Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 2100: , Tama Literature Academy

Seeing the awkward atmosphere in front of him, Zhang Xiang quickly changed the subject. Look. Wool. Line. Chinese. Text. Net

"Well, let's go inside the campus and take a look." Zhang Xiang gestured to Xiaozhu and the others.

Following this topic, Xiao Shi and the two also nodded quickly.

"Okay." Xiaoyan nodded.

After that, the three of them walked towards the campus in a team.

Because Tama Bunkyo was originally a comprehensive university, not only the school has a lot of staff, but there are also quite a few foreign staff.

Therefore, Zhang Xiang brought the two in, but it did not appear abrupt.

While on the way, Zhang Xiang also began to introduce the Tama Literature Academy to the two.

"Well, this is the building where the Department of Literature is taught, this side is the building where the Department of Finance teaches, and this one is the building where the Department of Physics teaches."

"Oh, do you ask this one? This one brought the laboratory building of our school. The cost is very high, and many experimental courses are carried out in it. Of course, my department of literature, then I haven't been in once. By the way, do you want to go in and have a look? I heard that in the future, the staff of our school can go in with them."

"Here, it's the central square of our school. Look, the pool in the middle and the road with cherry blossom trees on both sides are good? When the season is right, I heard from a friend that there are cherry blossoms on this one. Fun-Fun is the dating mecca of our school. According to the calculation of that friend, it seems that there is a couple confessing to it every two days. However, the weather is relatively cold now, which is relatively rare."

"As for this one, it is our school's gymnasium. Our school's sports facilities are divided into two parts, one is the football field behind, and the other is the closed gymnasium in front of me. The main contents of It’s a badminton court and a basketball court. The volleyball court is in the back facility. The tennis court is next to the football field in the back..."

Zhang Xiang is doing his best to introduce all the settings and related things of this university for Xiaozhu and her classmates.

Even the teacher-related information was introduced a lot.

After all, if you are interested in studying for graduate school, or want to engage in a certain aspect of the industry, it is very good to have a relevant teacher.

In particular, Tama Bun College is a well-known comprehensive university in the country. Although there are not many national-level big cows, there are still five or six.

Of course, the most famous is certainly Zhang Xiang's current teacher in name.

The other party, but neon, and even some old professors with reputation in the world.

Moreover, the other party's network in Neon is also complicated.

More importantly, they are of good character. They don't like to have an ambiguous relationship with female classmates intentionally or unconsciously like some male teachers, nor do they ignore students like some teachers.

Becoming a student of the other party, if appreciated, is a very good thing.

At least, it won't suffer.

If Zhang Xiang didn't have such a big cause and didn't have such a powerful force, but an ordinary person, maybe he was already invested in the opponent's sect now.

In Zhang Xiang's introduction, Xiao Xiao and her classmates were gradually attracted.

Xiao Qi's classmates did not do those little moves, and created all kinds of opportunities to see through at a glance, so that Zhang Xiang and Xiao Qi were alone with each other, or they collided with each other inadvertently.

"If you want to apply for this school, it is a good choice. However, the premise is that you have a deep interest in literature. After all, Tama Bun Academy is most famous for the Department of Literature. Of course, Other departments are not bad. For example, the Department of Mathematics and the Department of Physics are also famous in Neon. However, if you choose these departments, I will give you some less suggestions. After all, inter-departmental I don’t know much about the related things. But if you want to take the test, I can also help you find relevant information. After all, I still have a little relationship in school." Zhang Xiang detailed to Xiao Shi and her companion said, and made a summary.

But listening to Zhang Xiang's words, Xiao Xiao tightly hugged the bag in his arms with a serious look on his face.

"Don't worry, I will definitely be admitted to the Department of Chinese Language and Literature at Tama Wen College! I won't lose to Miss Laixiang!" Xiaoqi raised his head and said with his eyes in Zhang Xiang's direction seriously.

However, in the next instant, she already reacted, and there seemed to be a little ambiguity in her words.

"Then, that, I, I mean, I will work hard. Yes, I will work hard to pass the exam. It's not that I have a conflict with Miss Laixiang, but I want, uh, want..." Said in a panic.

"Well, let's go on. Okay, let's continue to the next place. You should only have half a day. You have to visit this school in half a day, and the time is still a bit nervous." Zhang Xiang Xiao Kai urged her, and led them to the next place.

However, listening to Zhang Xiang's words, Xiao Yan pouted slightly inwardly.

‘Really, idiot, you can’t tell me this way. Did I say that I came to Tamaban Academy because of you? Because Miss Laixiang is in the same school as you and can see you often, I plan to apply for this school so that I can see you often. Even, even going to school with you..." Xiaoyan thought of this, his cheeks could not help being flushed, showing a happy expression.

However, this trace of happiness was soon pierced by her companion.

"I don't want to follow up soon. If you think about it instead of taking action, I think you really won't have a chance." Xiao Yan's companion waved in front of Xiao Yan, and followed Xiao Yan's hand. Go up.

Hearing the voice of his companion, Xiao Yan was able to recover like a waking up from a dream, and quickly followed.

Then, Zhang Xiang began to introduce the community of Tama Wen Academy to Xiaozhu and her companions.

In Neon, club activities are a very important medium in interpersonal communication.

Therefore, even associations must be taken into consideration.

Of course, and more importantly, Zhang Xiang experienced a battle for newcomers when the school started.

If you don't choose the club you want to join in advance, it's easy to be pulled into the club by the omnipotent means of club members.

Listening to Zhang Xiang's words, Xiao Xiao and her companions showed surprise expressions.

"Is it really that fierce for the club to compete for newcomers?" A puzzled expression appeared on Xiao Shi's face.

"Yes, because I am the best proof." Zhang Xiang showed a wry smile on his face, recalling the scene of the day.

On that day, he was dragged by Lu Yan casually, and then unknowingly entered this inexplicable society.

"So, Senior, what method did they use to get you into the club you belong to?" Xiao Qi's companion asked this question curiously.

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