Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 2233: , Teacher Peach was kidnapped!

And, nearly two minutes, everyone was already out of the game and opened their eyes in horror. Look. Yarn, Chinese website

There were even people who announced their withdrawal from learning this trick on the spot with a face of horror.

Although, they have forgotten everything that happened in the illusion world.

And every time after the baptism of the illusion world, a considerable number of people will withdraw from the illusion world and stop exercising.

Until the end, there were only three people left.

Among these three people, besides the Chaotianzhu and Akabane, which Zhang Xiang had long anticipated, the third person left behind turned out to be Mao Yefeng.

This ending made him look at each other more meaningfully.

But the other party didn't seem to notice it, and smiled sweetly at Zhang Xiang.

"Well, since you have all learned these basic tricks. Then, I will give you some advanced tricks. This time, the tricks taught to you are purely for offensive tricks. .I hope you can use it with caution in the real world after you learn it!" Zhang Xiang said to them seriously.

However, at this moment, a voice rang from not far away.

"It's not good, it's not good everyone!" An anxious voice rang from the mouth of Yukiko Kanzaki who had just quit the third year E class.

And listening to her words, Mao Yefeng, who had a good relationship with her, immediately spoke.

"What's wrong, Yukiko, has something happened?"

But then, the other party came out with news that surprised everyone.

"Picky and Teacher Peach were kidnapped!" Kanzaki Yukiko said panting.

"Tied, kidnapped?!" Mao Yefeng opened his eyes wide.

Not only Mao Yefeng and others, even Zhang Xiang was surprised.

"How is it possible, isn't Teacher Biggie a professional killer?! How could it be kidnapped!"

"Yeah, I remember she was carrying a weapon with her, how could she be kidnapped! Are you kidding us?!"

Both Nagisa Shioda and Akabane Industry were a little shocked.

And at this moment, Kanzaki Yukiko's breath finally eased.

"It's true, look, this is the fax we just received, look!" Kanzaki Yukiko quickly handed out a piece of paper.

Looking at the serious look of Kanzaki Yukiko, Zhang Xiang and others couldn't help but believe it a little more.

"Get it, let me see." Zhang Xiang said to the other party.

And Kanzaki Yukiko quickly passed the fax in his hand to Zhang Xiang.

"When meeting for the first time, everyone. I’m the **** of death. Your teacher Peach is in my hands (picture below). If you don’t want anything to happen to her, I will send her in 27 equal parts tomorrow. If you go to your home, you'd better arrive at the following place before two o'clock in the afternoon. Otherwise, I said the ending. Oh, yes, you can only come by your students. If there is any more octopus , Or if you’re an adult, then I can’t guarantee that when you see your teacher Peach, you will be complete. The flower shop brother, oh, it’s from the **** of death."

Zhang Xiang read the other party's words sentence by sentence, and faxed it in front of everyone so that everyone could see the faxed photos.

"Ah, that's really Mrs. Peach."

"Will this photo be fake?"

"No, I saw this dress in the morning. This is a limited edition dress from London fashion. There is only one for Teacher Peach!"

"Yes, and when I met her in the morning, I discussed it with her. She bought this dress two days ago, and it was delivered the day before yesterday!"

The sound of anxious discussion was going on on the grass.

Moreover, the news is proceeding very quickly.

It's just a short time. The students of Class E for three years have basically gathered together.

"So, how are you now?"

"Teacher Killing has no classes today, it's not here!"

"Moreover, he also stipulated that only students can go."

Everyone's eyes couldn't help but fall on Zhang Xiang and Teacher Wujian.

And Zhang Xiang also gave them an accurate answer.

"Save, why don't you save it! Since the other party dares to kidnap Teacher Peach, maybe any of you will be the next one. As long as you cut it off, your future safety can be guaranteed." Zhang Xiang Said categorically.

Of course, in fact, Zhang Xiang still has another purpose.

"Moreover, this time I can also show you. I will teach you some of these skills, as well as the skills that will be taught to you, how powerful they are in the display." Zhang Xiang said to the people around. .

"But, didn't he not let the teachers go with us? Moreover, since the other party is so confident, the other party must be monitoring the school building to ensure that the teachers are there." Chaotian said with some confusion.

And Zhang Xiang smiled at them.

"Don't worry, Teacher Dayou will not go, he will stay. It is classmate Xiaoyou who will follow you. Since classmate Xiaoyou is your former classmate, then he is also a student of Teacher Biqi." Zhang Xiang was talking about words that made the third year E class confused. On one side, a shadow clone emerged from a stride.

Moreover, the technique of change was also used to transform the body into Yuu.

Suddenly, the three-year E class students couldn't help but open their eyes wide, some unwillingly looking at the big change in front of them.

"Limbs, flexures?"

"No, the two shadows are different in size. They really exist."

"How is this possible?!"

Even though they saw that the two identities changed by Zhang Xiang were so similar, the tone and behavior of their speech were basically the same, and they showed so many incredible abilities, they were already guessing. Up.

But when the real truth appears before them.

They still said that they couldn't accept it, and they were all dumbfounded.

However, Zhang Xiang did not give the other party a chance to be in a daze, nor did he give the other party a chance to ask this or that.

"Okay, let's go, and the rescue operation of Mr. Peach begins. People behind, hurry up to keep up. Let's change into protective clothing and get the firearms first." Zhang Xiang, who became a classmate of Xiaoyou, walked ahead. Get out.

And even though they were in a daze, everyone quickly followed.

Half an hour later, Zhang Xiang and the others had already arrived at the designated place.

It is a real estate area that has been completed but has not been renovated. The location is also a bit biased. It is necessary to go out in the suburbs.

Fortunately, the back mountain where Class E of the third year is located, after packing up the weapons and armor, it took 20 minutes to arrive by car.

After another five minutes of putting on the equipment and five minutes of walking into the predetermined place, Zhang Xiang and others finally gathered in front of the building designated by the other party.

"How about it, do you hide in?" Chao Tianzhu, who was a little nervous, asked Zhang Xiang.

But Zhang Xiang shook his head towards the other party instead.

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