Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 2029: , The harvest tree!

Because, without time to prepare, it is difficult for countries on the earth to intercept these meteorites.

You know, the speed of meteorites sputtered after the moon explodes is definitely much faster than those that naturally fall.

The specific time of arrival will impact the earth within six to twenty-four hours after the explosion.

In such a short period of time, these countries are at most carrying nuclear warheads and filling the rockets with solid fuel in an instant.

It is simply impossible to establish a comprehensive interception network.

Even if all the countries on the earth take out the things at the bottom of their boxes, for example, the United States takes out the positron cannon, it may not be able to intercept it.

After all, the time left for them to prepare is really too short, only less than six to twenty-four hours.

It may take an hour or two to find out how many meteorites are flying to the earth.

Because the impact of the moon explosion is too great, enough to cause problems with some instruments in outer space.

Moreover, the dust and shock waves formed by the explosion are also a big problem.

Therefore, Zhang Xiang did not expect any countries on the earth to be able to intercept all meteorites.

"It seems that tonight, I can do it again." Zhang Xiang said helplessly.

After all, if there were any meteorites equivalent to the time when the dinosaurs landed before, the entire planet would have changed drastically.

Under such a big change, it is almost impossible to live steadily.

However, at this moment, Zhang Xiang suddenly thought of something.

"Perhaps, we can rely on this one thing to do the thing that I have always wanted to do. Look at the wool, thread, Chinese, and the net." Zhang Xiang's clone groped his chin thinking.


At Xiaoniaoyou's home, after discussing for about an hour, Miyu finally nodded with satisfaction.

"Well, the current plan is only this. Uncle, you must do it before your birthday as agreed upon! Otherwise, hum!" Mei Yu raised her little fan fist, right Said Zhang Xiang.

Under Meiyu's ‘threat’, Zhang Xiang had no choice but to nod.

However, he really didn't expect that it was just a four-year-old's birthday party, which would be so troublesome.

‘I really pity the parents of the world. Zhang Xiang could not help but sigh as he watched the densely written things in his hand that he had to do before the birthday party.

Some things always seem so easy, but they are so difficult to do.

If you are not a parent, you will never know that sometimes what seems to be a very simple thing to help your child requires so much effort behind the scenes.

However, at this moment.

A tender voice full of joy rang from the backyard of Xiaoniaoyoujia.

"Uncle, uncle..." Xiao Xiao walked over to the floor-to-ceiling window in the courtyard, broke away the shoes on his feet, and climbed directly to the edge of the house, pushing Opened the floor-to-ceiling windows and ran inside.

"What's the matter? Why are you so happy?" Zhang Xiang squatted down strangely, and hugged the young chick.

And Xiaochun was already a little eager to talk when he plunged into Zhang Xiang's arms.

"Little uncle, little uncle, in the yard, there is a big, big fruit tree!" Little Chin said to Zhang Xiang with a surprised expression on his face.

At the same time, Zhang Xiang's clone, which was hidden somewhere in the courtyard, was also released.

A flash of memory struck Zhang Xiang instantly.

At the same time, Zhang Xiang also understood what happened.

It turned out that the tree that appeared in the courtyard was a tree planted by Zhang Xiang's shadow clone.

As for the origin of this fruit tree, it came from the Hunter World with Zhang Xiang.

The specific name is called "Harvest Tree"!

As for why Zhang Xiang planted this fruit tree, there are two reasons.

One is naturally to solve the problem of birthday party juice.

With the fruits produced by such a purely natural fruit tree, not only the fruit juice for the birthday party, but also the usual fruit juice can be done.

Not to mention, this fruit tree, called the Harvest Tree, is a tree that will produce all kinds of fruits. After the harvest, the next day will surely produce a large number of fruits. The types and quantities are random and magical. Fruit trees!

This means that Zhang Xiang and others can eat different flavors of juice at any time, and they will not get tired of the single variety of juice.

As for the second reason, Zhang Xiang wanted to use this opportunity to gradually guide the little bird to travel home, and even the people around him became familiar with other forces besides science.

Then, to let Xiaoniaoyoujia and the people around him accept magic, even the fact that another world is real.

In the end, the goal of letting Zhang Xiang impart strength to them was achieved.

Now, it's just the first step of temptation.

At this moment, Miyu also interrupted.

"What a big fruit tree? Is there a fruit tree in our garden? Isn't it just three ordinary trees? Little chicks, are you wrong?" Meiyu said with a puzzled expression on her face. Can't understand what Xiao Chi said.

However, listening to Miyu's words, Xiao Chi was a little anxious.

"I'm not mistaken, Sister Miyu, there is really a big, big fruit tree. There are also big, big apples on it!" Xiao Xiao was afraid that his sister would not believe in general, and stretched out herself. His little hand came and began to gesture.

However, the size of her gesture is almost bigger than her cheek.

"It's that big?!" Meiyu widened her eyes in surprise.

"Yeah, and oh, there is an extra pond behind the yard! There are many, many cute fishes in it." Little Chin widened her big shiny eyes, and there was a look of joy in her eyes. It seems that he is happy that there are so many fish in the pond.

"One more pond?!" Listening to Xiao Hina's words, Mei Yu couldn't help widening her eyes, with an incredible expression on her face.

If the person who said these things was not for Xiao Hina, then she really had to suspect that the other party was talking nonsense!

"Yes!" Xiao Chi nodded his head heavily.

However, at this moment, Xiao Chi seems to be thinking of something.

"Ah, Xiao Chi almost forgot! Sister Xiaokong was outside, and asked Xiao Chi to tell everyone to go out together!" Xiao Chi showed an embarrassed expression on his face, and turned towards Zhang Xiang a little anxiously. He Meiyu said, and ran out again with small steps.

Faced with such an incredible thing, Miyu naturally followed out.

As for Zhang Xiang, who understood what happened before and after, he smiled and went out at the end.

I just went out with my friends, just came back and hurriedly finished these, so I uploaded it, sorry.

Being dragged out by multiple friends is really inescapable.

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