Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 2079: , Not because of playing mahjong, just...

Listening to Zhang Xiang's words, not only Pa Qiuli in front of him, but also Yakumo Zi and others not far away could not help but shout loudly.

"how is this possible?!"

"How could the moon be blown up?"

"Yeah, it's impossible!"


The many Gensokyo masters couldn't help but their faces changed drastically. After looking at each other, they looked up at the moon in the sky.

"No, the moon is still there?" Marisa asked with some confusion.

However, some people see it more clearly than her.

"No, although the moon still exists, it only has less than a third of its size left."

"Yeah, otherwise it should be close to the full moon now!"

"But when did the moon become like this?"

"Should it be today?..."

The voices of constant debate came from the appearance of these okay girls in Gensokyo, but in fact, most of them came from the mouths of existences over a hundred years old.

But listening to their discussion, Zhang Xiang was a little speechless.

"Don't you know that the moon exploded half a month ago? Moreover, there was a wave of meteorites that nearly hit the earth, destroying the earth?" Zhang Xiang couldn't help it. Spoke up.

However, listening to Zhang Xiang's words, the faces of everyone could not help showing a blank expression.

"Uh...has the moon exploded half a month ago?" Hakuli Reimu's face showed a puzzled expression and looked at the Gensokyo members around him, but what he received was all blank. Look.

"Don't look at me, I don't know..." Fujiwara Meihong denied first.

"Don't look at me either, I don't know...!" Hui Ye also denied it, waving his hands.

As for the others, they are basically like this.

And seeing them like this, Zhang Xiang couldn't help but complain.

"Could it be that you haven't looked up at the moon in the sky in the past half a month? Or, don't you even know that the intensity of the moonlight shining on the earth has changed so obviously?" Zhang Xiang couldn't help but I'm talking about these idiots.

And listening to Zhang Xiang's words, everyone couldn't help showing embarrassment on their faces.

"Ahem...I had been patrolling in the forest for a while. So, you know..." Fujiwara sister Hong coughed slightly, and first began to explain.

"I'm following the master to make medicine, so..." Huiye looked in the direction of Bayi Yonglin.

And after receiving Kaguya's eyes, Bayi Yonglin also nodded.

"Well, I'm studying a new medicine..." Bayi Yonglin responded with a serious face.

However, it was her serious expression that made others' suspicions deeper.

As for the others, they all said that they have all kinds of important things to do.

This made Zhang Xiang feel a little speechless.

Because, at a glance, their expressions and sayings are just excuses.

In the end, Zhang Xiang turned his attention to Reimu's face.

"Since everyone has things, you, the nominal manager of Gensokyo, should always pay attention to the changes inside and outside Gensokyo, right? This is your job, so why didn't you find out? Ah..." Zhang Xiang looked at the Hakuli Reimu who was secretly trying to sneak behind him, and he immediately saw that the other party had a big problem, and asked him.

And listening to Zhang Xiang's words, Hakuli Reimu's face also showed an awkward expression.

"Well, I have been cleaning the environment in the shrine for a while. So, I didn’t know about this. I didn’t play mahjong with Zi and Eirin at all, nor did I lose to them. Hundred yen caused a loss of monthly income at the shrine, and people were looking for people everywhere to put coins in the coin box of the shrine. And Eirin and the others..." Hakuli Reimu explained to Zhang Xiang full of energy.

However, some seemingly incredible things were said later.

Until the recent black history of himself and others was exploded, he did not recover.

In the end, it was Yorin Bayi and Zi who joined forces, one knocked the other party into the air with a barrage, and the other knocked her off while the other party was knocked out, and finally stopped her revelation.

However, even just a few sentences.

The material that Hakuli Reimu has exploded is almost related to all the big monsters present, and even Yulian Youxiang has always been indifferent in his mind, at most it is the big monster who advocates fighting against the strong. There are also related mahjong games.

Moreover, it seems that because of the smell of the hands, it seems that there was a fight.

And Bayi Yonglin seemed to have taken Huiye to make the elixir because she lost a bottle of elixir.

Even Fujiwara Meihong had to run around the misty forest for half a month because she lost a round of mahjong, only to finally miss the thing that the moon was broken.

In short, it was because Gensokyo was keen on playing mahjong that everyone did not realize that the moon was broken.

Well, when Zhang Xiang analyzed this point from Reimeng who kept breaking the news, Zhang Xiang was completely speechless.

Because he doesn’t love Gensokyo anymore...

However, just when Zhang Xiang felt tired of not loving it, the super huge meteorite floating in the air not far away was completely deformed.

That super huge meteorite with a diameter of several hundred kilometers split from the middle, revealing a rectangular city with a diameter of sixty kilometers.

As for the meteorite that split into two halves, it slowly descended below the city, recombined, and let the Moon Capital, which was covered by a pale yellow protective cover, land on the super huge meteorite. on.

And at this time, the protective cover of the Moon Capital also began to become somewhat transparent.

From that month capital, many people floated out.

And headed by two women.

However, the moment they saw the two of them, the expressions of Bayi Yongrin and Kaguya changed slightly.

"Yihime and Toyohime..." Hachii Eirin's expression seemed a bit complicated.

And after listening to the words of Bayi Yonglin, and looking at the faces of her and Huiye, Zhang Xiang knew that there must be a lot of inside information in it.

After all, both Yonglin and Huiye were once moon men!

And when the two lunar women led the Moon Rabbit troop in tight suits behind them from the protective shield, when they saw Bayi Yonglin, their faces showed surprise expressions, Zhang Xiang The heart of gossip burned fiercely.

However, in the next moment, Zhang Xiang already knew the relationship between Bayi Yonglin and the two of them.

"Master..." the moon woman headed by, shouted in surprise in the direction of Bayi Yonglin.

In addition, the full name of the chapter is ‘It’s not because of playing mahjong that I didn’t find the moon is gone! ’

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