Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 2212: , Glass bottom

Fishes were wandering down the bottom of the lake, and some saw the cameras penetrating into the water and immediately wandered to other places.

Some of the more daring fish wandered nearby and began to watch.

Moreover, I don't know if it's because there are few people here, the fish in the lake are basically fatter.

Some fish seem to be over twenty catties.

Such a heavy fish can only grow to this level without being disturbed for several years.

"Ah, such a big fish, I have never seen such a big fish." Meiyu exclaimed as she watched the heavy rain that wandered past the screen.

"Yeah, it's higher than Xiao Chin" Xiao Chi looked at Big Fish on the screen, and couldn't help but drew his hands.

The big fish that wandered past the screen was even taller than the little chicks, but it was still somewhat difficult to hug them with the little chicks' hands.

"Okay, don't stare at the big screen. There is also a big fish wandering under the glass under your feet." Zhang Xiang motioned everyone to look down.

I saw that under everyone's feet, under the transparent glass, because of the seduction of a special light shining from the bottom of the boat, a lot of fish were swimming to the bottom of the boat.

Some fish also curiously touched the glass on the bottom of the boat, so that everyone could see the specific appearance of those fish very accurately.

"Ah, this one, this one is a carp, that one, that fish is so long... What kind of fish is it?" Meiyu standing under the glass strip could not help but point to the fish under the glass and began to identify stand up.

But it's a pity that it's better to let Meiyu recognize the neon fish.

However, it is still somewhat difficult for her to recognize Russian fish.

She just recognized the more common carp, and couldn't help other fish coming.

Instead, Xiaokong next to him, after some hesitation, said his own guess: "Which one, shouldn't it be a sturgeon?".

Xiao Kong asked uncertainly.

And listening to Xiaokong's words, Miss Sasha, who often lives in Russia next to her, couldn't help but nodded.

"Yes, this kind of fish is a sturgeon. However, this one is not too big a sturgeon." Miss Sha Xia explained next to her.

And listening to Miss Sa Xia's affirmation of her guess, Xiao Kong couldn't help showing a smile on his face.

Meiyu and Xiao Hina beside them were even more amazed.

"Ah, my sister is so amazing, even the sturgeon can be recognized!"

"Yes, Sister Xiaokong is really amazing." Xiaochun exclaimed beside her.

And listening to the words of Miyu and Xiao Hina, Xiao Kong's face couldn't help but flushed slightly.

"It's nothing, I just happened to read the introduction to fish when I was learning cooking before, so I could see what fish it was." Xiaokong said embarrassedly.

"Alright, Xiaokong, stop being humble. It's a good thing to be able to recognize it. After all, although sturgeon is a fish species, sturgeon in different places are still very different. If you can recognize it, it proves that you have worked a lot." Zhang Xiang smiled and said to Xiao Kong.

And listening to Zhang Xiang's words, Xiao Kong was not too humble.

However, at this moment, Xiao Chi slightly pulled Zhang Xiang's clothing corner next to him.

"That one, Uncle, can Xiao Chi go up?" Xiao Chi pointed to the glass floor that appeared in the middle of the boat not far away, and said expectantly.

Although standing on this side can already see the scene in the lake almost, standing on the glass ground can undoubtedly be able to see more clearly.

And listening to Xiao Chi's request, Zhang Xiang of course agreed immediately.

"Okay, no problem." Zhang Xiang nodded and said.

However, listening to Zhang Xiang's words, Xiao Kong beside him became a little nervous.

"But, uncle, that's the glass. If Xiao Chi stands up, wouldn't it be unsafe?" Xiao Kong hesitated looking at the glass floor not far away, and asked nervously.

After all, in the impression of ordinary people, glass is always broken when it is smashed.

Not to mention such a large glass.

However, Zhang Xiang showed her a relieved smile.

"Don't worry, these are made of special special glass, even if we all step on it and jump and jump, nothing will happen." Zhang Xiang said comfortingly towards Xiaokong.

In fact, the strength of the glass at the bottom of this ship is specially manufactured.

In terms of hardness, it is even stronger than steel of the same degree!

And listening to Zhang Xiang's words, Xiaokong hadn't spoken again, and Mei Yubian beside him was already exclaiming.

"Uncle, can you step on it? Then, I want too!" Meiyu who was beside her was already cheering.

"Meiyu?!" Xiaokong looked at Meiyu a little bulgingly.

And Miyu spit out her little tongue: "It's okay, sister and uncle said it's safe. Nothing."

After Meiyu finished speaking, she leaped up her body gently, fell on the glass ground, and turned a circle on the glass surface.

"Well, completely landed" Miyu made a confident expression.

And seeing her sister like this, Xiao Chi also showed an expression of expectation.

"Ah, young chicks too" as soon as the voice fell, her small body had already jumped out along the stairs and fell on the glass surface.

Xiao Kong who saw this scene almost didn't exclaim.

However, the result was quite unexpected to her. The small body of the small chick stepped on it did not put any burden on the glass at all, not even a look of wavering.

And before she could relax her mind and say twice to the disobedient behavior of Xiao Chi, Miss Sa Xia who was next to her had already moved her feet slightly and landed on the glass ground.

"Well, it's very good and strong. So don't worry, Xiao Kong, you can come down." Miss Sha Xia said as she moved her foot and stepped on the glass floor under her feet.

Looking at this scene, Xiao Kong didn't know whether to be angry or helpless.

"Miss Sasha..." Xiaokong said in a stretched voice.

However, before she could finish her words, Zhang Xiang had already gently pressed her shoulders.

"Okay, don't worry, don't you worry about me doing errands? Follow everyone to enjoy the fish up close." Zhang Xiang gently pushed Xiaokong's body and said.

"But..." Xiaokong showed a hesitant expression on his face.

"No, but rest assured, nothing will happen. Even if there is something, with my reputation for swimming in the waves, you will have nothing to do." Zhang Xiang patted his chest and said.

"Brother, what is the name of Xiaobaitiao in Langli from your place? You have been with us for the past year, and you have never been anywhere to use it." Xiaokong said a little bit angry.

However, Zhang Xiang's interruption made Xiao Kong's nervousness slightly reduced.

Then, Xiao Kong hesitated a little, stepped out of his right foot nervously, and lightly tapped on the glass ground.

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