Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 2005: , Father and son recognize the crusade team!

"Hello, Jin, I brought your son to see you." Zhang Xiang said some classic lines in the eight o'clock gold misery drama, and suddenly surprised Jin who was about to jump down. One slip, from jumping directly to falling. Look. Yarn, Chinese website

Moreover, it was the same kind of head-down fall.

However, just when Xiaojie was about to yell out with his mouth wide open, and wanted to rush forward.

A dark crack suddenly appeared behind Jin's fall.

Looking at the dark crack that appeared in front of his head, Jin was able to disperse the thoughts that had gathered on his body, and let himself fall into the dark crack.

Suddenly, he felt that the direction of gravity had suddenly changed.

When he came out of the other pitch-black crack in the next instant, he was already on the ground with his feet down.

The feeling of a sudden change between space and gravity makes people feel unsteady.

Even Jin almost fell after landing, but fortunately, he relied on a strong sense of balance to balance it.

However, he hasn't waited for him to stand firmly.

A figure suddenly crashed into Jin's arms and hugged him tightly.

This made his body tense in an instant, but in the next instant, he relaxed the tense muscles.

Because the person who was thrown into his arms was his son.

"Jin, you are Jin!" Xiaojie said, staring at Jin with a little tear in his eyes.

And Jin also seemed to be electrocuted, with an expression of guilt and shy on his face.

But in the end, Kim nodded.

"Yes, I am." Jin said.

In the next instant, Xiaojie plunged into Jin's arms and burst into tears. Look. Yarn, Chinese website

Even the onlookers Zhang Xiang and Qi Ya felt moved, and resentment for Jin emerged.

Well, besides that, Zhang Xiang also feels that his goose bumps are also up.

‘Well, I’m still not suitable for watching this sensational drama. Zhang Xiang looked a little uncomfortably at the reunion of Jin and Xiaojie's father and son, and thought helplessly.

Looking at this kind of drama, in addition to a kind of embarrassment, he has become more and more homesick.

However, in the next instant, Zhang Xiang came back to his senses.

"Ahem... Qi Ya, let's go. Also, we are waiting for you at the headquarters of the Hunter Association." Zhang Xiang coughed lightly, pulling Qi Ya by his collar and dragging him into the dark gap. Inside, completely ignored the opponent's resistance.

And Qi Ya also only moved verbally, but actually did not resist much.

Because he also knew that Xiaojie and Jin met for the first time in so many years, and there must be a lot to say.

Zhang Xiang understands that, based on Jin's awkward personality, if he wants him to tell Xiaojie the truth, he still needs others to be absent.

If they continue to be here, with Jin's awkward character, I don't know what will happen.

Even if it sneaks away, it is not impossible.

In this regard, after he awkwardly cleared the game on the island of greed, when Xiaojie came to see him, he was set to send him directly to his apprentice Kate if Xiaojie brought friends with him. It can be seen that Xiaojie uses a magnetic line to let him meet him.

And Zhang Xiang actually didn't know how the scene of Xiaojie and Jin Xianghui went.

Because he did not go to peep.

However, after three hours, Xiaojie happily followed with a helpless face, but the corner of his mouth was when Jin came to the Hunter Association with a smile.

Zhang Xiang and others already knew, the result should be very good.

Otherwise, Xiaojie would not have a smile on his face.

He is a child who can express all his emotions on his face.

After the arrival of Jin and Xiaojie, Kate also brought the opinions of the Hunter Association, to be precise, the opinions of President Nitro and the high-level world government.

There is no doubt that the decision they made can only be one.

That is, crusade!

However, Zhang Xiang was somewhat surprised that President Nitro also specially invited Zhang Xiang to join the crusade.

In addition, he personally followed Kate to invite Zhang Xiang.

"Haha... Mr. Zhang Xiang, this time the crusade depends on you for your great contribution and acting as the commander-in-chief. I am an old man, but I can't move it anymore." President Nitro seemed like Zhang Xiang would definitely agree. , With his hands on his back, with a seemingly kind smile on his face, said to Zhang Xiang.

"Oh, but I don't seem to have told me before, and I haven't agreed yet." Zhang Xiang raised his brows and said.

What a joke, although he wants to go, he is not coerced by others like this.

"Oh, is it? But, haven't you already agreed? And, are you willing to let me, a more than 100-year-old man, go desperately?" President Nitro's face showed a surprised expression.

Listening to President Nitro's words, Zhang Xiang's mouth twitched.

"When did I agree? And, the president, you are still healthy, you shouldn't be bothered by the mere crusade against chimeric ants, right?" Zhang Xiang said a little bit of suspicion of flattering and breaking free.

However, he was really talking nonsense with his eyes open.

Because although he is on the side of the Hunter Association, he has been paying attention to the side of the chimeric ant.

He has already observed the appearance of the chimeric ant king.

Even if he felt the powerful thought ability when the other party was born, he was slightly surprised.

Because that was already comparable to the power possessed by some ultra-dangerous creatures in the dark continent.

Even because the opponent was just born, that force cannot be fully developed.

But even so.

Zhang Xiang also didn't feel that Nitro's power could beat the opponent.

Even though Nitro might seem to be old on the surface, his body's strength and mental abilities are the strongest among humans he has ever seen.

However, the limit that humans can reach is not the limit that the chimeric ant can reach.

In terms of quantity, even if Ant King's thought power has not been developed safely, in quantity, it is far beyond the point of President Nitro.

Even the quality is not far off.

With a small amount of awareness, or even a multiple of the difference in numbers, perhaps President Nitro can rely on his rich experience and various strategies to keep the opponent behind.

However, when the ant king's thought power was ten times that of President Nitro.

The huge gap in numbers alone is enough to cause a crushing posture.

Not to mention, the flesh of the king ant contains the cells of chimeric ants, and the power of chimeric ants can be at least ten times that of humans of the same size.

The sum is enough to conclude that President Nitro is unlikely to win.

Perhaps when he was young, he could do it with a stronger mind and body strength!

But he is impossible now!

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