Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 2017: , The master of the dimension!

As we all know, the dimensional universe is composed of countless small universes. (Small universe refers to the world like Naruto and Pirate)

And all the small universes are combined to form a complete, thriving dimensional universe. (world)

Outside the dimensional universe, there is chaos.

And in that immeasurable chaos, there are many different dimensional universes.

Of course, what we are going to talk about this time has nothing to do with other dimensional universes, nor does it have anything to do with the existence of chaos.

What we are talking about is the existence of the single-dimensional universe.

Only when so many small universes are combined can a complete dimensional universe be formed.

So, how do so many small universes integrate together to form a complete dimensional universe?

And in the dimensional universe, the proximity is among countless small universes. Why are the protagonists in different small universes different in combat effectiveness, or are they biased toward different things?

And all of this has a lot to do with the way the dimensional universe is combined.

We already knew when the protagonist created the world.

If a tree is used to describe the entire dimensional universe, then the trunk is the support point that supports the entire dimensional universe, and the root of the tree is the source of strength deep in the chaos, and the one after another The fruits of are the worlds born in this dimensional universe.

And it is the world after another that supports the continuous expansion of the dimensional universe.

And the tree that supports the entire dimensional universe, and the nutrients supplied to the different fruits naturally vary depending on the location.

This is why in the dimensional universe, the combat power of most worlds is different.

Because the dimensional universe does not provide enough nutrients for them, naturally it is impossible for the creatures in this world to have super power.

And last time we also said that in the entire dimensional universe, the most central thing is that tree.

This is not only because this tree supports the entire dimensional universe, but also because this tree is actually an original world.

All worlds have evolved through this original world.

Without this original world, other worlds would not be born.

And if the original world is destroyed, then the entire dimensional universe will face the danger of collapse.

Because, if the original world is destroyed, no other world will appear.

When the other worlds in the dimensional universe disappear, the entire dimensional universe will not collapse.

Okay, let's get back to what we really want to say.

In addition to the very important world of the original world, the most important thing is that after the birth of the original world, those secondary original worlds that have spread from the original world are connected to the original world.

Such a world can be said to be the periphery of the original world.

If it is described as a tree, the original world is the trunk, and the original world is the branch that provides nutrition to other worlds.

And the world of Dragon Ball is just such a world.

In such a world, because of the branches and trunks, there is a steady flow of energy flowing past, supplying countless world fruits for the growth.

Therefore, the super-high force of the Dragon Ball world was created, and humans can reach the point of destroying planets and even galaxies at will.

What excites Zhang Xiang is that it is not after arriving in such a world that he can absorb the energy recklessly and restore his ability.

More importantly, if such a world is refined by him.

Then, he can really touch the original world of a dimensional universe through this subprimitive world.

And to come into contact with the original world of a dimensional universe, this is a lot of benefits.

Not to mention that in the process of analysis, the various understandings about the rules of the dimensional universe and the rules of chaos can make him better embark on the path of immortality.

More importantly, if he can still try to refine this entire dimensional universe.

Yes, refining the entire dimensional universe.

What flashed through Zhang Xiang's mind was such a crazy idea.

However, this was not the result of his dizziness.

Because, when he thought of the origin world of the history of the Dragon Ball world, he searched for an important piece of information from the remnants of his powerful life.

That is under immortality, in fact, there is still close to immortality, as long as you are careful, you can really be'immortal'.

That kind of existence is to refine the master of the entire dimensional universe.

But there are many such existences.

It can be said that there is much more than immortal existence.

Since others can do it, why can't he do it? !

As for they are already close to immortality, why not take a step towards immortality?

This is because taking the step of immortality, you need to endure how much danger you don't know!

It is true that after refining the insights gained from the entire dimensional universe, people can be pushed to the place closest to immortality.

As long as you take that step and accept the test of chaos, you can become immortal.

However, throughout the ages, I don't know how many epochs, there are only so few successful people.

From this, we can see how great the probability of success is.

And Zhang Xiang's fall in that life is the best proof.

Of course, Zhang Xiang wants to refine this dimensional universe, not to make himself the last immortal existence, to maintain the kind of omnipotence in the dimensional universe, as long as he doesn’t die and run into the chaos. After that step, the master of the dimensional universe would not die.

The reason why he wants to refine this dimensional universe is that he wants to borrow the power of this dimensional universe that has not known how long it has grown, and speed up pushing himself back to the realm of immortality at any time.

After all, if you want to wait for the dimensional universe he opened up to grow up, you don't know how long you will wait!

Not to mention, after refining this dimensional universe.

When he took the step of immortality, he also had great benefits.

At least, when he stepped out of immortality to endure the catastrophe, if it was really impossible to do like the last time, he could directly take this refined dimensional universe out of the cylinder.

Let him not end up like the result of the complete fall of Da Neng's life.

His powerful life was because he was too self-confident, and he didn't wait to open up the dimensional universe, and waited for the dimensional universe to grow to a certain level, so that he could lift the tank for himself and took that step.

Of course, whether there is any secret in this, this is not something that Zhang Xiang, who has not had most of the memories of Da Neng's life, can know.

After thinking of this, Zhang Xiang stopped thinking about it, and suppressed the greed that emerged from him.

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