Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 2222: , A month!

A day later, outside Miss Sasha's villa.

"Ms. Sha Xia, come, plank." Zhang Xiang stood on a ladder and said to Miss Sha Xia next to her.

In front of Zhang Xiang, it was a small house that had not yet been completed.

However, it is said that it is a small house, but it is actually not small.

The house is about 2.5 meters high, about 8 square meters in size, and covered with hay and other things.

Because this house will be the home of Little Bear for more than half a month.

And listening to Zhang Xiang's words, Miss Sha Xia next to her hurriedly handed it over the plank she had prepared.

"Okay, here!"

And Zhang Xiang, after receiving the plank, put it on the already fixed frame, and then nailed everything firmly.

With Zhang Xiang's efforts, a fairly solid house is gradually taking shape.

At this moment, a figure trot out from the house next to him, and two golden horsetails swayed behind him.

"Miyu, what are you doing running so fast?" Miss Sa Xia couldn't help but yelled in the direction of Miyu.

And listening to Miss Sa Xia's voice, Miyu couldn't help but change the direction of running.

When she ran to her, she was a little out of breath.

"Mom, do you know where to put the broomsticks? I can't find them in the house..." Mei Yu hurriedly asked Miss Sa Xia.

"I know, because I have to pick up some wood chips later, I put it there. But what are you doing looking for a broom?" Miss Sha Xia pointed to the side and asked with some confusion.

And looking in the direction of Miss Sa Xia's right finger, Mei Yu really found the figure of the broom, with a hint of surprise on her face. See 1 Mao 2 Line 3 Chinese Net

However, when she heard the words behind Miss Sasha, her little nose wrinkled slightly.

"Well, isn't it because Xiaoxiong's house was not repaired, so Xiaoxiong was allowed to enter the room?" Meiyu said with a slightly wrinkled nose.

"What's the matter? Did something break again? Could it be that the tableware was brought down by it again?" A hint of helplessness flashed across Miss Sasha's face.

Because after all, the bear is wild.

Moreover, it is still in a very active period.

So, you can imagine how many things will happen if the bear enters the house.

And listening to Miss Sa Xia's words, Miyu shook her head.

"It's not this one, but a more serious matter. The little bear raked in the house, and he was still on the sofa..." Meiyu said this, and wrinkled her little nose again, as if she was still Can smell that kind of smell, and waved his right hand in front of him.

"Ah, isn't it? What do you plan to do? No, let me clean up." Miss Sha Xia thought for a while, and made a decision in an instant.

However, Mei Yu, who was next to her, quickly stopped Miss Sa Xia.

"No way, mother." Miyu quickly grabbed Miss Sasha who wanted to walk into the house to help.

"Why?" Miss Sa Xia asked with some confusion.

"That one, Xiao Chi said that she wanted to clean it up by herself... and, she also said, she will take care of these things in the future..." Meiyu said with a strange expression.

And listening to Miyu's words, Miss Sa Xia's face also became a little strange.

"Little chi is going to make it by herself? Isn't it?!" Miss Sa Xia asked with a strange expression.

"Yes. My sister had persuaded her before, but it was useless." Meiyu nodded helplessly.

"But, can Xiao Chi work? She is also a child who needs someone to take care of..." Miss Sa Xia said with a hint of doubt.

However, at this moment, Zhang Xiang suddenly interjected.

"Don't worry, let her try. Although, we can help as much as we can. But since she has promised to be fully responsible for herself. Then, we still have to let her exercise." Zhang Xiang Turned his head from the ladder and said.

Listening to Zhang Xiang's words, although Miss Sha Xia hesitated for a while, she nodded.

"However, it's really a pity. I originally planned to take you around to play. Take you to see ice sculptures, classical fishing scenes, and some sights that are unique to Russia. For now. , With the drag of this little bear. We can't go anywhere." Miss Sha Xia's face showed a regretful expression.

You know, she has been preparing for this holiday for a long time.

Now, only the first half can barely be completed.

Seeing the regret on Miss Sasha's face, Miyu couldn't help but start to persuade her.

"Mom, don't feel a pity. We are not here only once. The big deal, we will come again next summer. Otherwise, Mom can go to our side too!" Miyu comforted Miss Sasha.

"Yes, Miss Sha Xia can come over during winter vacation." Zhang Xiang also agreed.

It's just that he didn't expect that his move was actually causing fire.

"Also, it's all Yuta's fault! We wouldn't be like this if Yuta had not agreed to the young bear to adopt the bear. Ah, I don't care about some of my planned plans, you can come up with a perfect one for me Qimei's way!" Miss Sha Xia's Feng stared at Zhang Xiang.

Speaking of the back, it turned out to be shameless like a child.

Seeing this scene, Zhang Xiang at least cried and laughed.

Fortunately, Mei Yu was able to relieve Zhang Xiang in time.

She used the excuse that Xiao Chi was waiting to attract Miss Sa Xia's attention.

After all, she agreed with Zhang Xiang's opinion, but it didn't mean she was not worried.

Therefore, in the end, only Zhang Xiang was left, and he reluctantly continued to build Xiong's new house alone.

And time flew by, and time quickly passed by about a month.

During this period, many things happened.

Of course, most things have something to do with Little Bear.

It was not because of the riot caused by the other party's random excretion, or because of the riot caused by the other party's scratching the furniture.

Of course, there are even more outrageous things happening.

The little bear once didn't know what to do, but actually went to Miss Sasha's wardrobe to roll around, so that Miss Sasha almost didn't go crazy, and grabbed the little bear to make braised bear paws.

In addition to the noise, there is naturally joy.

During this month, Zhang Xiang used various methods, either temporarily leaving the bear to be taken care of by someone, or secretly taking it with him. Finally, Miss Sasha’s travel plan was completed seven or seven times. Eight or eight.

Everyone saw the ice sculpture contest under the lights at night, as well as the special grand scene of classical ice-cutting and fishing, as well as various scenes.

In short, this trip can be regarded as close to perfection.

Dragon Ball has about ten chapters to end, and the assassination classroom should be about the same. What do you want to see in the next volume?

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