Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 2022: , Kill the teacher debut!

"What is this?" Zhang Xiang frowned slightly, but the mental power spread all over the world was suddenly adjusted. Most of his attention was focused on the unusual meteorite in his perception. .

However, at this moment, Xiaokong seemed to notice that something was wrong with Zhang Xiang.

"What's wrong, brother?" Xiaokong asked with some confusion.

Because, in her opinion, Zhang Xiang would not frown for no reason.

After listening to Xiaokong's words, Zhang Xiang came back to his senses, knowing that he was showing an expression that he shouldn't have before his family.

"It's okay, I just remembered it just now, as if I just forgot to wash my face." Zhang Xiang's brain moved quickly and made an excuse, wanting not to worry Xiao Kong and the others.

After listening to Zhang Xiang's explanation, everyone believed it.

"Ah, uncle, you are really dirty!" Meiyu heard Zhang Xiang's words and quickly pretended to look like Zhang Xiang was dirty, and ‘quietly’ moved away from Zhang Xiang’s direction.

However, Zhang Xiang saw the small fox-like smile from the corner of Meiyu's mouth in the dark ground.

Obviously, she was taking revenge on the thing that Zhang Xiang saw when she hadn't finished her makeup this morning, and smiled at her.

Even the young bird was driven by Miyu.

"Ah, uncle, shame. The teacher said, for a good boy, you need to wash your hands, brush your teeth, and wash your face before you can eat breakfast." The young girl showed a little adult expression. , Made a shy expression towards Zhang Xiang.

Looking at the actions Xiao Chi made, Zhang Xiang couldn't help feeling a little happy and helpless.

Happy, it is natural to see that Xiao Chi understands so many things and is so behaved.

As for helplessness, it was he who shot himself in the foot.

At least, he leaned forward to want to make out with Xiao Chi, but Xiao Chi said that her uncle was not good and didn't wash her face, and Xiao Chi's excuse for not playing with her uncle was dismissed.

Amidst the laughter, the time for a breakfast quickly passed.

And Zhang Xiang was also on the sofa, pretending to be watching TV news, but on the one hand he focused most of his attention on the meteorite that he was paying special attention to.

In the next moment, Zhang Xiang's mental power had already penetrated into this special meteorite.

I saw in the middle of the meteorite, but the owner was a high-density orange crystal, which was also wrapped in a special yellow head, experiencing the high temperature penetrating the atmosphere, falling toward the planet.

The most surprising thing is that when the outer layer of the meteorite burned out in the high temperature, the exposed high-density orange crystals were able to penetrate the atmosphere, enough to make steel It persisted in the temperature of melting into a dark red liquid.

And, there was not even a sign of melting.

But just after penetrating the atmosphere, the dense orange crystals wrapped around began to melt gradually.

Moreover, a weak life fluctuation that was originally imperceptible began to gradually become active.

Moreover, he quickly became more active than ordinary people.

However, this active wave hasn't stopped yet, but when it has changed to a powerful life wave that shouldn't be possessed by ordinary creatures, it can be regarded as an embarrassing stop.

And at this time, the creature transformed by the high-density orange crystals had already penetrated into the atmosphere and hit the ground.

However, it is said to hit the ground.

In fact, it was just hitting a shallow pit on the ground.

Because, when the other party entered the atmosphere and gradually turned his body from the orange crystal into a physical body, the other party had already begun to use his special abilities to slow him down.

By the time he broke through to the ground, the impact was already offset by him to the point where it was close to nothing.

And at this moment, Zhang Xiang's mental power is considered to be the full form of the other party into the'eyes'.

It is a body made of a special kind of cell structure. The color of the whole body reveals yellow. The owner has a rounded head like a moon before, and also has a fat body with hands in the shape of tentacles. , The feet under the body are multiple tentacles.

The overall height is 17 meters, the lower body tentacles are estimated to be 2 meters, and the maximum force is estimated to be a special creature of 25 meters.

"Alien creature?" Zhang Xiang frowned slightly, feeling the special negative energy in the opponent's body, but said with some suspicion.

However, based on his observations, the strength displayed by the opponent is far from the point where it can destroy the moon.

Moreover, if he calculates based on the strength of the opponent's body, even if the opponent does not care whether his body will be destroyed, he will accelerate at most to the point where he reaches tens of times the speed of sound.

Such a speed, even though it is within the Earth's circle, is an extremely powerful existence.

However, if you want to travel between stars, you can't do it yet.

‘Could it be that the other party transformed into the kind of high-density crystalline state just seen and went on interstellar travel? This thought suddenly emerged in Zhang Xiang's heart.

But immediately, he felt unlikely.

Because Zhang Xiang could feel that the state displayed by the other party just possessed a strong defensive power and no other abilities.

In other words, once the other party displays this state, he can't even change his next direction.

In interstellar travel, the difference is a thousand miles away!

Even if you touch a small rock during the journey, it is possible that the destination reached by the other party will change drastically.

Therefore, Zhang Xiang concluded that it was impossible for the other party to take interstellar travel with the body.

Because, according to analysis, the nearest planet where living things can live is also close to hundreds of light years away.

Of course, Zhang Xiang's guess may also be wrong.

After all, when Zhang Xiang lived in the ordinary world in his previous life, mankind once found traces of other life on Mars and Saturn in the solar system.

If this life came out of any planet in the solar system, it is also possible.

Not to mention, in this world, there are still creatures like Moon People on the moon!

‘Maybe, this life is a creature that has awakened from sleep on the moon. Zhang Xiang's brain is wide open.

And after analyzing this, Zhang Xiang's attention gradually recovered.

Regardless of whether the opponent is an alien or something, as long as he doesn't cause trouble on the earth, or even takes a step back and affects the life of Xiaoniaoyou's family, he will not interfere.

However, at this moment.

The home phone in Zhang Xiang's house rang.

ps: Congratulations to everyone for a happy New Year’s Eve dinner

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