Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 2231: , Grim Reaper II!

And just when Zhang Xiang taught the three-year E class students to continue to learn'dark step' and'limb tune'. See 1 Mao 2 Line 3 Chinese Net

Far in a forest dozens of kilometers away.

To be precise, outside of a special building in a forest, a young man in ordinary clothes walked over.

After looking at the name of the institute, he walked directly inside.

Along the way, no matter the defensive facilities set up or the two bodyguards standing guard, they were unaware of the other party's figure, and let the other party drive straight into the tunnel leading to the underground.

He even used a special technique to crack the elevator that can only be opened if the pupil pattern is the same, and took the elevator directly to the lowest level of this research institute.

With a sound of ‘ding’, the elevator door opened.

The young man seemed to be very familiar with the environment inside. He walked directly to the corner and stood outside a room after walking through two passages.

"I'm here." The young man's lips moved slightly and said softly.

And just after he said this sentence if the distance was more than half a meter, he would definitely not hear it, let alone the words between a door and a wall, and there was a sound from the room.

"You are here!" A slightly familiar voice rang.

And almost at the same time, the door of the house opened, revealing the scene in it.

This is a room that is not too big, only about 50 or 60 square meters. From the direction facing the door, there are white walls on both sides.

Obviously, it had just been painted soon.

In the direction facing the door, there is a figure standing, and a cylindrical petri dish, inside which is floating the body of a teenager, several tentacles emerge from the back of his head, floating in the emerald green culture solution Among. Look. Yarn, Chinese website

As for the further back, it is a large computer device embedded in the wall.

"Are you creating monsters again?" Not surprisingly, the young man walked in directly.

And as he walked, he was still drawing conclusions.

"Yeah, because only monsters can deal with monsters, right?" The figure turned around, revealing his face under the light.

It was a man whose whole body was shrouded in the white cloth of the killing teacher, only revealed that the black lens of the headgear showed two eyes.

Moreover, one of his eyes was still shining with the infrared rays of machinery.

However, listening to the other party's words, the young man laughed.

"Only monsters can deal with monsters, right? I agree with this! However, facing that monster, even if I don’t turn myself into the strange appearance of yours, I can do it myself. Kill the opponent. After all, how familiar I am with that monster!"

With the thought of his words, we were finally able to see the figure of this young man clearly.

It was a man who seemed to be only about twenty-five years old, dressed in a flower shop costume and with a bright smile on his face.

If you didn’t hear what he said just now, then with his hearty face and the smile you said makes people feel good, you will definitely be judged by others as a good person.

Moreover, the most likely evaluation is a bad guy!

"Oh, is it? I forgot. The time you captured him. That is the time when he fell from the position of the **** of death and became one of my experimental subjects. The title of Reaper, right? However, he is now completely different from before. Are you sure that one person can handle him?" Mr. Bai, or call him by the name of a scientist who studies antimatter, Kataro Yanasawa. , To be more precise, he used plain words to talk to the other party.

"Well, this one, of course, I have absolute confidence. I can kill him once, and I can kill him a second time. You know, I am the most familiar guy in the world! His everything, no matter what What kind of food do you like to eat, small movements, and some shortcomings that ordinary people can hardly detect. In my mind, I have a record! As long as he is still him, and he is not replaced by another person. Then, I have Absolute confidence, no matter how powerful he becomes, he cannot escape from my palm. Moreover, this time, I want him to die, and let him die in pain in front of me!" His sunny smile said something creepy.

"Then, I wish you success. I will start the second step-up test. If you fail, then I will help you complete your unfinished goals. That monster, I will definitely not Let him stay in this world." Yanagisawa Kataro said in a flat voice.

However, anyone can hear the resentment in his words.

"Haha...Then, let's work hard separately. However, I believe you have no chance to release the monster you are debugging, and the monster body that allows you to use a real killer. In other words, you are really a very Wonderful person. No, it should be described as a monster now.” While talking, the little florist slowly walked out of this research institute again.

And along the road, he was always able to pass by the security guards without being spotted, and escaped the capture of the monitoring equipment, walked out of the research institute, and disappeared into the forest. .

However, listening to the other party's words, Yanagisawa Kotaro's tone changed for the first time.

"Oh, have you been discovered? He is really a very observant person." Yanagisawa Kataro looked at the figure of the little florist who was going away, and said with a slightly surprised tone.

However, then he calmed down.

"It's just that there is no way to become like this. After all, I have already said it before. Only monsters can deal with real monsters!" After Yanagisawa Kataro said this sentence, He turned his body to manipulate the machine behind.

Various complex drugs and hormones were injected into the cylindrical petri dish under his adjustment.

And a look of pain appeared on the face of the young man floating in the turquoise liquid of the petri dish.

Take a closer look, and we can see the true appearance of each other through the transparent pipes inserted into the other's body, especially the back.

Blue and white hair, and the familiar face.

Obviously, the convenience is the 28th classmate of the three-year E class who disappeared-Horibe Camp.

However, it was unexpected.

After the other party disappeared for such a long time, he was actually staying in this research institute, undergoing transformation.

However, facing the painful face that Horibe Camp showed, there was no mercy on Yanagazawa's face.

Some are just as plain and cold as always.

"Grow up as soon as possible. If you can't kill the teacher again next time, create enough opportunities for me. Then, it will be time for you to be abandoned next time." Yanagisawa Kataro said in a cold voice.

Immediately, he turned around and walked outside the door.

And at the moment he turned around, we saw that from the fleeting moment when his sleeve was lifted, a strand of white scale appeared from the gap between his white gloved right hand and his shirt...

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