Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 2232: , Illusion world!

But let's turn our attention back to the three-year E class. See 1 Yarn 3 Chinese Net

Soon after Zhang Xiang started teaching, everyone started to try out the new skills Zhang Xiang taught.

However, something that was beyond Zhang Xiang’s expectation was that in the three-year E class, except for Nagisa Chaotian and Akabane who were able to capture the corresponding skills in a short time, the others were basically unable to capture the corresponding skills. Skill point.

The key points that Nagisa Shioda and Akabane can capture are also different.

Nagisa Chaotian captured the characteristics of the dark step, and his movements were already natural and light enough.

After capturing the corresponding skill points, coupled with his instinct to eliminate his breath naturally, he successfully learned some basic tricks for dark steps.

It can be said that if it is an ordinary person, even if he is close to a place close to half a meter behind him, he will not be aware of it at all.

Under this kind of distance, let alone Shioda who has undergone assassination training, even an ordinary person can kill the enemy as long as he swings a dagger in his hand.

On the other hand, Akabane Industry has grasped a hint of the mystery of'Limbs'.

With his hands in his pockets, he was already able to successfully get out of an afterimage.

Although this afterimage does not need to be taken seriously, you can still tell that it is an afterimage, and there is no real feeling yet.

However, the other party has only studied for an afternoon, and it is already an amazing level to be able to do this.

Of course, this is also related to the opponent's usual training to walk with the corresponding foot.

However, apart from the two of them, no one else can learn these two assassination techniques. Look. Wool. Line. Chinese. Text. Net

Even the foundation of the foundation is sometimes not handled well.

You know, Zhang Xiang has already taught them all of the two tricks.

But they still didn't even learn the basics, which undoubtedly made Zhang Xiang feel a little disappointed.

However, Zhang Xiang knew that this was inevitable.

After all, not everyone has the corresponding qualifications.

If two students can learn some fur, the probability is very high.

However, Zhang Xiang made a decision after thinking about it for a while.

"Well, I look at everyone except Nagisa Shioda and Akabane Industry, it seems that they have not mastered the corresponding skills. Well, I have a way to speed up the learning of these two tricks. However, this may cause problems Some of your mental shocks. What are your thoughts?" Zhang Xiang clapped his hands and attracted the attention of all the three-year E class students.

And listening to Zhang Xiang's words, the three-year class E classmates who had been patient and were about to be wiped out suddenly felt their eyes shine.

"What is the solution?"

"Can we really learn these two tricks quickly?"

In addition to the enthusiastic students, there are also some students who have some doubts.

"Teacher, what kind of mental shock will it cause?" Okuda Aimi, a little timid, asked Zhang Xiang.

"Well, I used illusion to let you all immerse in the world of illusion. Then, I created a corresponding environment, specially created a killer to chase you down, so that you had to display the corresponding skills. , Can get rid of the opponent, or even kill the opponent. Otherwise, you will be killed in the illusion world. Of course, I will reduce the pain to about 5%. And, I Illusions will also be performed so that when you wake up, your subconscious mind will seal this memory. However, this still has a large stab. Death is not acceptable to everyone. In this case , How do you decide?" Zhang Xiang spread his hands and let them choose.

But listening to Zhang Xiang's words, the three-year class E classmates who had been extremely excited, their faces became even more excited.

Because, in their view, isn't it the legendary virtual reality game? !

Of course, no one is worried.

"Teacher, that one, if we want to, can we withdraw halfway?"

"Also, even if it is only 5% of the pain, it should be very painful. Can we lower it. Also, if we are injured, we will see blood splashing? Can this be blocked? ?"

And Zhang Xiang answered their questions truthfully.

"You can quit midway. As long as you shout that I want to retreat, I will pull you out. As for the pain problem, 5% has been reduced to the lowest level by me. If it is lower, there will be no response. Stimulus can stimulate your potential. As for the problem of the scene, it is also a kind of stimulus that cannot be removed. So, choose carefully by yourself!"

After Zhang Xiang finished speaking, he set his sights on the three-year E class students.

Although there are most of the students, they decided to participate on the spot, clamoring to see the power of the illusion world and experience virtual reality.

However, many students are still hesitant.

After all, once you fail, you have to accept the result of death.

Although, it was in a dream.

Therefore, after hesitating for a while, several students chose not to participate.

Others chose to participate.

Of course, Zhang Xiang can see that most of them are in the mood to give it a try, thinking about quitting if something goes wrong.

However, Zhang Xiang believed even more.

If they enter the world of illusion with this kind of mood, many of them will definitely regret it.

Because, in that kind of real illusion environment chased by a killer, very few people can keep calm and know the phrase ‘quit’.

Of course, some of them will be killed before they react.

Because Zhang Xiang set up their opponent in the illusion, but set the opponent to be a killer who is proficient in various assassination techniques, although his physical fitness is similar!

Although, Zhang Xiang set them to try their best to use an environment that can force students to use dark steps and limbs.

However, if some students die, the killers created by these illusions will definitely not give up the opportunity to easily kill them.

"I hope that you can remain vigilant to participate in this illusion world duel. Otherwise, I believe you will regret it." Zhang Xiang warned them one last time and pulled them into the illusion world.

As for the time lapse ratio between the illusion world and the real world, Zhang Xiang set it to a ten to one ratio.

"Okay, let's go in, the world of illusion!" In Zhang Xiang's pupils, a scarlet light flashed, and in an instant it dragged the twenty or so three-year Class E students in front of him into the world of illusion. Up.

And the result is just as Zhang Xiang imagined.

After bringing the three-year Class E students closer to the world of illusion, there was no one minute left before someone was intercepted and killed.

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