Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 2030: , I can magic

Following in the footsteps of the young chicks, Zhang Xiang and Miyu also opened the sliding door of the courtyard, helped the anxious young chicks put on their own shoes, and ran towards the open space behind the courtyard.

In the next instant, four consecutive trees appeared in the sight of Zhang Xiang and Mei Yu.

However, the first three trees are still normal.

However, the last tree is a bit bigger.

Not only was the tree more than six meters tall, it was almost above the roof, and the dense green canopy also revealed the fence, covering most of the rear of the courtyard.

More importantly, there are huge apples hanging on the fruit tree.

However, the key is not the word Apple, but the word huge.

Every apple is the size of a pair of fists.

Moreover, the surface is red and exudes an attractive fruity aroma, which makes people have the urge to pick it off and taste it.

And just below this fruit tree, is a clear pond, I don't know when it appeared under the open space that it should have been.

This pond occupies a small area, not even deep, only less than half a meter deep.

Even if Hina fell in, I am afraid nothing will happen.

However, in this pond, which is not big or deep, there are dozens of different kinds of fish wandering.

More importantly, since there are fish from the river, there are also fish from the deep sea, there are ornamental fish like goldfish, and there are also slow eels.

However, the shade of the harvest tree just covered half of the pond so that it would not be exposed to direct sunlight.

The fragmented yellowish sunlight, accompanied by a fallen leaf, scattered onto the clear lake, adding a few points of leisure.

In short, this is a magical pond.

After seeing this scene, Miyu no longer concealed the shocked expression on her face.

"How is this possible?! When did an extra fruit tree and a small pond come in our house?" There was an incredible expression on Meiyu's face, looking at the fruit trees and pond in front of her, a little at a loss. Look like.

At this time, listening to Meiyu's voice, Xiao Kong, who was standing in front of the pond, also turned his body.

"Yes, there was none last night. I just came back from Xiaozhu's side with Xiaoxiao, and when I wanted to come in from behind, I suddenly saw it." Xiaokong's face was also full of incredible expressions.

Looking at the strange expressions of Xiaokong and Miyu, and then at the happily running to the edge of the pond, poking out his head and looking at the young chicks swimming in the pond, Zhang Xiang finally spoke.

"Don't worry, I did all of this." Zhang Xiang said to Xiao Kong and Meiyu who were full of surprises.

"Is it your brother?" Xiao Kong turned around and asked in surprise.

Meiyu also stared in Zhang Xiang's direction, and her eyes were full of curiosity and doubt.

"Yes, I made this tree and this pond." Zhang Xiang pointed to the big tree and pond in front of him and said.

"Impossible, this tree and pond did not exist yesterday. How could it have emerged in less than a day! Moreover, planting such a large fruit tree and opening up this one? The small pond must have a machine. However, I haven't heard the sound of the machine from yesterday until now. Moreover, even if it is made, the excavated soil and where does the water come from?" The more Miyu spoke, the more suspicion she saw in her eyes.

And listening to Meiyu's explanation, Xiao Kong also recovered and turned to look in Zhang Xiang's direction.

Looking at the two big suspicious eyes, Zhang Xiang had to cough slightly.

"Ahem, this one is a secret." Zhang Xiang said with a light cough.

"Secret?!" Meiyu took a step forward suspiciously in her eyes.

"Can't you tell us?" Xiaokong also looked at Zhang Xiang disappointed.

Well, under the oppression of the two, Zhang Xiang had to raise his hands and "surrender".

Although, this is what he designed originally.

"Okay, okay, let me tell you. Because this fruit tree and this pond have special magic power. Therefore, it is so easy to appear in our house." Zhang Xiang pointed to that. Said in the direction of "Harvest Tree" and "Inconceivable Pond".

"Magic?!" The suspicion in Meiyu's eyes became even greater.

"Yes, because they have magical powers, so I can use magic to bring them back." Zhang Xiang nodded and said.

However, listening to Zhang Xiang's words, Xiaokong and Meiyu showed unbelieving expressions on their faces.

However, the young children who were teasing the fish in the pond with the grass next to them suddenly lighted up, jumped up and ran to Zhang Xiang's side.

"Ah, uncle, does uncle know how to do magic?" Xiao Chi's face was full of excitement, and her **** eyes stared at Zhang Xiang expectantly.

Looking at Xiao Chi's excited and cooperative look, Zhang Xiang wouldn't nod quickly.

If you follow Xiao Hina's words and perform some incredible things, wouldn't it allow Xiao Sora and Mi Yu to accept all this quickly?

"Yes, my little uncle is here. You can change a lot of things, and you can knock down a mountain with one punch." Zhang Xiang said with an exaggerated expression, but at the same time he explained the real situation. Tell it.

"Ah, those, will my little uncle turn into a rabbit and fly a little rabbit?" Xiao Chi looked at Zhang Xiang with expectant eyes.

However, listening to Xiao Chi's words, Zhang Xiang's mouth twitched slightly.

Because the "Rabbit Transformation" and "Little Rabbit Flying Kick" in Xiao Chi's mouth are both things in an anime with rabbits as the theme.

"Rabbit Transformation" is a trick used by a rabbit to shout out "Transformation", equipped with all kinds of unclear and powerful, but if it appears in reality, it is a trick to show its shame.

And'Little Rabbit Flying Kick' is an ability after transforming into a rabbit warrior, shouting out the name of "Look at Me Little Rabbit Flying Kick" that is so shameful, and using Flying Kick to kick the enemy into the stars. Tricks.

How can Zhang Xiang act and cooperate with how shameful things are!

On the other side, Xiao Kong and Mei Yu looked at Zhang Xiang's embarrassed look, and mistakenly thought that Zhang Xiang was too big to speak, and couldn't help but laugh out loud.

"...Little Hina, Rabbit Transformation and Little Rabbit Flying Kick are all used by the little rabbits in the animation. And they are all fake, so my uncle won't." Miyu held back a smile while being kind. Relief for Zhang Xiang, squatted down and said to Xiao Chi.

However, listening to Miyu's words, Xiao Chi's mood suddenly became a little low.

"Ah, it turns out that my uncle can't..." Xiao Chi pouted, with a disappointed expression on his face.

Looking at Xiao Chi's disappointed look, Zhang Xiang's mouth moved slightly, but in the end he did not speak.

Although the so-called "Rabbit Transformation" and "Little Rabbit Flying Kick", as long as he uses the transformation technique, he can still do it.

But that is too shameful!

You can imagine how to turn yourself into a rabbit, equip yourself with clothes that show off your shame, and then perform some unscientific shame tricks to let Zhang Xiang perform!

However, looking at being interrupted by Xiao Chi, the mysterious atmosphere is gone.

After Zhang Xiang changed his mind, he came up with an alternative method that could coax the young chicks, or allow Xiao Kong and Miyu to gradually accept the mysterious power.

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