headquarters of the Hunter Association.

And when Kate went to the headquarters of the Hunter Association to report the situation, Zhang Xiang also took Xiaojie to Jin's direction.

Zhang Xiang, I still hope to see what Jin will show when he meets Xiaojie.

However, when Zhang Xiang brought Xiaojie to the building where Jin was located.

As if he had noticed something, he actually started to run away.

However, Zhang Xiang already came here with Xiaojie, how could he let him run away casually? !

"Follow me, as if your dad already knew that you were here." Zhang Xiang felt that Jin was rushing towards the back of the building quickly, and the figure who wanted to jump through the window to escape, turned to Xiaojie and Qi behind him. Ya two said.

Afterwards, Zhang Xiang opened a dark gap in front of him and walked directly in.

Looking at the dark gap, Xiao Jie nodded directly without hesitating for a while.

"En!" Xiaojie nodded quickly and stepped in.

Qi Ya, holding his head, walked in without hesitation.

Along the way, they had already seen many incredible methods Zhang Xiang displayed.

Therefore, even if you are facing something similar to a spatial crack in front of you, it is not surprising at all.

But at the next moment, they felt that they had passed through a dark passage and came to another concrete floor.

Qi Ya looked around, as if it was behind the building they had just visited.

However, when he raised his head, he saw a figure jumping from a building with twenty stories high...

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