Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 2230: , Teach assassination techniques!

On the empty forest grass, the three-year E class students are sitting on the ground panting.

"Well, what I want to teach you is not bad. In addition, I haven't taught you how to sneak in a special way and eliminate your breath. Do you want to learn these things?" Zhang Xiang is intact Standing in front of the three-year E class students, he said to them with his arms folded on his chest.


"We want to learn!"

The people below all said enthusiastically.

However, it is not that no one has doubts.

"But, can we really learn these things?"

And Zhang Xiang gave them a definite answer.

"As long as you want to learn, most of you can do it." Zhang Xiang replied directly.

Of course, he didn't say how long it takes to learn for students with relatively dull aptitude.

After all, the ‘dark steps’ and ‘limb tunes’ he displayed were just basic and advanced assassination techniques.

Displayed in Qi Ya's hands, and imitated from Zhang Xiang's hands, it was like a skill that was learned immediately after learning.

But in fact, you have to consider that Qi Ya is from an assassin family and has to undergo cruel training from the age of three, including a series of training in electrocution, to engrave the assassination skills in his instinct.

And Zhang Xiang also came from the Hokage World, and he was born in Anbu, which is famous for his assassination.

Otherwise, it would not be so easy for the two of them to display these assassination techniques.

And listening to Zhang Xiang's answer, all the students in Class E for three years cheered. See 1 Mao 2 Line 3 Chinese Net

"Okay, let's go to the physical education class with Teacher Wujian first. There are related skills training, and I will slowly follow you to explain in the next free time." Zhang Xiang directly Said the three-year E class student.

However, at this moment, Teacher Wujian suddenly spoke.

"No, you can teach them. Originally, the physical education class was specially set up to learn assassination skills. Since you also teach assassination skills, it is the same for you to attend the class. By the way, can I watch it? "Teacher Wujian suddenly said to Zhang Xiang.

While listening to the other party's words, Zhang Xiang nodded after taking a look at the other party.

"Then, thank you first. As for the question of onlookers, it doesn't matter. Anyway, it's not a big deal." Zhang Xiang said directly to the other party.

As for the reason why the other party was watching, Zhang Xiang also guessed it.

The other party probably wants to learn this trick too, and may even write down these assassination techniques and send them to the Ministry of Defense.

However, just as Zhang Xiang said.

Although these are precious assassination techniques for ordinary people.

But for Zhang Xiang, who is now able to destroy a city with his hands, it is nothing more than something no big deal.

"Okay, since Mr. Wu Jian is willing to give up the time, let's start to explain. The so-called dark step is a movement technique based on the principle of making no sound and being fast. The specific techniques are as follows, first you need to converge yourself The frequency of your breathing and heartbeat must also be controlled within a certain range. However, this is only the most basic thing. The most important thing is the coordination of eyesight and footsteps. Needless to say, the problem of eyesight, you We need to judge whether there is anything that makes a noise on the place where a foot steps out, and the softness of the ground. And the specific footsteps are also skillful, just like this, when we take a step, our body needs ..."

Zhang Xiang began to explain the most basic ‘dark step’.

"Actually, dark steps are not a big deal. Generally, superb killers know this technique, and if your Wujian teacher is serious, he can do it. This is just technique and experience. It’s just accumulation. For you, on flat and muddy ground, as long as you control your breathing rate and heartbeat, and display the special pace I gave you, you can get close to the enemy within five meters. The noise inside is muted."

"And next, what I want to explain to you is purely technical. These skills are difficult or difficult, but if you are talented, it is actually very simple if you want to do it. Here comes it. This technique is what I just created a few afterimages—the limbs are bent!"

And when I heard Zhang Xiang talk about this one, I had heard so many demands from Zhang Xiang, and the three-year E class that seemed a little groggy after explaining so many skills, I suddenly became sober.

You know, they are students in the third grade of junior high school, and they are only one grade behind the second.

Therefore, they are of course very curious and eager to be able to achieve the "Limb Qu" like the legendary clone technique.

And looking at the three-year E class students are all cheered up, Zhang Xiang also feels a little helpless.

In order to gather the attention of the students, Zhang Xiang made a decision.

"Okay, since you are all so excited. Then, I will give a demonstration first to show to the students who have not seen this trick. Let's look forward to it, let's start." Zhang Xiang said But he started to walk around.

And as he walked around, magical things had already happened.

After Zhang Xiang took a step, his afterimage still remained in place, and when he took another step, another afterimage appeared.

When he took the third step, the afterimage started to dissipate gradually.

This is really like the legendary clone technique.

Moreover, as Zhang Xiang's footsteps gradually accelerated, a series of afterimages appeared behind Zhang Xiang.

Moreover, the number of afterimages turned out to be seven.

And this is the result of Zhang Xiang’s deliberate control. Otherwise, if he wants to connect a series of afterimages in a circle and surround all the students in Class E for three years at his speed, it is also a simple matter. .

It's just that the three-year E class students have no energy to observe this.

Because they were already dumbfounded, their eyes could not be separated from Zhang Xiang's figure.

There are even some people rubbing their eyes, suspecting that they are dazzled.

And let alone the students, even Teacher Wu Jian who saw this scene for the second time was shocked.

Because everything in front of me is really incredible.

Ten seconds later, Zhang Xiang's figure stopped.

The afterimage behind him is gradually disappearing.

"Niu, it's really amazing!"

"Yes, it's like magic!"

"No, it's like magic!"

I haven't seen the others in Class E for three years, but they are all guys who have listened to my classmates, all of them are full of excitement.

And Zhang Xiang also started to explain the relevant skills along the way.

"As for this trick, you have already read it. So, I will explain the technique now. This technique is the kind of ease and urgency when stepping out. Of course, it depends on the degree of inclination of a part of the body. Related actions are also related..."

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