Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 2223: , Parting with bear!

The parting is always sad. When the time is approaching the end of summer vacation, everyone finally has to face the decision to return to Neon. Look. Yarn, Chinese website

"Xia Xia, wait a few days and have time, Xia Xia will definitely visit you. Don't miss Xia Xia..." Miss Sha Xia embraced Xiao Xia with a look of reluctance, and she must be reluctant to let go.

However, Xiao Hina stretched out a small hand and patted Miss Sasha on the shoulder.

"Don't worry, I won’t miss Xia Xia. Didn’t Xia Xia say that? Is Xia Xia coming to Neon next week? At that time, I will make delicious things for Xia. Xia eats it. By the way, Xiao Chi is going to say goodbye to Little Bear. Let Xiao Chi go and say goodbye to Little Bear first." Xiao Chi patted Miss Sha Xia on the shoulder and said to her.

Then, her little body moved flexibly and broke free from the gap in Miss Sasha's arms.

And listening to Xiao Chi's words, Miss Sasha couldn't help being petrified.

Then, after Xiao Chi ran away from her arms, she ran to the side to make a circle.

"I can't compare to a little bear, I can't compare to a little bear..." Miss Sa Xia was reciting this bitterly.

While watching this scene, Miyu, with a smile on her mouth, couldn't help walking behind Miss Sasha and patted Miss Sasha on the shoulder.

"Mom, don't be so childish. You also know that today is the day when Chicks bid farewell to Cubs and put them back in the forest. After today, Chicks don't know if they can see Cubs. Therefore, it is normal for her to care about Cubs so much. In addition, even if we return to Neon, we will often use videos. Therefore, it is understandable that Xiao Hina does not have much parting sadness." Miyu and Sha Miss Xia seemed to have changed a role, comforting her.

"But, I can't even compare to a little bear... And, from today, we will need twelve hours. After you get off the plane, we will have the opportunity to meet on video... Twelve hours, It's been a long time too..." The resentful Miss Sa Xia continued to mutter.

And listening to her mother's slightly childish words, Miyu didn't know whether she should be dumbfounded or what expression she should show. Look. Yarn, Chinese website

"Mom, do you have to compare with a little bear?!" Meiyu said helplessly.

However, fortunately this time.

I don't know if Miss Sasha figured it out by herself, or if Miyu's persuasion worked.

Miss Sasha stood up directly from the ground.

Then, in the next moment.

She sprouted in an old manner and issued a dumbfounding declaration.

"Well, the defense battle of Xiao Chi's love level is officially launched! I will definitely not lose to the bear!!!" Miss Sa Xia's eyes flashed with a strong flame of fighting spirit.

And listening to Miss Sa Xia's words, Mei Yu directly held her forehead with her hand, directly showing an expression of "I am dizzy".

But under the chasing of Miss Sha Xia, who had all the fighting power, they had arrived not far from the original forest in a short while.

At this time, Zhang Xiang, Xiao Chi and others were standing at the junction of a forest.

From that piece of forest, it was closer to the deep forest.

It is also a place where wild animals frequent.

The release site chosen by Zhang Xiang and others is this place.

Because the neighborhood is relatively sparsely populated and there are more food suitable for bears, and there are rumors that a protected area will be established here within two years.

Therefore, after the final discussion, Zhang Xiang and others decided to release the bear in this place.

At this time, Zhang Xiang and others were releasing the little bear from the cage.

After a month of recuperating from his injuries, the little bear's injury has been completely healed and more than that, even his body has gained a lot of weight, and his height is a bit like a little bear.

"Little bear, after we leave, you have to live a good life. If you are hungry, remember to eat. However, you can't eat too much. If you eat too much, your belly will rise, which is very difficult. It's comfortable. By the way, besides not eating too much, you have to eat on time..." Xiao Chi is like a mother telling her children to go out, talking about trivial matters, regardless of whether she listens. Understand.

But after talking, Xiao Chi's eyes suddenly became ruddy.

"Uncle... Well, you must put the bear back in the forest. Can't you continue to raise it?" Xiao Chi's eyes were a little ruddy, and she suddenly turned her head and said to Zhang Xiang in a pleading tone.

Although Zhang Xiang hesitated for a moment, he still shook his head.

"No, Hina, haven't you promised me? When the time comes, you will put the bear back in the forest. And, you forgot, we can't take the bear back home when we go back home? , The little bear lives in the forest to live well. If you keep it by your side, it’s not necessarily good. Do you want the little bear to be trapped like an animal in the zoo? Is it in a cage?" Zhang Xiang shook his head, resolutely rejecting this unreasonable request from Xiao Chi.

And listening to Zhang Xiang's words, Xiao Chi's tears came out all at once, and the little bear who hugged him who didn't know what was happening began to cry.

The eyes of Xiao Kong and others were a little red.

But in the end, Zhang Xiang still didn't agree to Xiao Chi's request.

And after crying for a while, Xiao Chi finally realized that it was impossible to keep the bear.

"Then, bear, you must take good care of yourself." Xiao Chi said, patted bear on the back.

At this time, Zhang Xiang also stepped forward.

"Okay, it's already late. If it's too late, we won't be able to catch the plane. So, let Little Bear go. Do you want to do it yourself or let the little uncle come..." Zhang Xiang half squatted down , Said softly to Xiao Chi.

And listening to Zhang Xiang's words, Xiao Chi started to sob again.

However, she was still sobbing and nodding.

"Little chick, let little chick come by himself..." Little chick let go of her hands, put her little hand on the bear's shoulder, and gently pushed it against its body.

Feeling the chicks' movements, the little bear thought that the chicks were playing with him, and turned around and rubbed the hands of the little chicks with his head.

However, it was unexpected.

Little Chin did not play with her as she expected, but instead stretched out her hands and continued to push forward against it.

This made the little bear a little confused.

And watching this scene, Zhang Xiang couldn't help but shoot.

He sent a mental wave to Little Bear's mind to make it understand what to do today.

After knowing what was going to happen today, the bear looked back at Hina hesitantly.

Then, under another push from the young bird, she finally walked slowly towards the forest.

The more it walked, the more it could feel the familiar feeling returning to its own body, the tip of its nose was slightly shaking and the sweet smell, and it couldn't help but trot towards the place where there was honey in the distance.

Seeing that the little bear completely disappeared in the forest, the young youngster finally cried out brazenly.

As everyone present watched this scene, they couldn't help but start to comfort the young chicks.

But no matter what, Xiao Xiao finally took another step forward firmly on the path of growth.

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