Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 2013: , The rose flower!

And while Zhang Xiang was entangled in the process, the battle in the palace had already progressed to a feverish level. Look. Yarn, Chinese website

And the first to end the battle was not the Jin that Zhang Xiang had expected, but the Mo Laowu side.

I don't know what method they used, even if there is no explosion, Pufu has already been resolved.

It was the battle between King and Yupi, that can only be described in one sentence, that is, using a kitchen knife to chop the wire, sparks and lightning all the way.

The entire palace, covering an area of ​​about four square kilometers, was almost demolished by the two of them by a third.

From this point, we can see how fierce the fighting between the two is.

In the end, the battle was over with a loud noise that could spread throughout the entire capital.

The specific process is not clear to Zhang Xiang, but what he knows is.

After that loud noise, Yupin's explosive thoughts had disappeared, and only the gold that seemed to have only ordinary breath, ragged clothes, sat down beside the pothole.

Compared with the original, this time the battle ended too quickly.

However, this is also normal.

Among the three ant kings' direct guards, the catwoman with super fast speed was stopped by Zhang Xiang, and the most sturdy guy in combat effectiveness was stopped by Jin.

The combat power can only be said to be ordinary Pufu. With his kind of entanglement, he will be crazy in the battle. Facing the original book, he has forced two direct guards and a large number of ant soldiers above the regiment commander. Team, it is strange not to kneel.

However, what makes Zhang Xiang feel strange is.

Why would Pufu, who has the strongest escape ability, still not escape even if he can't beat Mo Laowu and others?

In the end, Zhang Xiang found the answer in a collapsed palace building.

It is not that he does not want to escape, but that he has already escaped. Look. Wool. Line. Chinese. Text. Net

But unfortunately, when he escaped and wanted to find the ant king, he was attacked by a strong man hiding in the dark and killed him.

As for the one who can do this, who else is there!

Naturally, like the original book, the two masters of the beating enemy and the Hakka family hired by the president, Xiba beating the enemy and Jeno beating the enemy!

Under the joint gank of the two, the strength is only similar to that of the two, but because he has consumed a lot of strength to escape, he has relaxed some vigilance after escaping, it is not surprising that he was killed.

After the battle in the palace ended, Zhang Xiang still made a decision.

Can't wait for Catwoman to die.

"Fortunately, let you fall asleep and repair your body first." Zhang Xiang said, while the roots of the World Tree that controlled the World Tree drilled out of the ground, the roots of the tree cracked. , Exposed the green liquid world, and wrapped the catwoman who had been hit hard.

Then, through the special transportation ability of the green liquid, she was slowly transported to the largest tree root buried in the ground.

Let her slowly receive treatment in the green liquid.

Of course, before that.

Zhang Xiang naturally used mental power to arrange the broken bones in her body first, so that the roots of the World Tree could secrete a curable liquid to slowly treat Catwoman's injuries.

After doing these things, Zhang Xiang turned his attention away from the palace.

That is, in the original book, the direction of the royal tombs of this country that President Nitro used to die with the Ant King.

At this time, in this direction, a shock was coming from time to time.

Of course, this trace of vibration is a vibration that ordinary people, even hunters, can hardly detect.

Only Zhang Xiang, whose spirit is connected to the roots of the World Tree, can feel the shock.

Moreover, in Zhang Xiang's feeling, the intensity of that shock is gradually increasing.

"Has it reached the final stage?" Zhang Xiang felt the last wave. Even in this direction, it was enough to feel a slight trembling vibration under the soles of the feet.

Obviously, it must be President Nitro's move that can cause such an impact.

The changes in breath that Zhang Xiang perceives also confirm this.

After issuing such a move, President Nitro's momentum has already dropped to the freezing point, and he can say that he has no thoughts.

After sensing this, Zhang Xiang hesitated.

Should he rush over and save the president?

However, just when Zhang Xiang hesitated.

The convenience was given to Zhang Xiang, and the other party's vitality was suddenly cut off.

A fierce thought burst out from the body of President Nitro.

That is something that is subtle, but with the purest evil thoughts.

"The last curse?" Zhang Xiang sighed secretly, raised his head, and looked in the direction of Wang Ling.

At the same time, a bright light suddenly appeared from a place dozens of kilometers away.

A rose blooming with purple scent, looks very beautiful, but in fact it is a rose flower that brings infinite killing and malice, blooming on that plain.

In the purest explosion and malice, the ant king's evil thoughts like the ocean were quickly consumed, and his breath dropped rapidly.

In the end, it disappeared without a trace, so that no one could catch it.

And, after ten minutes or so, it disappeared completely.

At this point, the breath of the ant king followed the breath of President Nitro, and was cut off.

At the same time, a faint radiation wave came slowly in the direction of Guodu.

But fortunately, even though the amount of radiation is a little too high, it hasn't gone there yet.

Even if the people in the national capital continue to live, the incidence of cancer will increase by one percentage point at most.

But it is certain that the groundwater in the Imperial Capital should not be usable.

Because, under the tomb of the detonated "rose flower", there is an underground river leading to the capital.

The capital of the Republic of Eastern Gorda is in a semi-arid zone, and the nearest river is several dozen kilometers away.

Under these conditions, if the kingdom of the Republic of Dong Gottuo does not move its capital, the people in the imperial capital may not be able to survive.

However, it was not long after the "rose flower" bloomed.

Just after the team of chimera ants came out of the palace, Zhang Xiang's face was slightly sidelined.

"Finally reached the final moment, is it the time to refine everything?!" Zhang Xiang suddenly sensed the signal from his body, and he couldn't even say hello to the people coming out of the palace.

He directly relieved the power maintained by the tree clone, allowing this part of his spiritual consciousness to return to the core area of ​​the world tree that was far away in the dark continent, buried deep underground, and returned to the dark green. In the ocean of mental power.

However, at this time, this dark green ocean of mental power was not peaceful.

The deep green ocean of mental power that was enough to shook the entire continent into an idiot in an instant, now it was like being thrown into a boulder, or being stirred by an unknown force.

The entire dark green sea of ​​spirit began to roll violently.

Because the two core mental powers are competing for the ultimate control of this ocean of mental power!

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