Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 2012: ,Second mortality? o (╯□╰)o

But the other party's attack did not stop. See 1 Yarn 3 Chinese Net

The other party didn't just rush to one side directly following the inertia after bursting out of speed and power beyond the limit as before.

But at the moment when Zhang Xiangshu's avatar was torn apart, his body suddenly slowed down, but his right foot swept toward Zhang Xiang's body.

And at such a speed that exceeds the limit, and even counts points faster than before, suddenly slows down and stops, what a burden on the body!

If it were an ordinary person, the body would have exploded at the moment it stopped, forming a blood mist.

No, if it is an ordinary person, I am afraid that before entering the field of sound speed, he would already kneel.

Although the body of the catwoman Nifipyto is ten times that of an ordinary person, she can easily withstand the physical damage caused by entering the speed of sound.

However, this does not mean that after she was able to ignore the speed beyond the limit, she was able to bear the impact of her inertia on her body again!

At least, Zhang Xiang is visible to the naked eye.

The opponent's body with the crimson line of thought bound all over, made a slight deformation visible to the naked eye, and the muscles and bones made a scream, and even the corners of the opponent's mouth had wisps of blood flowing out.

However, the catwoman Nivipetto completely ignored all this.

However, it is more likely that the catwoman Nifi Pido has not reacted at this time, and even lost her consciousness.

Because the interval between the opponent's attacks is only less than zero and five seconds.

This is the time before the biological nerves can perceive it and let the body react.

Even if it did, it would still be impossible for the opponent to control the body beyond the limit perfectly, resist the force of inertia, and make such a perfect attack.

After all, the so-called beyond the limit refers to the uncontrollable part.

Therefore, Zhang Xiang could easily guess that the other party just gave his own mind ability to attack Zhang Xiang with all his strength.

Perhaps, the opponent's nerves are directly connected to each other with the ability to control one's body, and it took the time required for the nerve to reach the body before it made such a limit response.

Or, as mentioned above, this is just an ability when the opponent sends a full attack on one's own thought ability.

However, these things are not related to Zhang Xiang.

Because the attack that can easily smash a large tree with several people and kick it into powder is already here.

Although, Zhang Xiang has tried his best.

However, the opponent's right foot was still wiped from his waist.

This wipe is usually just a rub.

However, within this kind of extreme speed, an extremely powerful force burst out, instantly crushing half of his body's waist to pieces.

Visible to the naked eye, most of the organs floated out of his body.

Even the bright blood beads are clearly visible to the naked eye.

Although, those broken organs and blood beads have already begun to gradually turn into tree debris.

"It's really troublesome..." Zhang Xiang felt his badly damaged tree clone, and was a little depressed thinking about the trouble of repairing this broken tree clone later.

As a result, Zhang Xiang's heart suddenly swayed.

Forget it, don't need this clone of the tree.

Anyway, this is just a strand of tree roots with the world tree protruding out of the ground and disguised as an ordinary tree, even the hardness of the tree root is similar to that of an ordinary tree.

When the opponent blows it up, it blows up. When I change the root of a real world tree, I will become a tree clone that can carry one-tenth of my strength. See how you blow up my body!

In Zhang Xiang's heart, he thought of it a little bit.

‘However, before it is destroyed, let’s use it again! Zhang Xiang's body turned around abruptly, swinging his left fist with all his strength.

Under his full burst, although the so-called full strength is only to wield twice the power that exceeds the limit of his own tree clone, it can't reach one-tenth of the full strength of Zhang Xiang's real body.

However, even if he only wields twice the strength of his own physical limit.

His tree clone had already begun from his left fist, crashed quickly, turned into powder and disappeared into the air.

Even the place where his clone was injured was also implicated and began to collapse.

However, in the end, Zhang Xiang still slammed the punch, even if he slammed it in the direction of the catwoman Nifi Pido.


An extremely powerful force burst out and swept the surroundings instantly.

Then, Zhang Xiang's tree clone collapsed directly because it was affected by his own power.

Then, Zhang Xiang directly mobilized the roots of a World Tree hidden underground and hurried to the ground.

And, he managed to get out of the ground after a second, trying to find trouble with the catwoman Nifi Pido.

Although he didn't want to kill the other party, but at least he had to arrest the other party and ‘check the body’ as he promised.

However, what makes Zhang Xiang feel dumbfounded.

The battle seems to be over!

On a road that directly pierced through most of the field outside the palace, there was the catwoman Nifi Peter's body that knew nothing about life or death.

There was a lot of blood permeating her whole body. The whole right hand and her right foot were all soft and lying, obviously the bones were already shattered.

The slightly raised breast is also sunken in.

More importantly, the blood vomiting out of her mouth contained a lot of internal organs.

Seeing, there is already more entry and less venting.

Obviously, the opponent was not only injured severely, but also internally injured.

After all, the opponent barely forced his body to explode with strength and speed that surpassed his body's limit, and forcibly endured it from several times the speed of sound to stagnation in the air, and then launched an attack in a short period of 0.5 seconds. The powerful impact brought by.

It is unscientific to avoid internal injuries.

In the end, he suffered from Zhang Xiang's boxing. Immortality was already due to the strong physicality of the opponent.

And looking at the catwoman Nifi Peter who was lying far away, Zhang Xiang didn't know what to do!

After all, he didn't think that he sacrificed his original tree clone and used a boxing that surpassed that tree clone twice the power, and still hit the boxing in the air, it could have such a powerful force!

At least, Zhang Xiang looked at the gully that started from in front of him and spread directly to one kilometer away.

It seems that it would be possible to let his body come here and hit a punch with all his strength. (It does not include the ability to strengthen the body, and the use of special skills.)

However, with his original tree clone that could only carry less than one percent of his body's strength, how could it be done?

This makes Zhang Xiang a little puzzled.

However, what Zhang Xiang has forgotten is.

Long after he came to this world, when the hunter took the exam, he was already able to slash through hundreds of kilometers and smash the hurricane.

Now that I have gone through a lot of training, I already have a deeper understanding of physical strength.

And after such a period of time, the power of the soul has already begun to recover, and his physical power has already reached a higher level since he has begun to feedback his own situation.

Therefore, even if it is a tree clone that can carry one percent of his power, beyond the limit, it can burst out of one-fifth of his power.

It is natural to achieve such an effect!

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