Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 2026: , Birthday planning!

But listening to Meiyu's words, Zhang Xiang was a little unclear.

"Well, now elementary school students and kindergartens still have rules for the birthday of a **** horse?" Zhang Xiang opened his eyes wide and asked in an incredible way.

"Yeah, uncle, don't you know? Elementary school students and kindergarten students are very concerned in this respect! The more luxurious the birthday party, the more everyone will recognize it. If there is no birthday party for the birthday party It’s okay, at most, it’s just a few complaints and rejection for a few days. But if you hold a banquet and don’t invite people you know well, you will definitely be hated and considered petty."

"For example, it’s my birthday more than half a year ago. Auntie can’t help but prepare for my birthday two days in advance. She also worked a whole morning and finally got it done. Moreover, it’s because I deliberately made some mistakes. Familiar classmates also rejected male classmates under the pretext of being a girl. There are only a few female classmates who are acquainted with each other to participate. It's that simple."

"But if you have a chronicle like Xiao Hina, you can’t not invite male classmates from the same class because of your younger age. In addition, Xiao Hina is so cute, so many friends will come. So. You must pay more attention to the banquet. You must know that children now like to compare. Although the chicks are very cute, they must have a lot of friends. However, this point must be guarded. 'S child is underestimated and thinks that Xiao Chi is a bully, or if he thinks that Xiao Chi is stingy not to be friends with her, what should I do?!

Miyu's mouth is like a machine gun, and she continuously ‘educates’ and ‘explains’ Zhang Xiang.

After listening to Miyu's explanation, Zhang Xiang's eyes were already in circles.

Because, he never thought that there would be so many turns in the birthday party.

"It's so complicated...the current elementary school students, as well as the kindergarten students, how come there are so many turns..." Zhang Xiang sighed helplessly.

"That's uncle, you're out!" Mei Yu said with a refreshing tone after ‘teaching’ Zhang Xiang. Look. Yarn, Chinese website

"Well, it's me who is OUT. I will trouble you and Xiao Kong to work with you for the little chicks. I will act as a coolie!" Zhang Xiang raised his hands and surrendered.

After all, just like what he said, he doesn't understand the current elementary school students, and the kindergarten rules are in it.

If he insists on making it, it is likely to make some mistakes.

However, after listening to Zhang Xiang's words, Mei Yu hummed with some air.

"My sister and I have thought of this a long time ago. Although my uncle is very gentle, my sister and I will take care of the things that concern girls carefully. For uncle, just wait for my sister and I to make plans. After everything is done, just help us turn the plan into reality. We will definitely be able to hold the banquet of Hina very well!" Miyu said confidently.

"Good, good!" Zhang Xiang raised his hands in agreement.

"Then, let's continue to discuss the cakes and juices for the banquet." Miyu didn't know where she took out a small notebook and started to click on the front record.

Obviously, what is recorded in this little notebook must be that Miyu and Xiao Kong have already discussed a plan.

And looking at the dense records on the little book, Zhang Xiang felt quite as if he would not be able to spare anymore.

However, Zhang Xiang thought that it was the birthday party for Xiao Chi, and he patiently began to discuss with Mi Yu.

After all, the little chicks are the cutest little bird you, no, the cutest girl in the universe!

Now that you know the importance of holding a banquet, how can you not worry about it!

"Well, about the cake, you don't have to worry about it. Just leave it to uncle. Well, there are juices and so on. Leave them to me. I will definitely make pure natural and pollution-free cakes, as well as sweet ones. The juice is here for everyone to drink." Zhang Xiang said, patting his chest.

After all, with his speed and money, wanting to buy a large enough cake and picking some natural fruits by himself, it couldn't be easier.

Not to mention, Zhang Xiang is already preparing to plant fruit trees in the courtyard, and squeeze the fruit from the trees into juice.

As for the cake, Zhang Xiang's space bag that keeps time from passing by, but has big cakes for various banquets!

Of course, there are many delicacies from other worlds.

Don't forget, there are food hunters in the Hunter Continent.

Therefore, Zhang Xiang patted his chest, and he even packed most of the dishes needed for the banquet.

However, after listening to Zhang Xiang's assurance, Mei Yu stared at Zhang Xiang suspiciously.

Because Zhang Xiang's craftsmanship can be regarded as good, but it is far from outstanding.

However, after listening to Zhang Xiang's repeated assurances, Meiyu finally nodded.

Next, we will discuss other things at the banquet.

Although Xiaokong and Miyu have not yet come up with a final plan, it is already quite cumbersome if the preliminary plan has been formed.

However, just when Zhang Xiang and Mei Yu were discussing.

Zhang Xiang frowned slightly, but immediately before Meiyu hadn't noticed, he recovered the high-interest expression in the discussion and continued the discussion.

However, in fact, Zhang Xiang had already split up a clone quietly.

In the next instant, Zhang Xiang's clone had suddenly appeared in midair.

What is visible to the naked eye, centered on the place where the little bird travels home, is a stable phenomenon.

However, from the thousands of meters around Xiaoniaoyoujia towards the outside, riots have occurred from time to time.

After all, the impact of several things that happened one after another on Neon is really not small.

As for why the riots did not occur near Xiaoniaoyou's house, it was naturally because Zhang Xiang had performed an improvement in this area and had the magic of directional dispersal of weak idlers to dispel certain characters.

All the guys who want to make trouble can't get into this range anyway when they are within a few kilometers of Xiaoniaoyoujia as the center.

Of course, in addition to Xiaoniaoyoujia, Zhang Xiang quietly added this kind of magic to everyone he knew when he returned home.

By the way, some trigger defensive magic and warlocks were attached to his and their bodies.

As long as you encounter danger, it will definitely be triggered.

Moreover, Zhang Xiang, who is the master, will be notified.

However, facts have proved that these behaviors are still a bit unfounded.

Tokyo is the capital of neon, that is to say the face.

Long before there was such a big movement, the Metropolitan Police Department had already cancelled the vacation of all police officers and assigned them to the entire Tokyo area.

Therefore, although riots happen from time to time, they rarely affect other people.

As for those people Zhang Xiang cared about, they didn't suffer any harm.

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