Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 2028: , Don't make us sleep!

However, Zhang Xiang ignored the power brewing in the opponent's body.

His right hand pressed hard, and a powerful force instantly penetrated the opponent's body defense, crushing the unknown force that the opponent had gathered.

Casually, a magical power instantly formed a seal in the opponent's body, temporarily sealing the opponent's power.

"Don't play tricks for me." Zhang Xiang cast a glance at the yellow unknown creature with his cold, sharp eyes of the sword fairy.

At the same time, the laughter on the face of that yellow unknown creature suddenly froze.

Then, Zhang Xiang began to talk.

"Listen to me, you guys, don't fly around in the sky over this area of ​​Ikebukuro. Especially missiles, and fighter jets, which can cause loud noises, are not allowed to enter. Do not disturb me. My nieces are sleeping. If next time I come in, I will cut you in half with a sword, or send you directly to the hell!" Zhang Xiang said in a cold voice, turning his eyes away from the yellow unknown The faces of the creature and the pilots of the two fighter jets swept across.

His words are not joking, whether it's slashing them to death with a sword or throwing them into hell.

I won't talk about it when it was split in half, but he was the fierce man who once split an island in half.

As for hell?

Zhang Xiang said that he is now the lord of the underworld in the newly opened **** space on the earth. It couldn't be easier to throw two humans into it.

Of course, after being thrown in, it doesn’t matter whether you can survive.

At the moment when his voice fell, Zhang Xiang's hands pressed hard.

The yellow unknown creature he had caught on his right hand, and the two fighters on his left hand, all flew out of Ikebukuro in a rounded parabola.

It's just that one is to the left and the other is to the right. Look. Wool. Line. Chinese. Text. Net

And in this process, both sides have a force that is imprisoned.

No matter how the pilots of the two fighters ignite, or want to eject themselves from the fighters, they can't do it.

A look of horror emerged from their faces.

‘Didn’t he want us to spread the word? How could you kill us? The pilots of the two fighter jets saw horrified expressions on each other's faces.

Because the two fighters flew out at the same speed and rotation angle, or face to face.

Therefore, they can see each other's expressions clearly.

As for the other yellow unknown creature thrown out by Zhang Xiang, the expression on his face has always remained in a state of smiling, like falling from thousands of meters in the air. It is fundamental to him. It's not a general thing.

In the next moment, Zhang Xiang already knew why the other party was so calm.

Because, at the next moment.

However, a burst of conflicting power emerged in the opponent's body. In an instant, the restriction he set in the opponent's body was rushed away, and the full 20 times Mach speed broke out in an instant, and disappeared in Zhang Xiang's line of sight. bingo.

Obviously, the other party is also very afraid of Zhang Xiang.

Otherwise, after gaining freedom, he would not explode at full speed and approach panic and escape with all his strength.

However, Zhang Xiang did not stop the opponent from escaping in the slightest. Instead, he rubbed his chin with interest and watched the opponent escape his sight.

"Is there antimatter in the body? It's really interesting!" Zhang Xiang said as he fumbled his chin, looking at the other party's completely disappeared figure.

The opponent can escape so easily only by touching the restriction set by Zhang Xiang with the antimatter in the body.

Otherwise, even if the opponent's strength is dozens of times higher, it would be impossible to break free so quickly.

And when Zhang Xiang said it was interesting, the two fighters that Zhang Xiang threw out like darts had already flown to the foot of a mountain thousands of meters away.


"No, I don't want to die yet!"

The pilots of the two fighter jets screamed.

Death is not terrible, what is terrible is watching death slowly hit, watching the ground get closer and closer in their sight.

Although they were screaming, they actually didn't hold any hope for them to survive.

Not to mention the kinetic energy of falling from thousands of meters high in the air, enough to smash them into meat sauce.

That is to say, the missiles carried on their respective fighters are good, and once they are hit hard, they will definitely explode.

At that time, not only them, but even creatures within a radius of several hundred meters will be bombed into the sky in an instant.

Therefore, they have no hope of surviving themselves.

Screaming is just instinct.

However, in fact, they eventually survived.

Because, just as they thought, Zhang Xiang wanted these two hapless guys to help him spread the word, how could he let them hang up so quickly?

So, in the next moment, a miraculous thing happened.

The two fighters actually looked like darts, and plunged directly into the ground.

And none of the missiles carried on the two fighters was detonated.

Moreover, the person in the fighter jet was not shocked to death by the huge kinetic energy.

This is really a miracle among miracles.

At least, the drivers with the two eyes closed, after opening their eyes and discovering that they were not dead, they were already thanking Amaterasu.

However, listening to their prayers, Zhang Xiang pouted.

"Really, I should be thankful and I should be thankful. If I hadn't precisely controlled the strength and allocated a part of the power to protect you, you would have died while spinning in mid-air." Zhang Xiang Said with some disdain.

However, Zhang Xiang was just talking, and he hadn't pretended to go to the other side to talk.

After solving this matter, Zhang Xiang's clone did not go back, but looked up in the sky.

As you can see with the naked eye, most of the meteorites on the moon that originally surrounded it have disappeared.

As for where the meteorite that disappeared mostly went, it goes without saying.

It must have been attracted by the gravity of the earth and flew in this direction.

However, what Zhang Xiang cares about is not the meteorite that just disappeared on the moon's meteorite belt.

Because those meteorites were attracted by the formation of a meteorite belt around the moon.

The speed is definitely not coming soon, usually it takes half a month or even more than ten years to arrive.

What he really worries about is those meteorites thrown directly from the moon after the moon exploded.

Those are the existences that really pose a great threat to the earth.

No one knows, among those meteorites that hit the earth, will there be an existence the size of the dinosaur era that destroyed the earth, or even a larger existence.

If it really exists, the earth will probably be trapped in a difficult season.

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