Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 2016: , The world of One Piece and Dragon Ball!

After sighing, Zhang Xiang showed a hint of curiosity.

What are the other two worlds behind the two doors?

Thinking of this, Zhang Xiang couldn't help splitting out two spiritual forces, penetrating into the two open metal gates floating in the green ocean.

In the next instant, Zhang Xiang's spiritual consciousness penetrated through two weird channels and came into two different worlds.

Of course, for the sake of consciousness not to affect oneself because of the confusion of time and space changes.

Most of Zhang Xiang's spiritual consciousness was first concentrated in the world at the gate on the left.

And unsurprisingly, after he penetrated the gate on the left, the place where he appeared was still a green ocean.

However, it was not the green ocean in the world tree of the Dark Continent in the Hunter World where Zhang Xiang was located, but another green ocean.

That's right, it stands in another world, in the core area of ​​another world tree.

And proficient, Zhang Xiang accommodated his spiritual consciousness into the surrounding spiritual ocean.

Because the spiritual consciousness of the world tree of this world was refined by Zhang Xiang after merging with the main spiritual consciousness of the Hunter World.

Therefore, he didn't feel the obstacle at all, he had already accommodated the entire world tree into his spiritual consciousness.

Then, Zhang Xiang transferred his spiritual consciousness to the surroundings with this world tree as the center.

However, what Zhang Xiang didn't expect was.

Although the roots of this world tree are deeply pierced into the earth's core, the scope of spread is not large, but it only spreads more than 10,000 kilometers under the earth to the surrounding area, far from reaching it. The extent to which the planet it is on is wrapped. See 1 Yarn 3 Chinese Net

But as long as you think about it carefully, you will know that this world tree is just the birth of the clone seed in the Hunter World.

And the world tree in the Hunter World took hundreds of millions of years to wrap up the entire planet and merge with itself.

And this world tree planted in an unknown world, even when the main world tree of the Hunter World implemented this plan, it successfully reached this world for the first time and successfully took root and sprouted.

It has taken tens of millions of years to be rooted in this world.

For tens of millions of years, it has been a very good achievement to develop a seed with only potential but no strength to such a degree.

And the place where the world tree takes root is another small island with a radius of only a few hundred square kilometers.

However, Zhang Xiang felt a little strange.

As far as the spiritual consciousness that he accommodated in the World Tree, along the spread of the roots of the tree, most of the places he encountered were small islands, but he did not encounter a larger land at all.

Moreover, in a special sea area that is close to a straight line, each island has a different situation.

Or it is often thundering, or simply ice and snow, and even on some islands, there are ancient dinosaurs and primitives, and some even have a futuristic existence of robots.

This is true for one or two islands, and it can be said to be a coincidence.

But if there are dozens, hundreds of islands are like this, this is a bit magical.

However, when Zhang Xiang retracted his consciousness and placed it in the body of the World Tree rooted on this island, he suddenly realized it.

"It turns out that this is the world of One Piece!" Zhang Xiang suddenly realized that he generally saw hundreds of fruits hanging on the World Tree, showing various shapes and possessing various powers.

"So, come here if you have time." Zhang Xiang fumbled his chin and made a decision.

Then, he withdrew his spiritual consciousness.

Because, on the other side, he seems to have seen something more interesting.

And when Zhang Xiang transferred most of his spiritual consciousness, his vision shifted to the world on the right.

A soaring sky, it looks bigger than the World Tree in the Hunter World, the canopy completely rushed out of the atmosphere, the dense tree roots have spread across the entire planet's surface and under the ground, is extracting this A world tree of all life breaths on a planet stands on this planet.

"Is this?" Zhang Xiang felt the fullness of the world tree itself, which could make people immortal, and then felt the wailing of this planet, and the rapid loss His vitality, but can't help being surprised.

Because this world tree is doing the way of drinking poison to quench thirst, extracting all the life power of the entire planet and supplying it for growth.

Even in terms of energy, it has reached the level of the world tree that has accumulated countless years in the Hunter World.

However, as I said before, this is just a way to quench thirst by drinking poison.

Once this world tree extracts all the breath of life from this planet and makes this planet a dead star.

Then, it loses its continuous energy source and cannot continue to grow.

Not to mention, it grows super-fast in this way, it can't maintain its existence for a long time, unless it is a source of continuous energy.

But this is obviously impossible.

"Did it encounter an irresistible crisis that prompted it to do so?" Zhang Xiang muttered to himself, spreading his spiritual power, spreading through the meridians of the World Tree to a whole planet, and even to the starry sky. in.

However, he didn't even notice any crisis that could threaten this world tree.

However, at this moment.

Zhang Xiang did suddenly feel the breath of life in the World Tree, which was pouring out in a dozen directions.

And his spiritual consciousness rushed over quickly.

Then he saw a scene that shocked him.

"That's it?" Zhang Xiang said in shock.

I saw that among the branches of the World Tree that soared up into the sky, the fruits containing the breath of life to the extreme were growing vigorously.

However, the planet earth visible to the naked eye is rapidly becoming dry and barren.

Seeing this somewhat familiar scene, a glimmer of light flashed in Zhang Xiang's mind.

"Spirit Tree? Dragon Ball!" Zhang Xiang guessed in an instant what this world tree was called in this world.

I also suddenly understood what this world is.

However, after knowing what exactly this world is, he showed a slightly excited look.

Because this is the world of Dragon Ball!

However, Zhang Xiang wasn't excited about seeing those familiar characters, or the dragon ball he might get.

What he is excited about is that this world is just Dragon Ball!

As for why he was excited about this world being Dragon Ball, this involved another secret.


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