Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 2161: , The new teacher!

After chasing down Zhang Xiang and killing the teacher for a certain distance, Wujian Weichen finally recovered.

His current appearance has fundamentally destroyed his cold image. If his current image is seen by students, it would be more lethal than the photo that can be made using PS technology. Dozens of times!

Therefore, after figuring this out, Uma Yuchen finally calmed down.

Although, killing the teacher: "Come and chase me quickly".

There is also Zhang Xiang's: "This time, I captured a lot of good photos again, Teacher Wujian, I will wash the photos for you tomorrow". He almost couldn't help chasing after many times. Go up, but in the end he endures it.

And, walked in the direction of the woods.

And Zhang Xiang and Teacher Killing are regretting the lack of a companion like Teacher Wujian who'plays' together, and sighed from time to time.

Let his heart be like waves again, undulating, almost violent.

But fortunately, soon, the scene in the woods appeared in front of him.

Otherwise, he felt that he couldn't bear it, and took out a pistol to give them a bullet.

It's just that the situation that appeared in front of his eyes made him stunned.

Even the teasing of Zhang Xiang and Teacher Sha behind him was temporarily forgotten.

"Why are you here? Yinggang." Uma Weichen asked in a cold tone.

And listening to Wu Jian Weichen's voice, the fight between Zhang Xiang and Teacher Sha also stopped temporarily.

Because, even though Uma Yuchen's voice is still as cold as ever.

But the two of them could still hear from Wujian Weichen's voice that he was unfriendly to each other, and they were surprised at seeing each other. See 1 Yarn 3 Chinese Net

It's like, the other party shouldn't be here originally.

And listening to his voice, the person named Takaoka also turned his body.

"Oh, is it Wujian? It's really been a long time since I saw it. As for why I appeared here, it was decided like this to share the burden of Wujian." One looks slightly fat, but he sees for himself But he could see strong muscles, his hair was cut into the shape of a soldier's head, and the man with a seemingly kind smile on his face was responding to Wujian.

Moreover, in terms of age, the opponent should be about the same age as Wujian.

However, Zhang Xiang felt a trace of disgust at the first glance at the other party.

Nothing else, just because of the seemingly kind smile on the other's face.

Yes, he used the word "looks like" to describe it.

Because the smile on the other's face is too fake.

"Oh, is it?" Wu Jian Weichen heard the other party's words and couldn't help but responded coldly.

Feeling Wu Jian's coldness, the other party also showed a smile that seemed to be totally indifferent.

However, when he tilted his head slightly to the front, he still revealed a trace of the other's nature.

"Because, only in this way can you show your true skills in Wujian, right? It won't be like this anymore, it's like a bereavement dog without even a bit of progress in the mission." Yinggang was slightly fat. With a smile on his face, he said to Wujian.

After speaking this sentence, he turned his body and walked towards the three-year E class members who were playing happily.

"Students, starting from today, I will be the one who will teach everyone. Moreover, the arrangement of the class will be slightly changed to make everyone happier and stronger." Takaoka's face has a kind smile , Shouting to the three-year E class students.

And I don't know what the other party did when Zhang Xiang and others left. After he yelled, most of the students in Class E of three years yelled happily.

"Yes, here we are"

"Finally, I don't have to go to teacher Wujian's class. Every time is very hard."

"Yeah, the weather is getting warmer, so I don't want to move anymore."

"I just don't know what kind of lessons the new teacher will give."

"It goes without saying that Takaoka used to play football with me before, so he will definitely change the training class to a normal physical education class and play with us."

"Yeah, yeah, the people at Takaoka are really nice"

There were repeated responses and whispers with a hint of excitement.

Although the following voices talking badly about Wujian were all made in a low voice, everyone could barely hear them.

And Zhang Xiang could hear clearly.

As for Wu Jian's words, Zhang Xiang felt that relying on the physique of the opposing special forces, even if he didn't hear all of them, he could still hear them all.

However, when Zhang Xiang looked over, he saw the other person's still cold face.

It was like the whispers of students, he didn't hear it at all.

However, Zhang Xiang still knew that Wujian must have suffered some blows.

This can be seen from the bewildered look that flashed in his eyes.

And the cheers below came from the timetable in General Eagle Oka's hand and began to change rapidly.

"This, is this wrong?"


"A lot, a lot of classes!"

"Yes, there are only so few normal classes at Takaoka, but the physical education class has become more than a training class, and there are so many sessions. Did you make a mistake at Takaoka?"

Even a more excited student with dyed hair leaned forward.

"Takaoka, how did you arrange so many courses? If you keep going like this, you will not only have no time to study, but also time to play?!" The blonde-dyed student couldn't help but ran to Said in front of Takaoka.

And listening to this student's words, Takaoka's face was still smiling.

"Ah, it's you. I arranged such a course according to very reasonable rules. As long as you train according to this schedule, I believe everyone will soon be able to make a qualitative leap in assassination ability. Oh. In that case, understand? Then, we will start training now..." Takaoka still explained to everyone with a smile.

However, before he finished speaking, the student couldn't help it.

"No, it doesn't give us time to study, nor time to play, and let us take so many training classes. We simply can't do this kind of thing!" The blonde student looked excitedly Talking.

"Muramatsu..." Takaoka still maintained a kind expression.

"Wha..." The blonde student named Muramatsu responded angrily.

It's just the next moment.

This student named Muramatsu had already changed a lot, and collapsed on the ground with his belly in his arms.

Because, in that moment.

The teacher named Takaoka changed his expression in an instant and became cold. He grabbed Muramatsu's clothes with one hand and gave the opponent a knee blow with one kick!

Such a sudden change caused the whole scene to be quiet, and most of the people's eyes showed horror.

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