Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 2099: , Xiao Shi and her classmates

And Xiao Shi's words continued. Look at ‘hair, thread, Chinese, text, net

"However, if you want to go to class or have things to be busy. Then, it is fine for me to visit with my classmates by myself. That, the map of Tamamon College, I found it before I left..." Yan slightly said nervously.

However, listening to Xiao Yan's words, the person next to her showed an expression of hatred for iron and steel.

"Xiaoyu, how can you say that? You have to say that you are afraid of getting lost, so you should come to me quickly..." Xiaoyu's classmates said to Xiaoyu in a low voice with some anxiety.

And listening, um, it should have been mentally ‘watching’ Xiao Xiao’s companion uttered these words, Zhang Xiang almost didn’t laugh.

However, the other party also didn't know that Zhang Xiang cared about Xiaobian, and was watching with mental energy at this time.

That's why I thought I would say these words.

But after Xiao Xiao finished speaking, he started to wait a little nervously for Zhang Xiang's answer.

Naturally, Zhang Xiang would not refuse.

"Of course it can, anyway, I have nothing to do now. You are waiting at the door." Zhang Xiang smiled and responded to Xiaobian.

Don't say that Zhang Xiang has nothing to do, even if there is something to do, Zhang Xiang will definitely pass.

After all, the Xiaozhu family has helped the Xiaoniaou family a lot!

At the very beginning, Xiao Niao Youjia was on the right track with the help of Xiao Yu and her mother.

Although, at the beginning, Zhang Xiang was right to be regarded as a **** who abused children by Xiao Shi.

Moreover, let the other party fully understand the information of Tama Wen Academy, so that the other party can make the right choice.

Even in Neon, going to a good university is very important. See 1 Mao 2 Line 3 Chinese Net

And listening to Zhang Xiang's words, Zhang Xiang could clearly hear a sigh of relief from the microphone, and the lowered cheers rang.

"Then, then, we'll be waiting for you at the door." Xiao Shi said shyly.

And Zhang Xiang also replied with a smile: "En. Don't worry, I will be there soon."

After speaking, Zhang Xiang hung up.

Of course, he will not forget to delete all relevant messages in the base station.

You know, when he just took out the phone, he saw that Wu Jian Weichen paid attention to this.

Facing this may be the only information, I believe that the other party will probably take out all the communication objects in this period of time from the storage objects of the base station, and then gather the powerful force of the Ministry of Defense for analysis.

However, since Zhang Xiang has already deleted the relevant information.

In addition, I deliberately disrupted a large amount of data, adding, deleting, checking, and modifying it. I don't know how many times I have performed it. I also used mental power to physically modify the hard disk that carries the recorded data.

Believe that even if it is given a thousand years to the other party, I am afraid it is impossible to calculate which one is the record of the call between him and the other person.

And in the next moment, Zhang Xiang was already in a remote corner of the school building, splitting up a shadow clone.

And his real body appeared in a flash, appearing next to the shadow clone he was staying at Tamowen Academy.

Then, after releasing the memory of the shadow clone, he strode towards the door.

Long before, he had already contacted the shadow clone.

Therefore, he is not far from the school gate.

Within a few minutes of walking, Zhang Xiang already saw Xiaozhu and her friends at the school gate.

Today, Xiaoyan is wearing a pale white dress, the skirt is just close to the knee, and perhaps because the weather is still cold, she also wears a pair of white leggings and a pair of boots on her feet. With her beautiful, pure face, and a pink head

She has long and supple hair, but it gives a sense of seduction in her beauty.

As for her friend, she is a young girl who is about the same height as Xiaoyan, dressed in an ordinary high school uniform, and looks very youthful.

However, compared to Xiao Shi who appeared to be specially dressed today, it was still inferior.

When he saw Xiaobian, Zhang Xiang already raised his hand.


While Zhang Xiang shouted, he walked towards the other side with a smile.

Listening to Zhang Xiang's words, he held his hands with a little nervousness, and looked at Xiao Qiao at the door from time to time. He looked up suddenly in surprise, and a blush appeared on his face.

"You, you're here." Xiao Xiao's face was flushed, his hands were a little nervously holding the strap of the bag, and he slightly raised his head to greet Zhang Xiang.

However, when her gaze touched Zhang Xiang, she couldn't help but lie to the side and dodge.

There is a feeling of not daring to look at Zhang Xiang's eyes.

As for the companion next to her, he was secretly anxious for her. Seeing Zhang Xiang's approach, he was a little speechless for Xiaozhu's nervous behavior.

So she helped Xiaobian.

"Xiaoyu, is this what you call Neighbor Eunice sauce?" Xiaojin's companion pushed towards Xiaojin's shoulder, and added to the three words "Eunice sauce".

Unprepared, the somewhat nervous Xiaobian was pushed forward by her companion, but could not help but walked two steps forward and rushed directly in Zhang Xiang's direction.

Facing the obvious assist, take another look at Xiao Shi who is leaping towards him.

Zhang Xiang couldn't help showing a wry smile on his face.

If he gets out of the way, I'm afraid Xiao Shi will fall.

As a result, Zhang Xiang had no choice but to stretch out his hands and slightly hold on to Xiao Qiao who was leaping in his direction.

Of course, he put his hands on the opponent's shoulders, and didn't let Xiao Li pounce into his arms.

But even so, Zhang Xiang still felt a scent of a girl and the scent of shampoo from his hair, hitting the tip of his nose.

The long, slender pink hair even stroked his face with the wind, giving him a soft and fragrant feeling.

Under this kind of situation, Zhang Xiang even felt that holding Xiao Yan's shoulders with both hands was a softness.

"Are you okay?" Zhang Xiang asked Xiao Qi, who was supported by his hands on his shoulders.

Looking at Zhang Xiang at such a close distance, Xiao Qiao's face suddenly turned red again, and he quickly broke free from Zhang Xiang's hands.

"No, it's okay." Xiao Yan quickly cleaned up his posture, standing not far away in front of Zhang Xiang, said nervously and shyly.

Looking at this scene, Xiao Xiao's companion hurriedly caught up.

"Ah, Xiaozhu, I'm sorry...I just used a little more strength." Xiao Xiao's companion was embarrassed on his face, and hurriedly caught up to apologize.

However, if her eyes were not looking back and forth over Xiao Yan's face and Zhang Xiang's hands, she would probably have enough sincerity.

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