Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 2078: , The inside story of the two lunar wars!

"Don't you know?" Pa Qiuli looked at Zhang Xiang with a strange expression, and said to Zhang Xiang.

However, listening to her inexplicable words, Zhang Xiang was even more confused.

"Uh, what should I know?" Zhang Xiang widened his eyes and asked him.

But listening to Zhang Xiang's words, Pa Qiuli nodded instead.

"Well, those things happened a long time ago. You are a human being. Although you are very strong, you should not be too old. It is normal to not know." After Paqiuli suddenly realized, she nodded her head. Said.

And listening to the other party's cloud and mist, it sounds like some words in circles.

Zhang Xiang couldn't help it, and wanted to let the other party speak directly.

However, before Zhang Xiang spoke, he had already spoken to the convenience again.

"Since you have been in contact with Bayi Yonglin, then you should know that she is a lunar man, right?" Pa Qiuli asked Zhang Xiang.

And listening to the other party getting into the topic, Zhang Xiang also resisted the desire to complain.

"Well, I know. I also know that Huiye is also a lunar man, and she is a princess!" Zhang Xiang nodded, indicating that he knew.

"So, do you know that Gensokyo and the moon have had two wars?" Pa Qiuli suddenly came out of her mouth, causing Zhang Xiang's eyes to widen slightly.

"Two wars?" Zhang Xiang's words were full of surprise.

"Yes, two wars." Paqiuli nodded.

"So, in other words, are they here to start a war with Gensokyo?" Zhang Xiang narrowed his eyes and made a guess.

However, Paqiuli shook her head.

"Not necessarily!" Paqiuli shook her head and said.

"Why?" Zhang Xiang frowned slightly.

He couldn't understand the other party's logic.

"Because, in the previous two wars, Gensokyo's monsters, under the leadership of Yakumozi, directly attacked Yuedu. However, Yuecheng has never attacked Gensokyo." Li began to explain.

However, listening to the other party's explanation, Zhang Xiang frowned again.

"No, this one can't be the cause. Since Gensokyo has already waged two wars against the Moon Capital. Then, it is natural for the Moon Capital to launch a war against Gensokyo, right?" Zhang Xiang was a little uncomfortable. Asked understandingly.

But Paqiuli still shook her head.

"You don't understand these two wars. Although the two Gensokyo's battles against the Moon Capital can be called a war. However, neither side has dispatched the final trump card. Even, it can be said that this is a battle. It’s just a game that has been set up. Although the two battles lost a lot of Gensokyo’s combat effectiveness, Gensokyo has become much more stable. Moreover, during those two battles, the battle at the big monster level was not Many. It can be said that there are only a few large monsters who have attacked the Moon City. Therefore, the loss of the Moon City is not large. It is just that the Moon Rabbit, which is generally a consumable in their eyes, has lost. The residents of the other Moon Capitals did not have any casualties. Therefore, you understand..." Paqiuli lowered her voice, arranged a barrier to isolate the sound, and said to Zhang Xiang.

However, even so, she still dare not speak out directly.

Because she knew the abilities of Yakumo Zi and Hakuri Reimu.

If you are not careful, you will be known by the other party.

Therefore, her words will be so implicit.

But despite this, Zhang Xiang understood.

For Gensokyo, although the two wars had the purpose of conquering the moon, the more purpose may be that Yakumo Zi wanted to eliminate the unstable elements in Gensokyo.

By letting these militant unstable elements into the battle with the Moon City, these unstable elements are consumed.

As for how to agitate these militant and unstable elements, I believe that Yaunzi, who claims to be always seventeen years old, but in fact at least calculated by the thousand years old, definitely has some means.

Even Zhang Xiang came up with several methods of intimidation and lure.

I don’t believe that after living for so many years, the ‘old treacherous’ opponent will not be able to think of it.

For the Moon City, they may also know this.

Therefore, the ones they sent out to defend were basically the moon rabbits who were subordinates of the residents of the Moon Capital.

Repel Gensokyo’s monsters by equipping Moon Rabbit with high-tech and black-tech equipment.

Its purpose, apart from the people of the Moon Capital who don't want to try the risk, I am afraid that there are reasons for experimenting with new weapons.

Therefore, under the tacit understanding, Lunar Capital should not suffer heavy casualties.

After all, in the eyes of the immortal residents of the Moon City, those moon rabbits that will grow old, sick and die are just consumables.

So, on the whole, the Lunar Capital should not have that great desire to attack Gensokyo!

However, Zhang Xiang still has some doubts.

"However, these are not enough to explain that Moon Capital will not attack Gensokyo?!" Zhang Xiang was still a little puzzled.

And listening to Zhang Xiang's words, Pa Qiuli quickly answered Zhang Xiang's question.

"Yes, if it's just these. Then the probability that the moon will not attack the fantasy, it should only be less than 10%. Because, even if they are not heavy, they will definitely be very angry when they are always attacked. of."

When talking about this, Paqiuli looked at the huge city in the middle of the cracked meteorite, which was shrouded in pale yellow.

"More importantly, lunar people regard the earth as a filthy place. They will not easily set foot on this place. In their eyes, the earth is just a place of exile. Because of this, I believe that the capital of the moon The possibility of offense is less than 20%."

" I am a little uncertain. Why the Lunar Capital will use the power of the whole city, and will establish the Lunar Capital in the Li Moon, along with part of the Li Moon, and descend to the earth. It has also entered. In Gensokyo! From my point of view, the probability of war has risen to nearly 90% again!"

"But, since it's an offensive. Why did they enter Gensokyo directly. Moreover, it's still this blatant form! Is it a demonstration, or..." When Paqiuli said here, she withdrew The sound-proof enchantment shrouded in the surroundings, with a serious expression on his face, telling his guess.

And listening to Paqiuli's explanation, the faces of the people around were already serious.

Although it is in the Great Enchantment of Hakuli, under the control of Reimu Hakuli, the combat effectiveness of the Moon City will be suppressed to a certain extent.

However, the people of Gensokyo did not have the confidence to defeat the Moon City.

After all, although there are more masters, Gensokyo may be more than Moon Capital.

However, the overall combat power of Moon City is far higher than Gensokyo.

However, listening to Paqiuli's explanation, Zhang Xiang's expression became a little strange.

"Maybe you all don't know..." Zhang Xiang said suddenly.

Everyone can't help but pay some attention to it.

And then, Zhang Xiang said what he wanted to say.

"The moon has already been blown up!"

"Huh?!!!" N

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