Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 2211: , Cruise

And just after a short and inexplicable road that was used by others, Zhang Xiang and others had already arrived by the big lake. Look. Yarn, Chinese website

Bypassing a big tree blocking the view, the sparkling lake surface already appeared in front of everyone.

"Oh so big"

"So pretty"

Xiao Kong and others couldn't help but exclaimed.

Under the sunlight of the oblique upwards in the Russian summer, with the gentle breeze blowing, the light on the lake is constantly wavering.

In some special locations, you can even see the colorful light flashing slightly.

Just like the lake in front of me, it was the invisible realm in the legend.

It was at this moment that Xiao Chi suddenly let out an exclamation.

"Fish, there is a really big fish" Xiao Chi's face showed a surprised look, and after taking his own small steps, he wanted to walk towards the lake.

While watching this scene, Zhang Xiang and others hurriedly followed.

"Little chick, don't get too close to the lake, it won't be good if you fall in." Zhang Xiang quickly stopped the chick who ran to the lake, trying to put his hand into the lake.

"But, Xiao Chi wants to see Da Yuyu" Xiao Chi's face showed a slightly disappointed expression.

Seeing Xiao Chi's slightly disappointed expression, Zhang Xiang smiled mysteriously.

"Don't worry, my little uncle was already prepared yesterday." Zhang Xiang mysteriously said to Xiaokong and the others.

"Huh? Uncle, did you prepare for it yesterday?"

"Yes, brother, weren't you with me yesterday?"

Both Meiyu and Xiao Kong showed puzzled expressions on their faces. See 1 Mao 2 Line 3 Chinese Net

"Of course, but I haven't been discovered by you. Because if you have discovered it, it won't be a surprise today. Okay, come with me." Zhang Xiang stood up directly and took the hand of the young bird. Go ahead.

And listening to Zhang Xiang's words, the look of expectation reappeared on Xiao Chi's face.

In a short while, not far in front of them, a repaired pier appeared, and a cruise ship that was obviously put into the Great Lake not long ago.

"Brother, could it be that the surprise is the one..." Xiaokong opened his eyes wide.

"Yes, this excursion boat is what I prepared for everyone today. You can fish on it and visit the entire lake. By the way, there is a small stove on it, so you can catch fish on the spot. Let it be steamed." Zhang Xiang showed a proud expression on his face and introduced it to everyone.

"Yeah, uncle is the best!" Meiyu gave Zhang Xiang a hug and yelled happily.

"Ah, thank you, uncle." Xiao Chun took the lead and was about to pull Zhang Xiang and ran towards the boat.

However, Zhang Xiang followed up with a bit of doting and helplessness.

"Be careful, don't move, let your uncle get on first, and then I will hug you over." Zhang Xiang stepped on the boat and hugged the chick onto the boat.

"Okay, don't mess around. Especially don't lie on the rails. I will pick up your sister and Miss Sha Xia." Zhang Xiang exhorted to the young girl.

Then, he turned his head and stretched out his hand, taking Xiaokong and the others one by one.

Meiyu was the most natural. After Zhang Xiang grabbed her little hand, she jumped directly into the hull.

And some Xiao Kong who is not good at swimming, after shrinking a bit, Zhang Xiang jumped directly onto the pier again, hugged Xiao Kong directly and hugged her as a princess. Arrived on the ship.

Of course, during this process, screams cannot be avoided.

Xiao Kong closed his eyes tightly, wrapped his hands tightly around Zhang Xiang's neck, buried his head in front of him, and refused to come out.

After getting on the boat and putting her down, she recovered slightly.

However, she still grumbled and grabbed the railing next to her, and she felt a little relieved.

As for Miss Sa Xia, she was also very simple and jumped up directly without Zhang Xiangla.

It's just after jumping up.

Miss Sa Xia directly pretended to be a little unsteady, and fell directly into Zhang Xiang’s arms. The full presence on her chest pressed directly on Zhang Xiang’s body, and whispered quietly in his ears. There was a wind.

Except for Zhang Xiang's helplessness, everything else went smoothly.

Afterwards, Zhang Xiang untied the rope tied to the stone pillar.

"Okay, we are going to set off, everyone should sit down." Zhang Xiang said to everyone, and walked directly to the palm rest.

However, the place where it is said to be the palm rest is actually just in front of the seats of the birds.

After all, this ship is not very big, it is only about five meters long and two meters wide.

However, compared to other general tour boats, this tour boat has glass windows that can be closed up and down.

If it rains, you can close the glass windows directly without getting any rain.

There is also a sun-shading metal plate on the hull, which can block a lot of sunlight.


So, in the sound of everyone's excitement, the tour boat slowly left the dock.

Of course, this is to ignore the small sky that has been holding Zhang Xiang's right hand, and some are afraid to look at the lake next to him.

Zhang Xiang never knew that Xiao Kong was so afraid of water.

After all, from the photos, Xiaokong and the others have been to the beach.

Moreover, most elementary and junior high schools in Neon have swimming lessons.

However, fortunately, Xiaokong's mood finally gradually improved after the boat took some distance.

Moreover, after Miwa and Xiao Hina yelled at the scenery in the lake, they finally gradually leaned on the railings, and somewhat cautiously observed the scenery in the lake.

Although the scenery in the lake is like that if you see too much, it is still very strange for Xiaokong who is so close to the lake for the first time.

As a result, she quickly became part of everyone's discussion.

After the boat drove to the middle of the lake, Zhang Xiang stopped the boat.

"It's a pity, the sun is gradually coming out. The fish in the lake can't see clearly..." Meiyu's face showed a slightly regretful expression.

However, listening to Miyu's words, Zhang Xiang stood up.

"You can't see the fish, right? Wait a minute." Zhang Xiang smiled mysteriously again, ran to the middle of the hull and began to operate.

Seeing Zhang Xiang pressed a special button, the color under the hull started to change color, and the steel at the bottom began to gradually show up to both sides, revealing the scenery of the lake below.

"Glass, glass? Part of the bottom of our ship is actually glass?" Miss Sasha opened her eyes and said in a strange way.

Because, although she had heard of this kind of ship, she had never seen it truly.

"Yes, and it's not just these. Look..." Zhang Xiang pressed a button again, and two cameras spread out from both sides of the hull, and they spread directly into the lake.

On the large screen not far away, the scenes observed from the two cameras were revealed.

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