Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 2162: , Try uneasy!

"Muramatsu, have you forgotten something? In class, if you want to speak, you need to raise your hand to indicate. Look at the 1 Mao 2 Line 3 Chinese website and directly call the teacher’s name without adding it. The words "Teacher" are very impolite." Takaoka squatted down, with a smiling smile on his face, stretched out his hand and patted Muramatsu, who had fallen on the ground and has not yet risen in pain. Shoulders.

Then, he stood up.

"Okay, okay. We can't waste time. Everyone, hurry up and start training. The first set of training is 100 sets of squats, three for each set. Hurry up. Come on, everyone , Don't let me down, daddy," Takaoka said with a kind smile on his face, spreading his hands and smiling.

However, no one would believe that the smile on the other's face was truly kind.

Looking at the scene in the field, Wu Jian Weichen's face couldn't help showing a moment of hesitation.

Originally, he wanted to go out.

But when he thought that Takaoka's arrival was an order from his superiors, and the reaction of Class E in just three years, he couldn't decide whether to go up.

As for Zhang Xiang's brows were picked up, and a trace of unpleasantness flashed in his eyes.

In front of Takaoka's ‘gentle’ smile, all the three-year Class E students present hesitately came together and started squatting.

It's just that, how can such a group of students who don't usually exercise very reluctantly insist on 100 sets of squats in total at the beginning?

Some girls can't hold on before they have completed thirty.

"No, no, my leg hurts..." Kanzaki Yukiko, who looked relatively quiet, couldn't hold on first.

It's just that she just stopped, and she has already caught the attention of Takaoka.

"Oh, did you stop before you even finished thirty? This one, but it doesn't work! Let me, the father of the big family, come and help you!" Takaoka's face showed He smiled, but his right hand stretched out and grabbed Kanzaki Yukiko's hair.

Obviously, he was grabbing Kanzaki Yukiko's hair and asked her to squat again.

As for the way?

Of course it was done by holding her hair.

When you grasp the pain, you will definitely stand up, and once you let go, you will definitely squat down again!

However, at this moment, Wujian couldn't help it anymore.

"Stop it!" Uma Weichen rushed out abruptly, grabbing the right hand that Takaoka stretched out.

However, looking at the tentacles of Uma Yoshio, Takaoka's face also showed a slightly gloomy expression.

"Oh, did you finally intervene? It's just that the ones just now are all within the education scope of this school. But I can give you a chance, a chance to intervene." Gang's face showed an indifferent expression, but behind his face he showed a sinister pride.

However, before Wu Jian Weichen answered, another voice rang.

"Oh, is it a duel?" Zhang Xiang's voice burst into the room.

I didn't know when, Zhang Xiang's figure had already appeared in the field, and Kanzaki Yukiko who was sitting on the ground was lifted up.

Looking at Zhang Xiang who suddenly appeared, Ying Gang's eyes couldn't help flashing a trace of deep vigilance and inexplicable terror.

However, in the next moment, he well covered the trace of fear that was hidden under vigilance.

"Of course not. If you are a teacher, how can you use violence at will? Right, I think you are Teacher Dayu, right? A lot of advice." Takaoka said with a smile on his face, and stretched out. The right hand is about to shake hands.

However, he had never thought that Zhang Xiang would never catch his extended right hand.

"Oh, then what exactly is the opportunity you are talking about?" Zhang Xiang looked at the other party and asked.

Looking at Zhang Xiang's act of giving the slightest amount of face, Ying Gang couldn't help flashing a trace of anger in his eyes, but he quickly covered it.

"This opportunity is that you can send any student in Class E for three years, and they can use all the cold weapons. In order to prevent you from saying that I will create disadvantages for you, I allow you to use real cold weapons. As long as they can successfully attack me, even if you win. But if they are subdued by me before attacking me, then even if you lose, you are not allowed to interfere with my education of our extended family. . This is the opportunity I give you! How about it, fair, right?" Takaoka stretched out his right hand without moving, spreading his hands and said.

"Oh, is any cold weapon okay? And, even if you kill you?" Zhang Xiang raised his brow slightly, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

And listening to Zhang Xiang's words and the smile on his face, Ying Gang couldn't help but feel a bad feeling in his heart.

However, he is still very confident in his plan.

Because, he thinks that no one in the three-year E class has the ability to attack him.

No matter what weapon the opponent uses.

Even with a pistol at such a close distance, he might not be able to shoot him.

Not to mention, he also limited the weapons to cold weapons.

"Of course, as long as it is a cold weapon, there is no problem at all. As for the problem of being able to kill me, if you can really kill me, of course I will have no problem. But, who do you think can do it? Is it here? Okay, you guys quickly decide whether to take this opportunity! If you don't agree, don't stand here and interfere with my training." Takaoka opened his hands and his face showed arrogance. Emoji come.

He knew that he could not defeat Wujian Weichen, nor could he defeat Zhang Xiang and kill the teacher.

However, he is absolutely confident that he can abuse any student in Class E for three years.

And he was confident that Wu Jian Weichen would definitely agree to this condition.

However, Wujian Weichen was still looking at the three-year E class students behind him, watching them shrink back, and was afraid of being named by Wujian to go out to fight. When he hesitated, Zhang Xiang forced a step. Replied.

"No problem. Since you have promised us that we can use any cold weapon, then it's fine." Zhang Xiang's face was smiling, and he responded easily to Yinggang's words.

Looking at the relaxed smile on Zhang Xiang's face, Ying Gang's heart was originally ignored by him, but he didn't know why it got bigger and bigger.

‘Are there real assassins hidden in Class E of the third year? No, it's impossible, unless the guy hiding inside is the ordinary existence of that octopus, I won't be able to detect it. Could it be that he is making a fuss about weapons. Use longer cold weapons, such as spears, or other more insidious cold weapons? No, although I am confident that no matter what cold weapon the other party brings out, it will not even be able to touch my body. However, to be on the safe side, let's set the scope of use of cold weapons. "Takaoka's brain is turning fast, making a decision.

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