Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 2023: , Developments!

"Moses, Moses..." Zhang Xiang answered the phone.

However, after a while, he put down the phone with a weird expression.

But not long after Zhang Xiang put down the phone, another call came.

And there are two calls, and there are three.

When he put down the second call, the third call came as he expected.

And Zhang Xiang also nodded one after another, his face was weird, and he hung up while thanking the other party for the call.

Because the three successive calls came from the school where the three sisters of Xiaoniaoyou are located, so that they and Huahuo don't have to go to school today.

And Zhang Xiang knew after a second thought, even though he destroyed a secret island of Neon, killed the American aircraft carrier fleet, and sank an intercontinental, some shocking things have not spread.

However, the moon with only one crescent left visible to the naked eye is clearly visible.

Moreover, I don't know if it was because the moon lost most of its weight after being crushed for most of it, but it was pulled a lot towards the earth.

Therefore, even in broad daylight, the crescent surrounding a large number of broken meteorites is still faintly visible.

It is understandable that the school decided to suspend classes after such a big thing happened.

And after Zhang Xiang told the three sisters and Huahuo about the related matters, their faces showed unbelief.

However, when Zhang Xiang pulled them out to the outdoors and saw that only the crescent moon was really left, there was no need to say how wonderful the shock on their faces was.

"This, how is this possible?!" Xiaokong said with a shocked expression on his face.

"Yeah, the moon, it turned out like this!" Meiyu also looked incredulous.

There was only a simple little chick, looking at the crescent moon that was only one-fifth of the area left in the sky, and clapped her hands with some joy and some doubts.

"Ah, the round moon has become curved. But didn't the moon slowly change from round to round, and then slowly from round to round? Why? It was round last night, but has it become curvy today?" Xiao Chi tilted his head, looking at the crescent in the sky with some doubts.

Among the four, Hua Huo was the first to react.

After all, she had once been in the world of Naruto, and had heard the rumor that the moon in the world of Naruto was made by six immortals.

Moreover, I have seen too many incredible things with my own eyes.

Therefore, although she looked at the scene in front of her and felt a little shocked, she finally convinced herself to reluctantly accept the reality.

And even Xiaokong and others felt so shocked, let alone the more complicated and larger people.

All people, but when they look up at the moon in the sky, they will feel a hint of chill coming from their hearts.

That's the moon, but if it doesn't, there will be more than half of it.

Moreover, it was destroyed overnight without everyone knowing.

How can this not make them shocked and panicked?

Because, since the moon can be shattered into this shape in such a silent environment, what about the earth?

You must know that even if the other party can't seem to crush the earth, but if you want to make enough impact on the earth to make humans disappear, you can absolutely do it with the other party's power to crush the moon.

So, just under this situation.

Panic, messages, and even riots are constantly happening in every corner of this world.

In particular, the United States, where an entire continent was wiped out of thin air, and an aircraft carrier fleet in the Pacific Ocean was wiped out, was caught in various troubles.

Why do they call that kind of special country that allows people to hold guns freely? !

As a result, the riots caused were even worse.

Moreover, various cult organizations have sprung up like bamboo shoots after a rain.

All of a sudden, the leaders of various countries fell into a mania, scratching their hair and dropping a lot.

Because there are really too many upsetting things.

In particular, the various intricate forces in various countries intensified as the day broke and the moon was shattered.

After all, people have all kinds of selfishness, and they want to use the same thing as the moon being crushed to make some articles.

Plus, because the moon was crushed unknowingly.

Therefore, most countries have begun to doubt each other, especially the United States, where the intercontinental has been erased, has been included in the key suspects.

Who told the other party not only to dispatch aircraft carriers within the scope of major defense equipment, but also to launch a positron cannon that can be seen by people who are not blind in Area 51!

If the incident this time had nothing to do with the United States, the major powers would not believe it.

Even if it didn't do it, it still knows some inside stories-this is the consensus of the major countries!

All of a sudden, America fell into the cusp of the storm.

More importantly, they have misery!

The personnel involved in this incident were almost all in the underground base in the 51st Intercontinental Zone, and had disappeared following the entire Intercontinental.

Under this kind of situation, who are they going to ask?

Therefore, the specific process of the whole thing, even the leaders of the United States themselves, is at a loss!

How can you explain it to other countries? !

Who calls it, the leaders of the United States change every other period.

The person who carried out the secret American project was carried out in secret, and a special general was in charge, who usually only reported some related experimental results.

In addition, this time it was because the accident happened suddenly, the Digimon world suddenly invaded reality, and Xuan Nai suddenly contacted, which led to the plan, although it was reported.

However, the more detailed content of the relevant plan did not have time for further explanation.

Of course, more importantly.

The executors of the plan did not expect that it was originally in their plan, but because of the intervention of the elderly Xuan Nei, and temporarily joined, Zhang Xiang, who can only be regarded as a pebble in their plan, would cause damage to their plan. Such a big impact.

It even caused the final destruction of their 51st District, and they also caught up with an intercontinental.

It also made them unable to find Zhang Xiang, who had sunk an intercontinental ship, that caused their aircraft carrier fleet to be destroyed.

Of course, these are digressions.

Even if the United States knew that Zhang Xiang was the one who destroyed their fleet and intercontinental, they probably wouldn't say it!

Because, once Zhang Xiang ran out, they would definitely need to explain something and reveal some secret plans.

And once these secret plans are exposed, it will even more solidify the fact that their intentions are wrong.

After all, their implementation of this plan is itself a plan for other countries.

And Zhang Xiang was just the one incidentally.

Not to mention, they are pretty sure that the fact that the moon breaks is not their business at all.

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