Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 2014: , The two consciousnesses coming across the boundary!

Yes, Zhang Xiang's mental power is following the core of the world tree, vying for the ultimate control. Look. Yarn, Chinese website

As for why Zhang Xiang had already surrounded the core of the World Tree so that the opponent could not move at all, how could the opponent be able to compete with Zhang Xiang again.

Moreover, they are still in this evenly matched state.

This is related to an event that happened in the world tree mental power two minutes ago.

Just two minutes ago, Zhang Xiang's ontology was slowly refining the core of the world tree, waiting for the time to refining the core of the world tree in two or three months.

An accident happened,

The core of the world tree that was originally suppressed by Zhang Xiang, who had already lost the ability to resist, suddenly broke out because of the danger of damaging its core and greatly speeding up its refining. Out of the force at the bottom of the box.

Unprepared, the opponent broke through most of the lines of defense set up by Zhang Xiang, and even some of them had already escaped.

But unfortunately, although the other party made a huge sacrifice.

But Zhang Xiang was not a vegetarian. After reacting, he used all his strength to suppress everything again.

And just when Zhang Xiang felt relieved and wanted to take this opportunity to refine the core of the World Tree in a short time.

Two metal gates depicting the "Tree of Truth" suddenly appeared in the ocean of mental power, and the two huge dark green spiritual powers in succession suddenly impacted and directly suppressed Zhang Xiang Down.

But it was part of the consciousness at the core of the world tree that escaped, and when Zhang Xiang was re-suppressed, it sent an unknown signal to the helper summoned.

Although those two Dao are inferior to the core of the World Tree, they are under the impact of the consciousness that can freely control the mental power ocean and borrow the spiritual power of the World Tree.

The defense that Zhang Xiang arranged was broken open by the impact, and the core of the World Tree, which had been refined to less than one-tenth, escaped successfully and merged with the two consciousnesses.

Therefore, such a scene can only happen right now.

The core consciousness of one person, one tree is robbing the control of the spiritual ocean of the world tree.

"However, everything is different now!" Zhang Xiang felt the complete consciousness and the power restored to its peak, and his eyes flashed with brilliance.

So, at the next moment.

Zhang Xiang launched all his abilities and began to launch all counterattacks.

Under the impact of Zhang Xiang's return to complete spiritual consciousness, he and Zhang Xiang were fighting evenly, even relying on the advantage of the home court and occupying a little advantage, the core consciousness of the World Tree was instantly suppressed. .

The core consciousness of the World Tree also launched a fierce resistance.

The tumbling of the world tree's mental power ocean is more serious, and the impact is that all kinds of strange things will happen from time to time in various places in the world on this planet.

For example, a corner of the Dark Continent suddenly cracked open a crack in the ground hundreds of kilometers long and several kilometers wide with no visible bottom.

For another example, the capital of one of the countries in the Hunter Continent collapsed suddenly, forming a sinkhole, and the tragedy that the entire country disappeared.

More like that, above the sea, under the sea, an extinct volcano that has not erupted for hundreds of years, but suddenly erupted.

The spewing magma not only boiled the surrounding sea water, but also rushed out of the sea. It spewed hundreds of meters into the sky, slowly forming a new island.

And the volcanic ash that covered the sky and the sun covered hundreds of kilometers in a radius as dark as night.

And these are just a few incidents that have occurred on this continent.

In short, this planet ushered in a week of frequent disasters.

After a week, the various disasters that came one after another stopped.

And just above the Hunter Continent, various experts on the TV are discussing when the source of various disasters is printed.

The roots that were originally underground, and lost control due to the collision of two different consciousnesses, finally stopped.

Because, in the core area of ​​the world tree, the battle of will and spirit is over.

Without exception, the winner is Zhang Xiang.

After all, sometimes the battle between the strong requires only a little advantage.

As long as you have even a little advantage and you don't make mistakes, that little advantage will eventually evolve into an overwhelming victory.

In the core area of ​​the World Tree, calm again there, in the dark green World Tree spirit ocean.

Zhang Xiang floated in the middle of the deep green ocean, and the core of the world tree, which was already completely immobile, was refined into a green ball by Zhang Xiang, floating in front of Zhang Xiang.

But in the next moment, Zhang Xiang slowly opened his eyes, and a look of joy flashed in his eyes.

"Finally it's all refined!" Zhang Xiang felt that it was the core sphere of the World Tree that had been completely wiped out of his consciousness and left his mark, and he couldn't help but smile.

After refining the core of the world tree, Zhang Xiang had time to look at the direction of the two metal gates still standing in the ocean of spiritual power.

He could feel the fluctuations on it, seemingly similar to the metal gate buried in the ground.

No, one is almost exactly the same.

Looking at the two gates standing in the ocean of spiritual power, Zhang Xiang's heart had a burst of doubts.

Where do these two doors lead?

Moreover, why the two spiritual consciousnesses summoned by the core of the world tree can merge with the spiritual consciousness of the world tree to a point!

You know, even the spiritual consciousness of twin brothers cannot be merged together.

Unless, those two spiritual consciousnesses are also from the world tree!

Thinking of this, Zhang Xiang suddenly widened his eyes.

"Could it be!" Zhang Xiang suddenly thought of a possibility.

Moreover, it is very likely that it is really possible.

Thinking of this, he didn't care about being reserved, and his direct mental power was instilled toward the core of the world tree that he had refined, and he began to search for relevant information in the vast smoke-like memory of the other party. coming.

However, after he had a goal, Zhang Xiang was indeed looking for it a lot faster.

At least, he can be sure that some of the information is not what he wants.

If you use your mental power to perceive that it is not at all, just skip it.

In two minutes, Zhang Xiang finally found what he wanted in the vast flood of memories.

From the results of detection in memory, his guess is indeed correct.

However, after confirming his ideas, Zhang Xiang's eyes flashed deep shock and surprise.

Because, he was also somewhat shocked by the plan recorded in the memory of the World Tree.

"If its plan can succeed! Then, on the road to immortality, I'm afraid there will be one more person...!" Zhang Xiang said in shock.

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