Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 2210: , Little Bear Great Lake!

A few minutes later, Zhang Xiang was already outside the house. See 1 Yarn 3 Chinese Net

Although, Russia is an industrial power.

However, judging from the environment on the suburban side, at least the air is still very good.

"Ah good morning, Erros" Zhang Xiang shouted to the deserted woods.

Then he got into the forest behind the house.

Since today is already planning to lead the little chicks here, some preparations should still be made.

At the very least, some large animals in this forest must be cleared, as well as poisonous snakes.

Although it is true that there are fewer snakes in this cold region of Russia.

And just shortly after Zhang Xiang ran in, he met a man in black.

However, Zhang Xiang was not surprised by meeting someone suddenly.

Instead, he spoke directly.

"How? How did you eliminate the danger?" Zhang Xiang asked directly to the other party.

Because this man in black is not someone else, but one of the biochemical men he brought over from the neon side.

Since last night, they followed Zhang Xiang's orders and began to clear away the threats that might be in this forest.

And listening to Zhang Xiang's words, the other party immediately began to answer.

"Three-quarters of this forest has been cleared, and the rest should be cleared within an hour. In addition, the related monitoring and protection facilities have already been arranged for more than half." The man in black directly gave Zhang Xiangjing a gift.

And listening to the other party's words, Zhang Xiang also nodded slightly with satisfaction.

"So, is there any investigation about that lake?" Zhang Xiang asked again.

"That lake is a public place. It's just that, after passing the lake, if you pass a distance of about five hundred meters, you will enter other people's private territory." The man in black told Zhang Xiang in detail.

And Zhang Xiang also nodded.

Since this lake is a public place, that's fine.

"Then you continue to eliminate the threat." Zhang Xiang nodded and said, and then continued to sink into the forest.

However, before his voice fell, a roar came from not far away.

"Is this the roar of the bear? There are still bears in the suburbs of Erros?" Zhang Xiang felt a little weird.

Afterwards, he adjusted his direction and moved forward in that direction.

Not long after, Zhang Xiang already saw the bear and knew why it roared.

Because that bear is being suppressed on the ground by a biochemical man.

No matter how the bear roars, it is useless, and the whole body is basically immobile.

You know, every biochemical person's strength is more than two meals.

If you want to suppress a bear, you can still do it easily.

And not far away, a little bear was sprinting towards this side, actually trying to attack the biochemical man with a pebble hitting a rock.

And the biochemical man also got the opponent in the first time.

Seeing that the biohazard didn't even use weapons, he directly gave birth to a hand to grab the bear's neck directly.

Then, he wanted to pinch the bear to death.

However, at this moment, Zhang Xiang spoke up.


While talking, Zhang Xiang walked in that direction.

Seeing that the little bear was struggling violently, and the restless because of the little bear's roar, his paws were scratching the ground and struggling wildly with the big bear, Zhang Xiang finally made a decision.

"Forget it, let them go, just drive them to other places. Don't kill them." Zhang Xiang said to the biohazard.

And listening to Zhang Xiang’s words, the biochemical man immediately let go of the little bear who was struggling fiercely, let go of the other hand that was holding the big bear, stood up from the back that was holding the big bear, and retreated. Go aside.

As for the big bear who had regained freedom, he quickly got up and protected the little bear behind him.

Immediately, it directly locked its angry eyes in the direction of Zhang Xiang who was closer, raised its bear paw, and waved it in that direction.

It's not like what some stories say, after humans saved bears, bears are grateful to humans.

However, this is also normal.

After all, this is reality.

"Don't make a fuss, take your children and leave here temporarily." Zhang Xiang directly raised his hand, resisting the big bear's blow to him, and said to the big bear in front of him.

It is a pity that Big Bear could not understand Zhang Xiang's words.

As a result, the big bear that was blocked from the first blow turned out to stand up directly and bombarded it with both palms in the direction of Zhang Xiang.

But this time, Zhang Xiang finally got a little angry.

Zhang Xiang's eyes were slightly narrowed, and a strong murderous intent flashed from him.

It's just that the big bear, who originally showed strong anger and killing intent in his eyes, made a sob and ran directly into the forest.

Even the bear was left behind and ignored it.

While watching this scene, Zhang Xiang also sighed helplessly.

"Let's go, go find your parents quickly." Zhang Xiang patted the bear's head, who was a little confused, and pushed it.

And then, after Xiao Xiong glanced at Zhang Xiang, he directly chased after him.

As for Zhang Xiang, he shook his head slightly, and continued to observe and patrol other places.

After all, this incident is just a small episode in life.

After that, Zhang Xiang went back to the side of the house directly after checking it.

And it just so happened that breakfast was just cooked.

Xiaokong and others also gradually became sober.

What made Zhang Xiang a sigh of relief was that when he returned to the room, Miss Sha Xia was no longer in the room.

Instead, I cooked breakfast below.

It wasn't the thin pajamas that tempted criminals anymore, but changed into normal home clothes.

However, what remains unchanged is that Miss Sasha still likes to molest him.

Just getting ready at the dinner table, I flirted with him a few times, and frequently picked vegetables for him, which made him feel a little restless.

Because this is already the case now, and I don't know what sneak attacks will be made at night.

He is not a gentleman, the term Liu Xiahui is not applicable to him.

And just a little bit uncomfortable, and in the vigilant eyes of Xiaosora and Miwa, this double breakfast with Japanese and Russian styles is finally over.

And Xiao Hina is already singing expectantly.

"Lake, Lake, Lake, Lake, Lake, Lake, has a large group of beautiful elves"

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