Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 2025: , Xiao Chi's birthday!

However, Zhang Xiang laughed next to Meiyu's fan fist.

"Surrender, surrender, I surrender, Meiyu, don't fight." Zhang Xiang smiled and dodged, and quickly raised his hands to surrender to Meiyu.

At this time, Meiyu didn't know that Zhang Xiang was her already, but she was pretending to be stupid and playing with her.

Thinking of this, Miyu couldn't help being even more angry.

"Hmph, ignore you, bad uncle!" Meiyu said with a shame.

However, the powder punch of her little hand did not stop.

It wasn't until Zhang Xiang begged for mercy again that she stopped.

However, she still sat next to her, showing a face: ‘I’m very upset, come and coax me, otherwise I won’t forgive you’.

"Okay, it's all uncle's fault, forgive uncle." Zhang Xiang folded his hands together and quickly apologized to Mei Yu.

However, this time Miyu turned her face away, revealing a face that I just don't forgive you.

In desperation, Zhang Xiang just turned his eyes and came up with a way.

"Okay, Meiyu, don't be angry. Is there anything wrong with you coming to see me?" Zhang Xiang quickly changed the subject and asked.

After listening to Zhang Xiang's words, Meiyu only remembered that she had come to Zhang Xiang because something happened.

However, thinking of Zhang Xiang's just playing with her behavior, Miyu pouted again.

But in the end, she chose to tell the matter first.

"My sister asked me to tell you that Xiaochun’s birthday is coming soon. Look. Wool. Line. Chinese. Wen. Net. Should we hold a birthday party for Xiaochun? After all, this is the first one for Xiaochun. The birthday party that my mother attended..." Miyu was still unwilling, but when it came to the back, the expression on her face seemed a little gloomy.

Because, almost a year has passed since that incident happened.

Although time has passed so long, the scar that remains in people's hearts will never fade.

However, when he said this, Miyu had already noticed something wrong with her expression, and she quickly changed her words.

"Also, since Xiao Hina is already in the big class, she must have a lot of friends. If she holds a birthday party, then we have to consider having to entertain her friends? Plus, with The relatives of the little chicks, Xiaozhu, Raika, and Kazuko, and even Sakura and Zhishi need to be invited. In that case, there will be a lot of people, and there will be a lot of things to consider." Miwa said more and more. Excited, he still held his finger to calculate.

However, listening to Miyu's words, Zhang Xiang felt a sense of relief.

Obviously, although Miyu has not forgotten the sadness, she already knows how to keep the sadness in the memory.

Otherwise, she would not be able to get out of grief so quickly.

But listening to Miyu's more excited words, Zhang Xiang felt that something was wrong.

"No, it's just Xiao Chi's birthday. Do you have to make such a big array? For Xiao Chi's birthday, we can have a meal at home as a family and we can hold a small birthday party for Xiao Chi. As for the others, you don't need to be so detailed, right?" Zhang Xiang listened to Mei Yu's count, and he couldn't help feeling that his head was a little bigger.

Because, if according to Miyu's statement, then there must be no less than twenty people attending this little chick's birthday party.

After all, this is the first festival that Xiao Hina is not accompanied by his mother, except for the people mentioned by Mei Yu.

Zhang Xiang's aunt, as well as the uncle of Xiaoniaoyou's family, and others will definitely come.

And, more importantly, even though Xiao Chi is a good boy, he has seen her classmates in the big class.

Most of them are bear children, if the other party is allowed to come to the banquet, he can already imagine the kind of banquet scene.

Of course, if the last time I taught Xiao Chi that kissing on the cheek is a etiquette, and it is called Xiao Dong, or a silly bear who dares to come, he will never let him go! ! !

Thinking of this, Zhang Xiang couldn't help clenching his fists, and a raging fire flashed in his eyes.

‘Xiao Hina is my daughter, I won’t let anyone touch her! Even if you want to make a boyfriend when you grow up, the other person must be better than me in everything. Only after passing my test can I be eligible! Moreover, it's just a candidate, you can't touch it! The flame in Zhang Xiang's eyes clearly showed this meaning.

However, he did not think about it.

He is now a non-human existence that can destroy a country at hand, and can sink a continent under his full power.

Over time, he can return to the point where he used the galaxy and the small world as a ball in his great power, tossing around.

In this world, no one can beat him.

Moreover, it is better than him in all aspects!

However, when Zhang Xiang thought of coming here, a small hand waved back and forth in front of Zhang Xiang.

"Uncle, uncle, are you listening?" Mei Yu's dissatisfied voice rang.

At the same time, her cute look with bulging cheeks and bulging cheeks also appeared in front of Zhang Xiang.

And looking at the bulging look of Mei Yu, Zhang Xiang also understood that he was distracted.

"Ahem, what? I just thought of something, and I was a little distracted. What is it, you can talk about it again." Zhang Xiang showed an embarrassed face on his face and said apologetically to Mei Yu.

And looking at Zhang Xiang's begging for mercy, there is indeed something that is really the little chick that Qieguan Xiaoniaoyou cares most about.

So, after Miyu pouted angrily, let it go.

"Then, this time you have to listen carefully!" Mei Yu said to Zhang Xiang with her hands in her waist.

"Yeah, yeah." Zhang Xiang said, sitting seriously, nodding his head quickly.

Seeing Zhang Xiang's movements, Mei Yu nodded in satisfaction.

"Okay, let's continue with the previous words. Because there are so many people here, the cake must be ordered a big one. If you roughly count 20 people, you need at least three layers of cake. There is also juice. You also need to be careful. Recently, many juices have added unhealthy ingredients. Therefore, we'd better get the fruits ourselves to squeeze the juice..." Even if Miyu is a hardworking bee, little by little Tell me what to do later.

However, the more Zhang Xiang listened, the more he felt wrong.

"No, haven't I already said it? For Xiao Chi's birthday, isn't it okay for us to hold a small family banquet?" Zhang Xiang is like a primary school student asking questions, raising his right hand to wonder Asked indifferently.

But this one of his problems was met with contempt by Mei Yu.

"Huh, uncle is like this. I didn't hear what I said just now! Also, I must not understand the rules of the kindergarten and the birthday party for elementary school students!" Xiang said.

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